
  • 网络honeywell;honeywel;HON;honewell;HONYWELL
  1. 行业供应商霍尼韦尔(HoneywellInternationalInc.)去年也签署了几份草签协议。

    Industry supplier Honeywell International Inc. signed several initial agreements last year .

  2. 西门子和霍尼韦尔DCS的比较

    The Comparison between Siemens DCS and Honeywell DCS

  3. 文章介绍了一种新型的霍尼韦尔磁阻传感器HMC1022,它具有高灵敏度、高分辨率、抗干扰能力强的特点。

    This paper recommends a kind of new-style HMC1022 magnetic sensor , with the characteristics of high distinguishability , high sensibility , antiinterference .

  4. 因此,Nest公司显然是霍尼韦尔的心腹大患。

    For Honeywell , certainly the nest is one obstacle getting in the way .

  5. 这份最新的协议使得霍尼韦尔成为MOL自动化解决方案的重要供应商。

    The latest agreement positions Honeywell as a key automation solution supplier for MOL.

  6. 在有关霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)或谷歌Nest(GoogleNest)的论战中,我们不会有所偏袒。

    We 're not going to take sides on the Honeywell vs. Google Nest debate .

  7. 霍尼韦尔TPS系统历史模件故障分析与解决

    Fault analysis and treatment for history module in Honeywell TPS System

  8. 温度控制:Nest恒温器(249美元)/霍尼韦尔无线智能恒温器(249美元)

    Temperature Control : Nest Thermostat ( $ 249 ) / Honeywell Wifi Smart Thermostat ( $ 249 )

  9. 霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)厂景控制系统第二种方案是采用回路阻抗法。

    Honeywell 's Plantscape Solution The second is circuit solution .

  10. 霍尼韦尔正与中石油、中国国航以及波音公司(Boeing)合作,在中国建立航空生物燃料基础设施。

    Honeywell is working with PetroChina , Air China and Boeing to create an aviation biofuels infrastructure in China .

  11. Nest的拥趸沉醉于其便捷的安装过程和简约的设计,霍尼韦尔的粉丝则喜欢该公司产品更为细致的控制功能。

    Nest fanatics rave about the ease of installation and minimalistic design , while Honeywell fans like the more nuanced control of Honeywell 's Smart Thermostat .

  12. 第三方Modbus设备与霍尼韦尔EBI的集成

    Integration of Modbus Devices and Honeywell EBI

  13. 其他生产商(如大型对手霍尼韦尔(Honeywell))可以为他们生产的设备添加WiFi功能,并写一个相应的应用程序。

    Other producers ( Honeywell looms large ) can add WiFi capacity to their kit and write an app .

  14. 作为交易的一部分,霍尼韦尔接纳PAS高级过程控制和优化部的员工,而且继续为该部门的客户提供服务。

    As part of the deal , Honeywell acquires PAS'Advanced Process Control and Optimization employees and will continue to serve the division 's customers .

  15. 霍尼韦尔宣布其互联网连接模块兼容VISTA报警控制面板系列。

    Honeywell of Syosset , New York , has announced that its Internet Connection Module is now compatible with the VISTA alarm panel series .

  16. 本周早些时候,技术巨头霍尼韦尔公司(Honeywell)对硅谷新创企业NestLabs提起诉讼,称后者广受欢迎的NestLearning智能恒温器设计侵犯了自己的专利。

    Earlier this week , the technology giant Honeywell filed a lawsuit against Silicon Valley startup nest labs for allegedly infringing on Honeywell patents in designing its acclaimed nest learning thermostat .

  17. 2001年,欧盟否决了通用电气(GE)和霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)的并购案,就是担心两家企业并购后有可能采取捆绑式折扣排挤竞争厂商。

    In2001 the EU blocked a proposed tie-up between GE and Honeywell for fear that the merged firm might use bundled discounts to squeeze rival suppliers .

  18. 但企业集团霍尼韦尔(honeywell)的首席执行官高德威(davidcote)的一番话,却很好地总结出美国商界其它领域多数人的态度。

    But the attitude of most of the rest of us business is well summarised by David cote , chief executive of the conglomerate Honeywell .

  19. 高德威2002年加入霍尼韦尔,之前在通用电气(GE)工作了25年。他对大型企业在经济低迷期间的表现进行了辩护,称多样化经营已取得了回报。

    Mr Cote , who worked at General Electric for 25 years before joining Honeywell in 2002 , defended the performance of conglomerates in the downturn , saying that diversification had paid off .

  20. 第一章绪论部分分析了安防的国内国际的环境以及霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)安防以及霍尼韦尔国际的简介。

    The first chapter the introduction section analyzes the security of the domestic and international environment and honeywell security and honeywell international profile .

  21. 本文着重介绍了美国霍尼韦尔的BAS系统及在民用建筑设计中的应用。

    The introduction of the BAS system developed by Honeywell Inc. , USA , and its applications in the civil building design was given in this paper .

  22. 生产飞机零部件和控制系统的霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)上周五就表示,该公司2011年在华销售额增长了18%。

    Honeywell , which makes aircraft parts and controls , said on Friday that its sales in China were up 18 per cent in 2011 .

  23. 霍尼韦尔的这一表现在工业集团中排行第二,仅次于回报率达229%的丹纳赫公司(Danaher),领先于回报210%的联合技术公司(UnitedTechnologies)。

    That puts Honeywell in second place among industrial conglomerates & just behind Danaher ( DHR ) , which returned 229 % , and ahead of United Technologies ( UTX ) , which has returned 210 % .

  24. 霍尼韦尔是否拥有自己的E430,可以在黄金时段大加宣传呢?

    Does Honeywell have its own E430 read for prime time ?

  25. 朗讯案确实让我们深刻意识到了这个问题,一位要求不透露姓名的霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)高管表示。

    The Lucent case has certainly made us very conscious of this problem , ' ' says an executive from Honeywell , who asks not to be named .

  26. 富腾所有的生产子系统,无论是否为霍尼韦尔公司的产品,都将与霍尼韦尔的Experion人机界面(HMI)集成。

    All of Fortum 's production sub-systems – both Honeywell and non-Honeywell – will be integrated into the Experion Human Machine Interface ( HMI ) .

  27. 在拥有12.2万名全球雇员的美国工业集团霍尼韦尔(Honeywell),首席执行官高德威(DavidCote)每年会对200名高管至少进行三次绩效评估。

    David Cote , chief executive of Honeywell , the US industrial group , with 122,000 global employees , reviews the performance of his top 200 people at least three times a year .

  28. 霍尼韦尔TPS-3000系统介绍及其应用

    Introduction and Applications of Honeywell TPS-3000 System

  29. 美国最大工业集团之一霍尼韦尔(honeywell)的首席执行官高德威(davecote)表示,尽管爆发了金融危机,但企业收购价格仍然过高,许多行业的估价未能反映出新的现实。

    Corporate acquisitions are still too pricey despite the financial crisis as valuations in many industries fail to reflect the new reality , the head of one of the largest US industrial groups .

  30. 霍尼韦尔为KRONOS提供了20年的技术及顾问工作。霍尼韦尔公司的解决方案目前使用于KRONOS在加拿大、比利时和德国的工厂。

    Honeywell has provided KRONOS with technology and consultancy for20 years . Honeywell 's solutions are currently used in KRONOS facilities in Canada , Belgium and Germany .