
  1. 事实上,我们被称为“东亚病夫”。

    In fact we were known as the sick men of Asia .

  2. 当我们是东亚病夫时,你们贬斥我们造成黄祸。

    When we were the Sick Man of Asia , We were called The Yellow Peril .

  3. 当我们被称为“东亚病夫”时,我们也被称为“黄祸”。

    When we were called Sick man of Asia , we were called The Yellow Peril .

  4. 在世界上,中国人是一个强壮的民族,而不再是东亚病夫。

    In the world the Chinese have become a strong people instead of the weaklings of East Asia .

  5. 一百年前,她(中国)被称作“东亚病夫”那段日子一去不返。

    A century ago , she was called the " patient of East Asia " . Not any more .

  6. 参加过三次奥运会,一块奖牌也没拿到。外国人嘲笑中国人为“东亚病夫”。

    Foreigners looked down upon Chinese as the Patients in Asia , for China won no medals from all the three Olympic Games she attended .

  7. 你我身体健康吗?奥运金牌拿得够多吗?记得不久以前外人讥笑中国人为东亚病夫。

    Are we healthy ? Do we need to win more gold medals ? Remember not long ago , foreigners called Chinese the sickly of East asia .

  8. 中国民众因身体孱弱、超高的疾病率和高位的死亡率被西方列强讽刺为东亚病夫。

    Chinese people was once satirically called by the Western powers a " sick man of Asia " due to its poor physical conditions , high disease rates and high mortality .

  9. 中国从鸦片战争起沦为半殖民地半封建社会,中国人成了世界著名的东亚病夫。

    After the Opium War of 1840 China was reduced to the status of a semi-colonial , semi-feudal society , and the Chinese nation was known as " the sick man of Asia " .

  10. 从1979年至今,中国人民的体质又有了明显的提高,彻底甩掉了旧中国东亚病夫的帽子。

    Since 1979 , the health of the Chinese people has improved further . The label on old China , " sick man of East Asia ," has long been consigned to the dustbin of history .

  11. “我想奥运会是摆脱这种耻辱的感觉的一个途径,改变中国的”东亚病夫的国际形象“。这是(所有)中国人的梦想。

    We think that the Olympics is a way to cast off that sense of humiliation , to change China 's international image as the'sick man of Asia . 'That 's the dream of the Chinese people .

  12. 中国的外汇储备、中国的经济增长等一系列改革开放带来的成果正不断告诉世界,昔日的东亚病夫正成为今日的世界强国。

    China 's foreign exchange reserves , China 's economic growth , the results of a series of reform and opening up are constantly told the world , former sick man of Asia is becoming a world power today .

  13. 诚然,计划经济集中资金和人才资源的优势确实让中国体育在某些领域内获得成功,快速实现了体育脱贫,使中国人彻底地甩掉了东亚病夫的帽子。

    Indeed , with a centralized capital and the advantage of human resources , Chinese sports had made great success in some aspects , walking out of backwardness and shaking off the forced insulting title Sick Man of East Asia .

  14. 在此任务之下,中国体育的任务是强国强种、救亡图存,甩掉东亚病夫的帽子,增强国民体质,圆举办奥运之梦。

    Under this duty , China Sports will make the nation prosperous and powerful , save the nation from subjugation , throw off the hat of the East Asian sick person , strengthen the national physique and complete the dream of the Olympic Games .

  15. 这种比较使许多球迷回想起中国一种存在了百年的观念,即体育上的弱势反映了社会的软弱如果足球队不能在球场上获胜,中国就无法完全摆脱其“东亚病夫”的身份。

    The comparison leads many fans to revive the century-old Chinese concept that sporting weakness reflects a weak society the idea that China will not be able to fully cast off its identity as the " sick man of East Asia " until its soccer players triumph on the pitch .