
  • 网络content service
  1. 同时,由于内容服务已经成为网络服务的主体,使得现有的基于IP地址的寻址方式面临巨大挑战。

    Meanwhile , since the content services have become the main network services , making the existing IP-based addressing face enormous challenges .

  2. LotusQuickr内容服务提供一种开发定制解决方案的方式。

    Lotus Quickr content services provide a way to develop customized solutions .

  3. 基于Web的网络新闻个性化内容服务研究

    Study of Personalized Net News Service on Web

  4. 基于XML数据库的标准化教育资源内容服务系统的设计与实现

    Standard Educational Resource Content Service System Based on XML Database

  5. 您可以通过禁用web应用程序中的文件服务和目录浏览来进一步限制内容服务不适当的风险。

    You can further limit the risk of inappropriate serving of content by disabling file serving and directory browsing in your web applications .

  6. CDN(ContentDistribution/DeliveryNetwork)技术的产生,是为了给客户提供最佳的内容服务。

    In order to provide the best content service to users , CDN ( Content Distribution / Delivery Network ) technology comes into being .

  7. 内容服务:国内ISP经营的真正主题

    Content Service : the Real Motif for ISPs in China

  8. 数字版权管理的主要对象是各种数字作品和信息服务商品两个方面,以版权管理技术为基础的宽带内容服务将成为INTERNET电子商务中的一个很大的应用领域。

    The main objects of the digital rights management are digital products and information service . The broad-band content service based on the rights management will be a large domain in INTERNET e-business .

  9. 它向核心的DataServices中添加了额外的产品以通过PDFGeneration、Forms及DigitalSignatures等工具提供内容服务和文档输出功能。

    This adds the additional products to the core data services to provide content services and document output using tools such as PDF Generation , Forms , and Digital Signatures .

  10. 内容服务是P2P系统的基本功能模块,内容服务应用是P2P技术当前最主要的应用领域。

    Content service is one of the basic function modules of P2P systems . Content service application is one of the most important applications of P2P technology .

  11. 此外,DRM技术究竟是否能够让内容服务提供商赚到钱还尚不确定。

    In addition , it is questionable whether the DRM technology helps content service providers make more money .

  12. 此外,LotusQuickr提供一组可用于构建定制解决方案的强大内容服务。

    In addition , Lotus Quickr provides a set of powerful content services that can be used to build customized solutions .

  13. 本文演示如何使用LotusQuickr内容服务构建您自己的解决方案;它包含一个定制搜索中心例子。

    This article demonstrates how to build up your own solution using Lotus Quickr content services ; it includes an example of a customized search center .

  14. 在此基础上,阐述了如何利用J2EE设计模式来改进J2EE系统的性能,并且描述了这些模式在内容服务定购系统的应用。

    Above that , how to leverage J2EE design patterns is discussed to improve the performance of J2EE system . The application of J2EE design patterns to content service booking system is described .

  15. 作为其中最关键的技术&数字版权管理(DRM),其决定着数字内容服务所能为社会创造的社会效益与经济效益。

    As one of the most critical technology-Digital Rights Management ( DRM ), it determines whether the digital content industry can create social and economic benefits .

  16. 中国电子商务集团阿里巴巴(Alibaba)正大举押注在线视频业务,准备在中国推出一种内容服务,目标是在这个大多数节目都可免费观看的市场中,吸引人们支付月费观看其内容。

    Alibaba is making a big bet on online video , with the rollout of a content service in China aimed at enticing people to pay a monthly subscription in a market where most programming is accessed for free .

  17. 2009年3G牌照的发放,手机电视进入了3G时代,无论是运营商,还是手机电视的内容服务商、手机终端生产商等,都在积极探索举措,配合手机电视的快速发展。

    In 2009 , the mobile TV went into the 3G era with the issuance of the 3G licenses . Either the operators , or the content providers and the mobile phone terminal manufacturers are actively exploring initiatives to coordinate the development of the mobile TV .

  18. 全球的移动运营商已在2.5G网络上提供移动内容服务并在应对由内容计费带来的新挑战。

    Mobile operators around the world are already launching mobile content services on so-called 2.5G networks , and are already dealing with the new challenges presented by content billing .

  19. 根据如今各国的规定及我国学界的观点,网络下载可以分为内容服务商模式、搜索引擎下载及P2P模式下载,当今人们用得比较多的是搜索引擎下载和P2P下载。

    According to the provisions of various countries and China is now the academic point of view , the network can be divided into content download service mode , download and P2P search engine model download , today more people are using search engines than to download and P2P downloads .

  20. 电信运营商向内容服务环节一体化转型,面对自己战略合作伙伴SP,两者之间又多了一层竞争关系,从而形成竞争合作的复杂关系。

    With telecom operators transition to the content areas of service integration , operators will face its own strategic partners , SP , at the same time operators and SP have competition relationship between the two value subjects , thus forming the complex relationship of competition and cooperation .

  21. 从内容服务看数据业务计费模式的发展

    The Development of Billing Mode for Data Services by Analysing Content Services

  22. 方兴未艾的数字传播技术革命将有力推动内容服务产业化的步伐。

    The revolution of digital communication technology brings about industrialization of content service .

  23. 面向移动浏览的内容服务集成框架研究

    A Study on the Integrated Framework of Content Service Oriented to Mobile Browsing

  24. 企业内容服务的战略设计与实施

    Strategic Methods of Establishing and Implementing Enterprise Content Service

  25. 在线内容服务公司、私人客户、博客都需要人进行写作。

    Online content companies , private clients and blogs offer freelance writing jobs .

  26. 浅析宽带内容服务系统的建设

    Brief Analysis on Broadband Content Service System Construction

  27. 云计算使图书馆摆脱技术束缚而转向内容服务成为可能;

    Cloud computing make the library from technical restraints to content services as possible ;

  28. 然后您设计包含呈现层和内容服务层之间的集成的应用程序。

    Then you design the application including the integration between the presentation tier and the content services tier .

  29. 苹果作为全球最大的资本市场公司,早就全身心开启原创内容服务了。

    Apple , the world 's largest company by market capitalization , has already dabbled with original content .

  30. 移动通信和互联网相互融合,用户可以通过移动设备,随时随地获取到互联网所提供的内容服务。

    Mutual integration of mobile communications and the Internet make people access to Internet content through mobile devices .