
  • 网络Endogenous Variable
  1. 本文将企业的异质性引入模型,并且将RD活动作为企业的内生变量来分析RD活动对企业进入国外市场的影响。

    This thesis introduces firm heterogeneity and R D level into the simple model , where R D activities are endogenous variables .

  2. 本文创新点:一是研究方法上,利用SVAR模型刻画生猪价格决定因素和产业链价格系统对随机冲击的动态效应,体现了内生变量的结构性关系。

    The dynamic effect of hog price determinants and industry chain price system to random shocks were portrayed by SVAR models to reflect the structural relationships of endogenous variables .

  3. 实例的协整和Granger因果检验结果表明,价格与供货量具有长期的均衡关系,供货量是成交均价的内生变量。

    The results of case of cointegration and Granger causality tests shows that , the price and supply have long-term co-integration relationship , supply is an endogenous variable of price .

  4. 总之,本文在详细解读空间计量模型的基础上,从理论上研究了一个和多个内生变量的动态空间计量模型,体现理论创新意义的研究为空间面板VAR模型。

    In short , based on the detailed interpretation of spatial econometrics model , this article study the dynamic spatial econometric model with one and more than one endogeneous variables , and the spatial panel VAR model is the theoretical innovation .

  5. 这一结果说明农业信息化水平作为农业技术进步的内生变量,可以直接而有效的促进农业TFP的增加,且这种影响作用具有长期稳定性。

    These results suggest that as an endogenous variable of agricultural technological progressing factors , the agricultural informatization can to promote agricultural TFP directly and effectively , and this influence has a long-term stability .

  6. 在森林生态效益似乎不相关模型的基础上,分析众多生态效益中的相互依存和从属关系,引入内生变量Y1、Y2作为另一个生态方程的自变量,构造联立方程组模型。

    Based on the similar irrelative model of forest ecological benefits , the study analyzed the subordinate relations of numerous ecological benefits , and introduced end genetic variables Y_1 and Y_2 as the independent variables of another ecological equation to construct consociation equation set model .

  7. 总的来说,货币需求是一个内生变量。

    Yet generally speaking , money demand is an endogenetic variable .

  8. 文章论述了制度与经济增长的关系,指出制度是经济增长的决定因素,也是经济增长的内生变量;

    This thesis discusses the relationship between economy growth and economic system .

  9. 劳动力的报酬是重要的内生变量。

    Payment for labor forces is an important endogenous variable .

  10. 外生变量可以包括内生变量的后滞值。

    Exogenous variables can include lagged values of endogenous variables .

  11. 每一个模型都包括需要估计的外生变量和内生变量。

    Every model includes exogenous and also endogenous variables which must be estimated .

  12. 西部新型工业化有赖于经济系统中内生变量的作用。

    Endogenous variable plays a significant role in the western industrialization of China .

  13. 第二部分即具体分析内生变量的影响。

    The second part is a concrete analysis the influence of endogenetic variable .

  14. 公司治理类型作为内生变量,受到很多因素的影响。

    As a dependent variable , corporate governance type is influenced by many factors .

  15. 制度因素是经济增长动态过程中的内生变量,它构成经济增长中合作与竞争的基本秩序;

    As an inherent element of economic growth , institution provides cooperative and competitive basic rules .

  16. 集团企业多层级的品牌体系决定了集团品牌内生变量的重要性和复杂性。

    The conglomerate multi-level system decided the importance and complexity of the Group brand endogenous variables .

  17. 困惑与超越:知识观的嬗变与教育观的转换五、知识由观念的外生变量转为实际的内生变量;

    Five , the knowledge transfers the actual inside fresh variable by the idea exogenous variable ;

  18. 其中金融体系可以看做经济增长的一个重要的内生变量。

    These new factors included the financial system which is an important economic growth endogenous variable .

  19. 经济结构的质态与转换是影响和制约经济增长的内生变量。

    The quality and transition of economic structure are the variables which influence and balance economic growth .

  20. 住房成本和通勤成本是城市空间结构中两个相互关联的内生变量。

    Housing cost and commuting cost are two major and interrelated endogenous variables in urban spatial models .

  21. 政府和协会监管权分配状况及其变化受内生变量和外生变量的影响。

    The right shared by government and institute CPA is influenced by endogenous variables and exogenous variables .

  22. 连带有关的内生变量

    Jointly dependent endogenous variable

  23. 在这个理论框架中,规制与结构和行为都是产业发展过程中的内生变量,规制不仅影响市场结构和企业行为,同样也受到结构、行为和绩效的影响。

    In this framework , regulation , structure and behavior are the endogenous variables in the industry development .

  24. 一方面,科学技术作为循环经济体系的内生变量从微观上支撑其发展;

    On the one hand , science and technology support Circular Economy in microcosmic as the internal variable .

  25. 实证研究结果表明住宅价格与土地价格是内生变量并且影响显著。

    The empirical results offer evidence that house prices and land prices are endogenous variables which interact remarkably .

  26. 该方法是通过实际经济观测数据和模型的结构特征来为参数和内生变量赋值。

    This method defines the values of parameters and endogenous variables via empirical data and models structure features .

  27. 是否可以认为这些制度因素也是决定企业资本结构的内生变量?

    Whether it is acceptable that those code-related factors are the internal variables that determine enterprises ' capital structure ?

  28. 本文得到了一些对高科技行业实施股权激励有用的结论,具体结论如下:第一、经营者股权激励是内生变量,验证了本文从内生角度研究的正确性。

    Through research get a number of useful conclusions : First , executive equity incentive is an endogenous variable .

  29. 它是农业经济发展的内生变量,是一个经济、技术和社会的综合概念;

    In general , it is an endogenesis variable , an integrate concept of economy , technology and society .

  30. 新制度经济学的兴起,制度被作为经济发展过程的内生变量引入经济分析框架。

    As the development of the new institutions economics , institutions are led to the analysis frame of economics .