
  1. 里昂证券(clsa)分析师王艳(nicolewong)表示,由于新楼盘销量下降,中国大多数房地产开发商目前在资金方面都很紧张,就算他们想买地也无力竞购。

    Nicole Wong , an analyst at CLSA , says most Chinese real estate developers are cash-strapped as sales of new properties have dropped and they are unable to bid at land sales even if they wanted to .

  2. 又如,王艳(2006)利用Williams和Burden的社会建构主义模式进行了商务英语教学改革;自进行教学改革以来,教学效果远远好于以前。

    Again , Wang Yan ( 2006 ) also drew on the social constructive model founded by Williams and Burden to reform her teaching of Commercial English . Wang has achieved far better results since the reform of teaching models under the direction of the social constructivist approach .

  3. 里昂证券(CLSA)分析师王艳(NicoleWong)说,碧桂园等大型开发商的销售增长将是可持续的,碧桂园已经进入烟台和南京等城市,正在从竞争对手手中抢夺市场份额。

    Sales growth is going to be sustainable for some of the larger developers , such as Country Garden , which have ventured into cities such as Yantai and Nanjing and are gaining market share from competitors , said Nicole Wong , an analyst at CLSA .

  4. 王艳:用“白菜汤”来形容我们的生活&真实、平淡、贴心。

    Wang Yan : Use the " cabbage soup " to describe our life-real , plain , intimate .

  5. 没有第二个选择,王艳表示,(土地)供应无法马上增加,非本地购房者的规模非常庞大,因此他们成为了明显的调控目标。

    There is no option two , says Ms Wong . Supply [ of land ] cannot be raised immediately and non-local buyers had become so substantial that they were an obvious target .

  6. 南京农大王艳通过实证研究认为:在听力词汇的习得过程中,听入不仅要比读入的输入方式有效,还更有利于听力理解。

    Wang Yan , the researcher in Nanjing University of Agriculture draws such a conclusion after an experiment : In the process of listening vocabulary acquisition , input by listening is more efficient than by reading , and is more accessible to the listening comprehension .