
  • 网络tongji canal
  1. 通济渠由水运到陆运交通功能的转型分析

    The analysis on Transformation of traffic function of Tongji canal

  2. 商丘曾是隋唐大运河上的一个重要城镇,发挥过重要的历史作用,大运河商丘段是通济渠最重要的组成部分。

    As the most important part of the Tongji drainage , Shangqiu was once an important town of Grand Canal in the Sui and Tang .

  3. 提出宇文恺规划和营建东都洛阳城时,是在西苑引谷水和洛河入积翠池,经皇城前黄道渠入通济渠的。

    When Yuwen Kai designed and constructed Luoyang city , the Gu and Luo Rivers were introduced from Jicui pool at Xiyuan through Huangdao trench in front of the imperial city to Tongji trench .

  4. 隋唐大运河郑州段是通济渠的重要组成部分,有巨大的漕运功能,在维护国家统一、促进区域经济发展、文化交流等方面均发挥了重要作用。

    Tang the Grande Canale Zhengzhou Tongji ditch is an important part of the Great Canal , function , in the maintenance of national unity , promote regional economic development , cultural exchanges have played an important role .