
  • 网络corresponding author;Correspondence author;co-corresponding author
  1. Goudriaan说,她是阿姆斯特丹大学的博士后研究员,也是该项研究的通讯作者。

    Goudriaan , a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Amsterdam and corresponding author for the study .

  2. 这项研究的通讯作者、北卡罗来纳大学围产期精神病研究项目的负责人萨曼莎·梅尔策-布罗迪博士(SamanthaMeltzer-Brody)说,每组可以分成三个小组,分别代表患有重度、中度以及轻度或无临床症状的抑郁症的孕产妇。

    Each group could be separated into three subgroups representing women with severe , moderate , and either mild or clinically insignificant depression , said Dr. Samantha Meltzer-Brody , the director of University of North Carolina 's perinatal psychiatry program and the study 's corresponding author .

  3. 从论文数量、国内排名、来源期刊、影响因子、学院分布、作者结构等方面系统分析了ISTIC2006年发布的以河南师范大学为通讯作者单位被SCI收录论文的分布状况。

    The distribution status of scientific publications of Henan Normal University collected by ISTIC 2006 were analyzed in details from several aspects , such as the quantity , the domestic rank , the origin periodical , the impact factor , the institute distribution , author configuration and so on .

  4. 同时,肌肉的力量也会变差。该研究的通讯作者、萨格勒布大学运动学教授葛兰·马尔科维奇(GoranMarkovic)将肌肉力量解释为肌肉收缩时产生力量的能力。

    They also are less powerful , with power being a measure of the muscle 's ability to produce force during contractions , according to Goran Markovic , a professor of kinesiology at the University of Zagreb and the study 's senior author .

  5. 通讯作者代表所有作者签署版权证书。

    The corresponding author signs a copyright licence on behalf of all the authors .

  6. 你的通讯作者邮箱不一致!请用你论文首页所列的通讯作者邮箱!

    Kindly include the corresponding authors email address in the Title page and submit the same .

  7. 但是,这使得它难以修补的问题,解释威廉威尔莫特,通讯作者的关系。

    But that makes it harder to patch up problems , explains William Wilmot , author of Relational Communication .

  8. 其中第二句的意思是不是要求有个页眉,写上短标题?通讯作者的详细地址写的位置有没有具体要求?

    A short title for use as running head as well as the full address of the author to whom correspondence should be sent are also required .

  9. 提出基于FixVisualc++Matlab的教学实验系统构架,研究、实现Fix与Matlab的双向数据通讯是作者为该教学实验系统开放性设计所做的创造性工作。

    It is a creationary work to bring forward a framework of experimental teaching system based on Fix-Visual C + + - Matlab .

  10. 介绍了三炼钢厂连铸机拉矫液压装置电气控制系统硬件组成,顺序控制软件程序和数据通讯以及作者调试体会。

    The hardware of electrical control for hydraulic equipment of CCM withdraw system and the order ─ - control programe , data communication was intro - duced .

  11. 对于模拟器中的关键技术&语音通讯技术,作者单独作为一章进行了详细的阐述。

    For the key technique in the simulator - voice communication technique , which is alone regarded as one chapter and expatiated detailedly .

  12. 爱宝宝即时通讯系统是作者在怀孕期间,不断往返于医院与家之间。

    Loving the Babies Instant Messenger System is created by the author in the pregnant period , traveling unceasingly between the hospital and the family .

  13. 每周新闻华盛顿的资深通讯员兼专栏作者HowardFineman说奥巴马已经非常接近胜利。

    Newsweek 's senior Washington correspondent and columnist , Howard Fineman , says Obama is on the brink of victory .