
  • 网络max horkheimer
  1. 霍克海默工具理性批判解析

    An Analysis of Horkheimer 's Critical Theory on Instrumental Reason

  2. 从这个角度看,霍克海默对于人类的未来并不悲观。

    From this perspective , Horkheimer is not pessimistic for the future of human .

  3. 意识形态:从特殊到总体再到知识社会学&兼论霍克海默对曼海姆意识形态概念的批判

    Ideology : from Special Conception to General Conception to Sociology of Knowledge

  4. 霍克海默是德国著名的哲学家。

    Horkheimer is a famous German philosopher .

  5. 霍克海默对工具理性的批判,揭开了资本主义批判史上的新篇章。

    Horkheimer 's critical theory on instrumental reason opens a new chapter in the history of capitalistic criticism .

  6. 客观理性即霍克海默所说的批判理性,而主观理性是指以工具的、主观的意识来理解的理性,它突出手段并强调手段与目的有可能调和,因此它又可称为工具理性。

    Horkheimer said that the objective reason was the critical reason and subjective reason was the instrumental reason .

  7. 第二部分回顾了国内外学者主要是国内的马克思主义学者对霍克海默社会批判理论的评析。

    The second part looks back on comments on his social critique theory by Marxist scholars aboard and home .

  8. 此外,这一部分对由阿多诺和霍克海默所提出的法兰克福学派文化工业批评理论的主要内容进行了阐述,与此同时,异化理论也在这一部分作了简要介绍。

    Then the main contents of the critical theory of culture industry of Frankfurt school and alienation theory are briefly clarified .

  9. 文章第一部分系统阐述了霍克海默批判的马克思主义的基本理论的提出、规范、发展及其思想特色。

    The first section expounds systematically the putting forward , regulation , development and features of Horkheimer 's critical Marxist basic theory .

  10. 霍克海默将他们的批判精神结合起来,形成了自己以发达工业社会为背景的独特的批判理论。

    Horkheimer synthesizes their critique spirit to establish his own unique critical theory which takes the developed industry society as the background .

  11. 人们对霍克海默的批判理论的理解之所以存在着差异,一个重要的原因在于缺乏一条理解其批判理论发展的内在线索。

    The main reason why there are different comprehensions of Horkheimer is the lack of a internal thread of the development of critical theory .

  12. 如同韦伯,霍克海默和阿多诺也是用理性化解释启蒙与现代性,并借此对西方现代社会进行批判。

    As Weber , Horkheimer and Adorno also used rationality to explain the enlightenment and modernity , and then critiqued the western modern society .

  13. 全面而客观地认识霍克海默的社会批判理论,对于理解批判理论的源头所在,具有重要意义。

    In order to catch the start of the social critique theory , it is of great significance to understand his social critique theory all-round and objectively .

  14. 在霍克海默的视野里,工具理性作为技术合理性,一方面推动了科技进步和工业文明的发展;

    In Horkheimer 's vision , the instrumental reason as the technical rationality , on the one hand , it promotes the progress of science and technology and industrial civilization development ;

  15. 霍克海默使支配自然的观念成为分析资本主义统治方式的形式变化的理论上的钥匙,它有助于理解不断生成着的资本主义的社会关系。

    Horkheimer makes the idea of " domination of nature " a theoretical key to analyzing the change of forms of domination in capitalism , helping to understand capitalist relations of production which are constantly generative .

  16. 然而,在霍克海默和阿多诺那里,理性化被狭隘理解为工具理性对现代社会的统治,这注定了早期法兰克福学派对现代性的未来必然坚持一种悲观绝望态度。

    However , Horkheimer and Adorno regarded rationality narrowly as the rule of instrumental rationality in the modern society . As a result , the early Frankfurt school also explained modernity future with a pessimistic attitude .

  17. 论文借助科学哲学逻辑分析方法系统比较了文化产业理论的起源,即法兰克福学派马克思·霍克海默、西奥多·阿多诺的文化工业批判理论和沃特·本雅明对大众文化的研究。

    This paper adopts a logical analytical method of the philosophy of science to compare the critical theory of culture industry of Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno and the research of the massive culture of Walt Benjamin .

  18. 霍克海默抓住实证主义的形而上学本质所进行的批判是切中要害并富有成效的,他力图通过具有革命意义的人类活动来彻底实现对实证主义以及作为实证主义之本质的传统形而上学的超越。

    Horkheimer 's criticism of the metaphysical nature of positivism is to the point and effective . He tried to transcend positivism and the traditional metaphysics as the nature of positivism through the revolutionary " human activity " .

  19. 该文从意识形态批判、工具理性批判以及大众文化批判三个方面,分析了隐藏在批判理论里面的霍克海默的教育哲学观。

    This article tries to analyze Horkheimer 's Educational Philosophy , which was hidden in his critical theory , by means of the critique of ideology , the critique of instrumental reason and the critique of mass culture .

  20. 基于此,霍克海默于1937年提出了批判理论,旨在批判现实,对现存秩序和维护现存秩序的努力不断提出新的挑战。

    So Horkheimer proposed the theory of social criticism in 1937 , the critical theory criticizes the reality , and bring forward continually new challenges to the existing order and the effort of maintenance of the existing order .

  21. 霍克海默以人与自然关系为主线,以神话与启蒙关系为核心,通过对启蒙精神历史透视和现实剖析,对启蒙精神进行了反思和批判。

    Horkheimer takes the relation of human and nature as the main line , takes the relations of myth and enlightenment as the core , through the spirit of enlightenment historical perspective and analysis , he has a reflection and criticism on the spirit of enlightenment .