
  • 网络Jenny Lang Ping
  1. 周五比赛之前,当问及她的经验能否给美国队带来一些优势,或者一些排兵布阵的方略时,主教练郎平言归正传。

    Before the two teams met Friday , as for her experience giving the United States any advantage , or even any insight into strategy , Coach Jenny Lang Ping got back to business .

  2. 美国女排,是主教练由前中国球员,珍妮郎平,当它打败了中国数天前。

    S.women 's volleyball team was coached by a former Chinese player , Jenny Lang Ping , when it defeated China a few days ago .

  3. 郎平永远不会为美国女排工作。

    Lang Ping will never work for USA Volleyball .

  4. 郎平在社交媒体上发表了一篇感人长文,宣布了这一消息。

    Lang broke the news through a long and emotional post on social media .

  5. 由于夏季奥运会推迟,郎平再执教一年。

    Lang extended her contract by another year after the Summer Games was postponed .

  6. 中国的优秀主攻手郎平在与苏联队的比赛中高高跳起扣球。

    China 's ace spiker Lang Ping rises high in a game against the Soviet Union .

  7. 郎平女士曾经是中国女子排球队的主教练。

    Madame Lang Ping used to be the head coach of China Women 's Volleyball Team .

  8. “铁榔头”郎平签约广东恒大女篮俱乐部教练。

    The " Iron Hammer " signs on to coach Guangdong Evergrande Women 's Volleyball Club .

  9. 中国女排传奇人物郎平今天正式宣布卸任国家队主教练一职,

    The legendary Lang Ping has officially announced her retirement as coach of the Chinese national team ,

  10. 这是自1984年首次亮相奥运会以来中国女排取得的最差战绩,当时作为明星球员的郎平,带领中国女排最终夺得了金牌。

    That 's the worst performance since the 1984 Olympic debut when she led them to gold as a star player .

  11. 郎平将集中精力为中国女排制定计划,争取在2020年东京奥运会上再创辉煌。

    Lang Ping will focus on making plans for the team which aims to repeat glory in Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games .

  12. 郎平是中国的民族英雄,她曾经带领中国队在1984年的洛杉矶奥运会上赢取金牌。

    Lang , a national hero in China , led the Chinese team to a gold medal in the1984 Los Angeles Olympics .

  13. “铁榔头”郎平带领中国队赢得了2016年里约热内卢奥运会的金牌,并夺得了两届世界杯冠军。

    the " Iron Hammer " led China to victory at the 2016 Rio Olympics , and also claimed 2 World Cups .

  14. 中国国家女排主教练郎平证实,她将于明年东京奥运会后退休。

    Chinese women 's national volleyball team head coach Lang Ping has confirmed that she will retire after the Tokyo Olympics next year .

  15. 在今年的奥运会比赛上,60岁的郎平带领的中国女排,最终成绩为两胜三负,未能进入四分之一决赛。

    The 60-year-old guided China to two wins and three defeats as they failed to reach the quarter-finals at this year 's games .

  16. 率领美国女子排球队回到祖国国参加北京奥运会,郎平感觉就像回家一样。

    Leading the United States women 's volleyball team back to her hometown for the Beijing Games , Chinese coach Jenny Lang Ping felt at home .

  17. 郎平表示,随着一些老将的淡出,她正在寻找新的人才,而整个团队也将从零开始一段新的旅程。

    Lang Ping said that as some veterans fade out , she is looking for new talents and the whole team will start a new journey from zero point .

  18. 很多中国教练将带领外国队伍在祖国土地上比赛,比如女子排球传奇人物郎平将带领美国女子排球队。

    A number of Chinese coaches will lead foreign teams on home soil , such as women 's volleyball legend Lang Ping , who will lead the US women 's team .

  19. 中国排球协会在一份官方声明中证实了这一任命,表示总教练是为多年来饱受伤痛折磨的郎平设置的全新职位。

    The Chinese Volleyball Association confirmed the appointment in an official statement , saying that the chief coach is a new position designed for Lang Ping who has been plagued by injuries for years .

  20. 上周三,前中国女排主攻手、著名教练员郎平被任命为女排国家队总教练。郎平在1984年洛杉矶和2016年里约奥运会上帮助中国女排夺得金牌。

    Lang Ping , former ace spiker and then star coach to help China win Olympic women 's volleyball golds in Los Angeles 1984 and Rio 2016 , was appointed as chief coach of the Chinese national team last Wednesday .

  21. 里约奥运会期间担任郎平助理教练的安家杰被排协任命为执行教练。执行教练也是新设立的职位,负责日常执教工作,旨在减轻总教练的负担。

    An Jiajie , Lang Ping 's assistant coach at the Rio Olympics , was named by the association as executive coach , also a new position designed for routine coaching work in a bid to reduce the burden of the chief coach .

  22. 在前明星主攻手“铁榔头“郎平的带领下,中国女排在名古屋世界杯的最后一天以3-1力克日本,赢得冠军,同时直接晋级2016年奥运会。

    Guided by former star spiker , the ' Iron Hammer ' Lang Ping , the Chinese overcame a second-set scare to defeat Japan 3-1 on the final day of the World Cup in Nagoya to finish top of the 12-team tournament and clinch a direct berth to the 2016 Games .

  23. 这也是郎平教练率领下重获三大赛事(奥运会,世锦赛和世界杯)的第一大冠。她曾于1996和2008年分别率领中国和美国夺得奥运会亚军,之后于2013年回到中国国家队。

    It was also the first major crown ( Olympics , World Championships and World Cup ) to be placed on the resume of coach Lang , who returned to the Chinese national post in 2013 after leading China and the United States to silver medals at the Olympics in 1996 and 2008 respectively . "

  24. 中国女排在郎平的率领下,以强大的阵容彰显伟大的团队精神,荣获五个世界冠军头衔,包括世界杯冠军,两次世界锦标赛冠军和二十世纪八十年代奥运冠军,排球也成为国家第一个登上世界之巅的“大球“。

    Boasting a strong roster and great team spirit , the Chinese women , led by Lang , claimed five consecutive world titles , including two World Cup titles , two World Championships and an Olympic gold in the 1980s , to become the nation 's first ' big-ball ' team to dominate on the world stage .