
  • 网络Inner Quest
  1. 以往的史学多注重由社会内部探索、阐发推动社会变革、历史运动的机理,成就蜚然;

    Earlier historiography has successfully made much research into the reasons for the social transformations and the historical movements mainly from the society itself .

  2. 医用内固定材料管理内部控制探索

    Exploration in Internal Control to Medical Inner Fixation Material

  3. 大学是一段探索的时光,一个小型的群体更利于内部的探索。

    college is a time to explore , and a smaller community is more conducive to internal exploration .

  4. 聚类分析算法能够深入到输入数据对象的内部,探索其群组结构。

    Unsupervised cluster analysis algorithm can examine the internal structure of the input data objects and explore the group structure .

  5. 大多数好的文理学院有它们的理由使学生人数小于4000;大学是一段探索的时光,一个小型的群体更利于内部的探索。

    Most good liberal arts colleges have a population of fewer than 4 , 000 for a reason ; college is a time to explore , and a smaller community is more conducive to internal exploration .

  6. 科技成果内部转化的探索与实践

    The Probe and Practice of Internal Change of Scientific and Technological Result

  7. 中国家族企业内部信任问题探索

    A Study of Inner Trust Problem of China Family Enterprise

  8. 基于热玻璃铸造技术的玻璃内部造型实验探索

    Modeling Experiments to Explore the Internal Glass Based on the Hot Glass Casting Technology

  9. 反置的法师寻找他内部尚未被探索的力量。

    The Inverted Magus seeks , but has not yet found , his inner power .

  10. 世界各大公司纷纷上网,提供信息服务和扩展业务范围,积极改组企业内部结构和探索新的管理营销方法。

    Many companies in the world provide the service with internet to change the internal structure .

  11. 日语拟声、拟态词的内部理据探索日语拟声词拟态词的形态学特征

    A Study of Internal Motivations in Japanese Onomatopoeia The Morphological Features of Japanese Onomatopoeia and Mimetic Words

  12. 主要表现在:进行了以资本为联结纽带、理顺企业集团内部关系的探索;

    The main manifestations are as follows : explorations have been made in smoothing the internal relations of the enterprise groups with capital as the linkage ;

  13. 这种方法为解决公路货运外部成本内部化问题探索了新思路,也可为管理层和政策制定者提供可借鉴的理论依据。

    This kind of method explored a new to ( solution ) the road external cost internal problem , and it can also offer the theoretical basis for management and policy ( established . )

  14. 三代领导人关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的理论探索

    Three Generations of Leaders on How to Handle Correctly Contradictions Among the People

  15. 高等学校内部管理体制的探索

    Exploring the Internal Management System of Higher Schools

  16. 然后,阐述了我国商业银行信用风险管理所经历的四个阶段:信贷资金管理阶段、授信管理阶段、贷款分类管理阶段、内部评级法的探索阶段。

    Then , I expounds four stages of credit risk management Chinese commercial banks have been through .

  17. 在不断对内部控制进行研究探索的过程中,人们开始寻找影响内部控制更深层次的因素。

    In the course of the study for internal control , people start looking for the deeper level of factors that affect the internal control .

  18. 最后,提出了国内综合实力较强时国有商业银行在内部评级法的探索和运用中的情况。(2)运用内部评级法对信用风险进行计量。

    Finally , I cite the situation of several state-owned commercial banks in the internal ratings-based approach . ( 2 ) Measure credit risk in Internal Ratings-Based approach .

  19. 目前的研究个人知识创造模型的理论,大多是从大脑外部进行研究,缺乏对知识创造的大脑内部机理的本质探索。

    The current theory of knowledge creation model is mostly about the external brain , which is lack of exploration of the nature of knowledge creation within the brain mechanism .

  20. 以电力企业为研究背景的风险导向内部审计研究,探索了一种新的研究角度,有其积极的现实意义与宝贵的研究价值。

    The power enterprises in the background of the risk-based internal audit research , explore a new research point of view , has a positive meaning and valuable practical research value .

  21. 第四章,从民营企业内部管理的角度探索了职业经理人的选任引入机制、激励机制、约束机制和绩效评价机制为主体的职业化管理模式。

    Chapter 4 , from the angle of internal management of private enterprises , explores the professional management mode focusing on the selection / introduction mechanism , incentive mechanism , constraining mechanism and performance evaluation mechanism for professional managers .

  22. 为应对市场经济日趋激烈的竞争环境,在卫生行业尤其是城市医疗机构中,医疗集团的组建方兴未艾,但医疗集团的内部管理尚处于探索阶段,集团财务管理也面临着一个全新的管理环境。

    In order to face serious competition in the market economic , the health care system in urban areas established medical groups at a large scale , but their internal management are at the exploration stage . Their financing management is facing a new surrounding .

  23. 论高校内部权力高校内部审计探索

    On the Internal Power of the University Discussion on Internal Audit at the University