
  • Huo Yuanjia;Fearless
  1. 相联哑变元和实变元他的声音已经由于不计其数的有关霍元甲的采访而沙哑了。

    His voice was already hoarse from countless interviews about FEARLESS .

  2. 《霍元甲》是一个时代的特有的功夫电影,它大致上是根据历史人物霍元甲而创作的。

    FEARLESS is a period kung fu film , loosely based on the seminal historical figure Huo Yuan Jia .

  3. 你曾说与霍元甲感同身受。为什么呢?

    You 've said that you identify with Huo yuan jia . why ?

  4. 胜利给他带来沉重的代价&秦爷的干儿子徒弟为了替师傅报仇杀了霍元甲的家人。

    His victory comes at a terrible price & one of Qin 's godson slaughters Huo 's family in reprisal .

  5. 该专辑最近携单曲《霍元甲》(电影《霍元甲》主题歌)继续大卖。

    The album is currently being sold with the single " Huo Yuanjia ", the theme song of the movie " Fearless " .

  6. 《霍元甲》的经典形象是民族意识和男性话语的历史产物。

    Huo Yuanjia is one of the literary classics in Chinese modern history , and also the historical product of national consciousness and male discourse .

  7. 奥皮音知道霍元甲武艺高强,于比赛当日凌晨,偷偷逃离上海。

    Austria Pi Yin knew that the Huo Yuanjia skill in wushu excels , in the competition before dawn , secretly flees Shanghai the same day .

  8. 在他最新的电影《霍元甲》中,李连杰全面展示了他的武打特色&从头到尾的打斗,激烈而流畅。

    In Fearless , Li 's new Chinese-language film , the star gets to showcase the full range of his action characterization & all while kicking butt in cathartically violent ways .

  9. 差不多一个月没看电影了,这两天一口气看了两部,一部是《安全地带》,另一部是《霍元甲》。

    Having not seen movies for almost a month , I see two in this two days , one is a " Joint Security Area ", the other is " Fareless " .

  10. 本文以文化研究的理论和方法,对家国意识在《霍元甲》剧中的呈现进行细致的文本分析。

    Based on the theory and method of " Cultural Studies ", the author conducts a thorough textual analysis on Family - Country collective consciousness presented in TV " Fok Yuen Kap " .

  11. 在新的历史时期,积极倡导霍元甲的尚武精神,对促进中国武术事业的发展,振奋民族精神,发扬中华民族优良传统都有着积极的现实意义。

    In modern times , to advocate Huo 's sublime spirit on martial arts is significant in promoting the development of martial arts , cheering up the national spirit and developing Chinese national tradition .