
  • 网络Lead author;The first author;co-first author
  1. Saleh说,他是MCG的研究生和此项研究的第一作者。

    Saleh , MCG graduate student and the study 's first author .

  2. 基于第一作者提出的弹性波动方程,研究了匀质弹性饱和地基的Lamb问题。

    Based on the basic equations of elastic waves in saturated soils established by the first author , Lamb 's problem for saturated strata was studied .

  3. “我们原本认为我们会看到基于护理机构类型而产生的差异。”该研究的第一作者朱莉·罗比森这样说道,她也是康涅狄格大学的一位医学副教授。

    " We thought we would see differences based on the housing types , " said the lead author of the study , Julie Robison , an associate professor of medicine at the university .

  4. 来自皇家园艺学会的劳莉雅娜·苏因·查明-普伊(LaurianeSuyinChalmin-Pui)是这项研究的第一作者。

    Lauriane Suyin Chalmin-Pui from the Royal Horticultural Society is the lead author of the study .

  5. 这项研究的第一作者,非营利性医师委员会临床研究主任,HanaKahleova博士表示,这一过程确保摄入的能量与消耗直接相关,脂肪不会被储存或增加。

    Lead author Dr Hana Kahleova , director of clinical research at the nonprofit Physicians Committee , says this process ensures our energy intake4 correlates with energy output , instead of energy reserves — or enlarged fat cells .

  6. 第一作者的身份应该表示为Author与Book之间的关系中的一个字段。

    Primary authorship should be represented as a field in the relationship between Author and Book .

  7. JohnHunt是第一作者,他领导了本文的开发工作。

    John Hunt , the primary author , led the work effort developing the paper .

  8. 他是其中一份报告的第一作者,这两份报告都在《新英格兰医学杂志》(NewEnglandJournalofMedicine)发表。

    He is lead author of one of the reports , both of which are being published in the New England Journal of Medicine .

  9. 该研究的第一作者PeterCox是英国埃克塞斯大学教授、英国气象局气候系统动力学主任。

    Lead author Peter Cox holds the Met Office chair in Climate System Dynamics at the University of Exeter , UK .

  10. 第一作者大卫•克雷格(DavidCraig)表示:这有可能是刑侦领域的革命性进步。

    This is a potentially revolutionary advance in the field of forensics , ' ' said David Craig , the lead author .

  11. 这篇研究文章的第一作者亚当·切克劳德是一名首席科学家,也是纽约精神健康创业公司SpringHealth的联合创始人,还是耶鲁大学精神病学的助理教授。

    Adam Chekroud , the senior author on the study , is a chief scientist and co-founder of Spring Health , a New York City-based mental-health startup , and an assistant professor of psychiatry at Yale University .

  12. 哈佛-麻省理工学院健康科学技术专业的毕业生PengYu是这篇文章的第一作者。

    Peng Yu , a graduate student in the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology ( HST ), is first author on the paper .

  13. 密歇根州大学实验室开发的这一新的小鼠模型是基于人卵巢肿瘤细胞分子缺陷的特点,本研究第一作者KathleenR。

    The new mouse model developed in the U-M lab is based on molecular defects shown to be present in human ovarian tumor cells , says senior author Kathleen R.

  14. 研究论文的第一作者、亚特兰大儿童医院(Children'sHealthcareofAtlanta)的儿科医生拉扎勒斯(SarahG.Lazarus)称,家长通常会根据针对年长一些的儿童的推荐剂量来进行推断。

    They often extrapolated from doses recommended for older children , said Sarah G. Lazarus , a pediatrician at Children 's Healthcare of Atlanta who was the lead author .

  15. 上述新研究论文的第一作者、杜兰大学公共卫生及热带疾病学院(TulaneUniversitySchoolofPublicHealthandTropicalMedicine)的莉迪娅·A·巴扎诺博士(LydiaA.Bazzano)表示,许多营养学专家和卫生部门都“大力反对”低碳水化合物的饮食方式。

    Many nutritionists and health authorities have " actively advised against " low-carbohydrate diets , said the lead author of the new study , Dr. Lydia A. Bazzano of the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine .

  16. 尽管相关结果鼓舞人心,但论文的第一作者、哈佛大学公共卫生学院(HarvardSchoolofPublicHealth)的丁明告诫,“我们的研究是观察性质的,所以很难确定这种积极效果是否属于因果关系。”

    While the findings are encouraging , the lead author , Dr. Ming Ding , of the Harvard School of Public Health , cautioned , " Our study is observational , so it 's hard to know if the positive effect is causal or not . "

  17. 报告第一作者JenniferZeng说,对中国有钱人来说,希望移民和投资海外是一种防守措施。

    Jennifer Zeng , the lead author of the report , said the desire for overseas immigration and investment is a defensive measure for China 's rich . '

  18. 第一作者之一、牛津大学的迈尔斯艾伦(MylesAllen)表示:这改变了我们对于气候变化的思考方式。

    This changes the way we think about climate change , said Myles Allen of Oxford University , one of the lead authors .

  19. “滑移产生的海啸的波浪大小和形状可能有很大的差异,”该研究的第一作者、美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的MatthewHornbach说。

    Matthew Hornbach of the University of Texas Austin , United States , the study 's lead author .

  20. 该论文的第一作者,KaiserPermanente健康研究中心(KaiserPermanenteCenterforHealthResearch)的查尔斯·埃尔德(CharlesElder)说:之前自费进行替代治疗的部分患者现在或可使用医保来报销这些费用。

    Some patients who paid for the care privately may have been eligible for insurance coverage , said Dr. Charles Elder of the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research , the paper 's first author .

  21. 美国莱特州立大学第一作者GaryBurns说,应聘者也应该避免通过使用不寻常的字体和格式来让自己的简历鹤立鸡群。

    Lead author Gary Burns of Wright State University in the US said that job candidates should also avoid the temptation to make their CV stand out by using ' unusual fonts or formats ' .

  22. 为了了解SCC患者是否携带此种病毒,Toland同第一作者、研究生研究助理AmyDworkin,及俄亥俄州病理学家O。

    To learn if people with SCC harbored the virus , Toland , working closely with first author and graduate research associate Amy Dworkin and Ohio State pathologists O.

  23. 撰写此文的科学家第一作者是位于美国的人类十二指肠虫疫苗项目的PeterHotez。他指出,已经有许多种对付被忽略疾病的廉价而有效的方法问世。

    The authors , led by Peter Hotez of the US-based Human Hookworm Vaccine Initiative , say that cheap and effective ways of treating many neglected diseases already exist .

  24. 而到目前为止,在南亚地区还没有发现禽流感病毒的报告。《自然》杂志的第一作者、中国联合流感研究中心的关教授认为,野鸟也有可能把H5N1禽流感病毒传染给欧洲。

    The authors of the Nature paper , led by Y.Guan of the Chinese Joint Influenza Research Center , say there is a danger that the birds could also spread H5N1 along migratory routes to Europe .

  25. 澳大利亚昆士兰医学研究院(QueenslandInstituteofMedicalResearch)高级科学家、癌症和人口学研究负责人、该研究论文第一作者阿黛尔•格林(Ad口leGreen)称,皮肤表面的受损情况能够反映出皮下组织的损伤。

    The damage seen on the surface of the skin reflects the tissue damage underneath the skin , said Ad è le Green , senior scientist and head of cancer and population studies at Queensland Institute of Medical Research in Australia and lead author of the study .

  26. 该报告的第一作者本杰明·H·施特劳斯(BenjaminH.Strauss)表示,在全球范围内,情况很可能也是一样的,很多海岸社区近几十年经历了潮汐洪水的增多。

    The lead author of that report , Benjamin H. Strauss , said the same was likely to be true on a global scale , in any coastal community that has seen an increase of saltwater flooding in recent decades .

  27. U-M生物医学工程部门的该项研究的第一作者,从事博士后研究的Yen-ChihHuang博士负责该模型系统的创建。

    First author and postdoctoral fellow Yen-Chih Huang , Ph.D. , of the U-M Division of Biomedical Engineering , led the creation of the modeling system .

  28. 研究报告的第一作者迈克尔·J·蒙塔古(MichaelJ.Montague)告诉我,他曾经预计两者的基因组会非常相似,但我们在研究中发现了一组涉及神经元发育的特定基因。

    Michael J. Montague , the lead author , told me he 'd anticipated that the two genomes would be very similar , but our study found a specific set of differences in genes involved in neuron development .

  29. “这种‘鸡蛋全都放在同一个篮子里’的资助方法有点让人感到恐慌。”乔治国际卫生研究中心的卫生政策负责人、该报告的第一作者MaryMoran在报告发布会上说。

    " This'eggs in one basket'approach to funding is a little bit scary ," said Mary Moran , director of health policy at the George Institute and the lead author of the report , at a launch meeting .

  30. “该地区未来可能发生火山爆发,”论文的第一作者、美国地质调查局Cascades火山观测站的火山学家JohnPallister告诉《自然》杂志。

    " The region may be primed for future eruptions ," the lead author , John Pallister , a volcanologist at the US Geological Survey Cascades Volcano Observatory , in Vancouver , Washington , told Nature .