
  • 网络HORMUZ;hormoz
  1. 波斯湾,霍尔木兹海峡(StraitofHormuz)和阿曼海(SeaofOman)的其余海岸线上分布着小的、不连续的平原。

    Smaller , discontinuous plains are found along the remaining coast of the Persian Gulf , the Strait of Hormuz and the Sea of Oman .

  2. 一旦伊朗封锁霍尔木兹海峡(straitofhormuz),美国海军就会迅速采取针对行动,欧洲则会提供一些象征性的支持。

    Any Iranian blockade of the Strait of Hormuz would be swiftly challenged by the US Navy , with some token European support .

  3. 在今后很多年里,每天通过霍尔木兹海峡(Hormuz)的1700万桶石油仍将发挥重要作用。

    The 17m barrels of oil passing daily through the straits of Hormuz will matter for many years yet .

  4. 欧洲和美国启动了新的制裁措施,可能对伊朗经济造成严重伤害,这刺激伊朗发出了切断霍尔木兹海峡(straitofhormuz)航运的威胁。

    New European and US sanctions threaten to inflict serious damage on the Iranian economy and have prompted threats from Tehran to block shipping in the Strait of Hormuz .

  5. 霍尔木兹海峡的地缘政治重要性,曾促使美国前国务卿塞勒斯万斯(cyrusvance)称其为“西方的颈静脉”。

    The geopolitical importance of the Strait is such that former US Secretary of state Cyrus Vance called it " the jugular vein of the west " .

  6. 然而在新年之际,由于欧盟(EU)准备对伊朗实施石油禁令,伊朗方面则威胁关闭海湾石油出口的主要通道霍尔木兹海峡,油价平均每桶上涨了4至5美元。

    But it jumped $ 4 - $ 5 a barrel at the new year as the European Union prepared to impose a ban on Iranian oil imports and Tehran threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz , a main route for oil exports from the Gulf .

  7. 最近几周,坊间一直盛传,一旦欧盟(EU)实行石油禁运,伊朗就会试图封锁霍尔木兹海峡。全球32%的石油出口和28%的液化天然气出口都要经过霍尔木兹海峡。

    In recent weeks there has been intense speculation that in the event of a European Union oil embargo , Iran would try to close the Strait of Hormuz , through which flow 32 per cent of global oil exports and 28 per cent of global liquefied natural gas exports .

  8. 眼下世界其他国家都逐渐意识到,依靠俄罗斯的天然气可能导致非常不利的结果,差不多像依靠通过伊朗控制的霍尔木兹海峡(StraitsofHormuz)运输石油一样糟糕――而中国目前正是如此。

    The rest of the world is learning that relying on Russia for natural gas can be a very bad idea & almost as bad as depending on oil shipped through the Iran-dominated Straits of Hormuz , as China does now .

  9. 美国国内能源开发的繁荣引发了激烈辩论,其主题是:20年后霍尔木兹海峡(StraitofHormuz)等世界关键航道是否仍将由美国来确保畅通?对于中东原油进口依赖度正在迅速上升的中国,是否将接替美国的这一角色?

    That domestic production boom has triggered intense debate over whether the US would still guard the world 's critical sea lanes , such as the Strait of Hormuz in two decades " time - or whether China , whose dependence on Middle Eastern crude imports is rapidly rising - would replace it .

  10. 霍尔木兹海峡是至关重要的国际水域。

    The Strait of Hormuz is vital international waters . ' '

  11. 伊朗之前曾威胁要封锁霍尔木兹海峡。

    Iran had previously threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz .

  12. 我的一些有名的代表有直布罗陀、霍尔木兹和白令。

    Some of my more famous examples are Gibraltar , Hormuz and Bering .

  13. 他们在霍尔木兹遇到了来自印度的商人。

    At Ormuz they met merchants from India .

  14. 但我们很难相信伊朗有胆量封锁霍尔木兹海峡。

    But it is hard to believe that Tehran would dare to blockade the strait .

  15. 直接连接它们的是正上方的霍尔木兹及右边的伊朗。

    What connects them is the strait of Hormulz , and right above that , Iran .

  16. 伊朗面靠霍尔木兹海峡,霍尔木兹海峡承载了大约5分之2的全球石油贸易运输。

    Iran borders the Strait of Hormuz , conduit for roughly two-fifths of all globally traded oil .

  17. 通向鲁尔和通向东京的道路现在要通过霍尔木兹海峡。

    The road to the Ruhr , and to Tokyo , lies through the Strait of Hormuz .

  18. 随着油价升至前所未有的高水平,美国海军会迅速恢复霍尔木兹海峡的通航。

    While oil prices might reach unprecedented new levels , the US Navy would quickly restore access .

  19. 德黑兰本周稍早时威胁说要关闭霍尔木兹海峡。

    The fresh diplomatic overture follows Iranian threats to close the Strait of Hormuz earlier this week .

  20. 萨德贾德普尔表示伊朗没有封锁霍尔木兹海峡的舰艇。

    Sadjadpour says Iran doesn ` t have the naval ships needed to blockade the Strait of Hormuz .

  21. 去年12月份,伊朗威胁称,如果遭到石油禁运制裁,伊朗将封闭霍尔木兹海峡。

    In December , Iran threatened to shut the Strait of Hormuz if sanctions were imposed on its oil exports .

  22. 认为伊朗应该不会封锁霍尔木兹海峡的第一个原因很简单,因为这个举动会失败。

    The first reason to believe Iran might stop short of closing the Strait is simply because such a move would fail .

  23. 接着他们途经美索不达米亚,来到波斯湾旁的霍尔木兹,他们似乎打算从海上走。

    Thence they came by way of Mesopotamia to Ormuz on the Persian Gulf , as if they contemplated a sea voyage .

  24. 他还将表示:扰乱途经霍尔木兹海峡的石油运输的举动,将威胁地区及全球经济增长。

    He will add : Disruption to the flow of oil through the Strait of Hormuz would threaten regional and global economic growth .

  25. 如果关于伊朗核问题的争议升级,封锁霍尔木兹海峡将是伊朗的一种军事选择。

    Blocking the straits of Hormuz would be one military option for Iran if the dispute over its nuclear programme were to escalate .

  26. 构建避开霍尔木兹海峡的国际通道&中国与海湾油气安全连接战略

    Building International Transport Lines By passing the Hormuz Strait : Strategy for Safe Oil and Gas Connections between China and the Gulf Region

  27. 如果霍尔木兹海峡受到威胁,由此产生的油价飚升将为全球经济复苏画上一个休止符。

    And if the Strait of Hormuz is threatened , the resulting surge in oil prices will spell the end of the global recovery .

  28. 双方还决定加强合作,改善海湾地区、霍尔木兹海峡和阿曼海航道的安全。

    They also decided to enhance cooperation to improve security of waterways in the Gulf , Strait of Hormuz and the Sea of Oman .

  29. 郑和航海到了霍尔木兹海峡和麦加,把东方文化带到西方世界的东边。

    By traveling to Hormuz in the Persian Gulf and to mecca , Zheng He brought Eastern culture to the edge of the western world .

  30. 鉴于近期伊朗在霍尔木兹海峡问题上的强硬言辞,油价的强势并非完全出乎意料。

    Given the recent rhetoric from Iran related to the Strait of Hormuz , the strength in the price of oil is not totally surprising .