
  • 网络first-generation computer;ENIAC
  1. 它曾经为第一代计算机芯片提供生产设备。

    It supplied equipment used to perfect the first computer chips .

  2. 而我们通常把这种使用真空管的计算机称为第一代计算机。

    We usually use vacuum tubes such as the first generation of computer computer .

  3. 第一代计算机占据了整个房间。

    The first computers filled entire rooms .

  4. 当第一代的苹果个人计算机销售量节节升高时,仿冒品马上在市面上出现。

    When sales of apple 's first personal computers started to go up , copycat products came on the market very quickly .

  5. 他发明了第一台机械计算机以及第一代计算机的原型。

    invented the first mechanical calculator and the first prototype of a modern computer .