
  • 网络Internalization;Internalization Advantage;International Advantages
  1. 内部化优势与子公司的成功与绩效关系并不明显。

    The relationship between internalization advantages and performance is not obvious .

  2. 全球商品链的内部化优势与价格均衡机制

    Global Commodity Chains Advantage of Internalization and Price ' Mechanism of Equilibrium

  3. 企业集团培育内部化优势应注意的几个问题

    Some problems of how to grow internal advantage in Enterprise Group

  4. 内部化优势是邓宁国际生产折衷理论的重要内容。

    The internalization advantage is the primary coverage of International Production Compromise Theory .

  5. 跨国公司内部化优势研究

    Research on Internalization Incentive Advantages of Transnational Corporations

  6. 按照传统跨国公司理论,跨国公司有内部化优势。

    In accordance with the classical theory , the Multinational Companies owns the internal advantage .

  7. 专属优势和内部化优势越明显,一体化程度越高;

    The ownership advantages and internalization advantages are more obvious , the degree of integration is higher .

  8. 在第3章中,本研究分析了在当今全球经济中,内部化优势的限制和专业代工企业兴起的背景。

    Chapter 3 analyzes the limit of the internal advantage and the background of the industry of the manufacturing services .

  9. 通过系统的阐述,本文证明内部化优势和竞争优势是金融类对外直接投资和非金融类对外直接投资相互关联的内在驱动力。

    This article formulate that internalization advantage and competitive advantage are inner impulse of the positive correlation between financial FDI and nonfinancial FDI .

  10. 该理论认为所有权优势和内部化优势只是企业对外直接投资的必要条件,而区位优势是对外直接投资的充分条件。

    This theory thinks that the ownership and internalization is only the essential condition of foreign direct investment , while the Area Advantage is the ample one .

  11. 本文在邓宁的折衷范式下阐述了我国商业银行进行对外直接投资所具有的所有权优势、区位优势和内部化优势。

    This article analyzes China 's commercial banks ' ownership advantages , location advantages and internalization advantages in the process of foreign direct investment under Dunning 's eclectic paradigm .

  12. 从理论上来看,振兴东北经济战略会对中国东北地区的投资环境和条件产生很大的影响,从而更好地满足日韩在该地区投资所需的所有权优势、内部化优势和区位优势这三个条件。

    Theoretically speaking , the strategy of revitalizing economy can impact on the investment environment and condition in Northeast China , thereby meeting the requirement of Japanese or Korean investors about the three conditions , namely ownership advantage , internalization advantage and location advantage .

  13. 自上世纪80年代以来,随着科技的迅猛发展和经济全球化进程的加速,跨国公司纷纷建立策略性联盟以谋求国际竞争实力,强化内部化竞争优势。

    With the rapid development of technology change and economic globalization , Multi-National Corporations have been establishing strategic alliances to gain and strengthen advantage in international competitions .

  14. 分析范式认为只有当一个企业具备所有权优势、内部化优化和区位优势的时候,才能进行国际化发展,而利用SWOT分析模型,则可以用来指导企业具体国际化战略的制定。

    The analysis paradigm thinks that only when an enterprise has ownership advantages , internalization advantages and location advantages , the enterprise will carry out international development . And SWOT Analysis Model can be used to guide the enterprise to constitute specific international strategy .

  15. 列举了诸如内部化理论、垄断优势论等一些国际直接投资理论,并在批判继承这些理论的基础上,提出了本文的理论基础。

    This part explains and illustrates internalization theory , monopoly dominant theory and other international direct investment theories , and proposes the fundamental of the thesis based on those theories .

  16. 2跨国公司实现所有权优势的内部化,必须建立与其全球战略相适应的内部组织结构,组织结构是内部化优势的基础和决定因素。

    The prerequisite of using ownership advantages internally is to establish internal organizational framework suitable to its global strategy .