
  • 网络internal variable;within-subject variables
  1. 格为被试间变量,其他因素为被试内变量。

    Figure is between variables , other factors are internal variables .

  2. 内变量和伪弹性的热力学模型

    Internal Variables and Thermodynamic Modeling of Pseudoelasticity

  3. 对湍流流动控制方程建立一种通用的DDM-1计算格式SI,ω,给出重叠区域内变量处理方法。

    A general DDM-1 scheme S I ,ω is developed for turbulence equations with treatment of variables in overlapped domains .

  4. 实验2以22名本科生为被试,将SOA作为组内变量,从而将时间不确定性引入实验任务。

    In the second experiment , SOA was treated as a within-subject variable so as to introduce the time uncertainty into the experiment . 22 subjects participated in the experiment .

  5. 统计学方法:组内变量通过成对的t检验进行比较,组间的变量通过独立t检验进行比较,用SPSS13.0软件进行统计学分析,P0.05被认为差异有统计学意义。

    Statistical method : Make comparison of the variable within groups through paired T-test , and variable between groups through independent T-test . The result is analyzed by SPSS 13.0 .

  6. 简要地介绍了内变量理论和内禀时间z(t),并基于内变量理论对分数阶微分Kelvin模型和分数阶微分Zener模型进行了推导。

    The internal variable theory and the intrinsic time scale were brief introduced . The fractional differential Kelvin model and Zener model with intrinsic time scale were derived based on the internal variable theory . 4 .

  7. 分析实验结果,运用内变量法建立了TC6钛合金在高温变形时α相晶粒尺寸的演变模型。

    According to the present experimental results , an internal state variable model of microstructure evolution was established based on the deformation mechanism .

  8. 提出了描述非线性粘弹性材料微损伤演化的两类内变量,一类是描述粘性耗散的内变量,它服从Onsager原理;

    Two kinds of intrinsic variable , the intrinsic variable of viscosity dissipation and that of damage dissipation , are introduced to express the dissipation in non linear viscoelastic materials .

  9. 接着以应力空间中的屈服函数和Drucker公设为基础,以材料本构关系的内变量理论为工具,推导并建立了增量型热粘塑性本构关系的普适形式和计算流程。

    In the second part , the universal form and computational routine of the incremental thermo-viscoplastic constitutive relation are established , based on the yield function in stress space and Drucker 's postulate and by means of the internal variables theory .

  10. 为了克服原先由Simo建议的方法中所固有的缺陷,即在模拟压缩变形时容易出现奇异能量模式而导致计算失稳甚至崩溃,对原方法中有关内变量和应力更新算法进行了改进。

    In order to overcome the deficiency of the original method proposed by Simo , i.e. , the Hourglass modes appear in the case of compression , algorithms for updating stresses and interior variables were developed by using an optimal post-process technique .

  11. 在Bodner-Parton粘塑性本构理论的基础上,以损伤量为内变量建立了含损伤材料的本构方程,损伤演化方程同时考虑了应力成该机理和应变成核机理。

    Based on the Bodner-Parton theory , the constitutive equation of ductile material with dynamic damage is discussed by means of an internal state variable . Both the effects of stress nucleation and strain nucleation are considered in the damage evolution equation .

  12. 自变量是认知负荷和词汇类型,其中词汇类型是组内变量,认知负荷是组间变量,认知负荷任务是对8个字母的字母串wsdxglzq记忆。

    The cognitive load and word type are independent variables of which word type is within subject variable and cognitive load is the between subject variable . The cognitive load is to remember a string of letters : wsdxglzq .

  13. 基于内变量理论的一种广义粘弹性本构方程

    A generalized constitutive equation in viscoelasticity based on internal variable theory

  14. 金属内部微裂纹愈合内变量及其演化分析

    Inner Variable of Micro Crack Healing in Metal and Its Evolvement

  15. 并分析了各家庭生态子系统内变量的作用。

    The intra - sub system analysis has also been made .

  16. 内变量参数辨识的灰色电价预测模型

    A Grey Model to Predict Electricity Price with Internal Variable Parameters Identification

  17. 为此,以应变为损伤变量定义了新的内变量-损伤度,并在此基础上修正了J。

    Define new Degree of Damage with strain as varies of damage .

  18. 含两类内变量的一种非线性粘弹性本构模型

    A constitutive model of non linear viscoelasticity with two kinds of intrinsic variable

  19. 基于内变量理论的电流变液本构关系

    General Constitutive Equation of an ER Suspension Based on the Internal Variable Theory

  20. 线性非平衡系统的内变量涨落

    Internal Variable Fluctuating of the Linear Non-equilibrium System

  21. 基于内变量损伤模型的复合材料板的非线性动力响应

    Nonlinear Dynamic Responses of Composite Plates Based on the Damage Model with Internal State Variables

  22. 描述裂纹愈合过程的内变量

    Inner Variable in Crack Healing Processing

  23. 组内变量是情绪类型:消极情绪和积极情绪。

    The variable of within groups is the type of emotion : negative and positive emotion .

  24. 第二个因素是被试内变量,即阅读材料的难度,分为容易、中等、难三个水平。

    The second within-subject factor is difficulty , included three levels , easy , medium and difficult .

  25. 然后按照不可逆热力学的内变量理论导出了一种新的各向同性损伤本构模型。

    Secondly , a new isotropic damage constitutive model is established according to internal variable theory of irreversible thermodynamics .

  26. 针对围压对岩石变形和强度的影响,提出了考虑围压影响的塑性内变量,基于该内变量可以考虑不同应力路径下岩石的屈服过程。

    A plastic internal variable is defined , which takes the influence of confining pressure on yield process into consideration .

  27. 实验中,诗句字数、诗句形式及反应类型都是组内变量。

    In experiment , the word number and form of Chinese Poem , the type of response were within-subjects variables .

  28. 最后,根据非平衡态热力学及其内变量理论,建立了一维有限变形粘弹性模型。

    A one-dimensional , finite strain , viscoelastic constitutive model is proposed according to the nonequilibrium thermodynamics and its internal variable theory .

  29. 以铜单晶为例,依据分子动力学模拟结果对铜单晶内部微裂纹愈合过程中愈合内变量的演化趋势进行了定量分析。

    Based on the molecular dynamic simulation , the evolvement of inner variable of micro crack healing of pure copper is analysed quantitatively .

  30. 在假设3中通过引入一种新的运算,把内变量演化方程定义在时间的点集上。

    In assumption 3 a new operation is introduced and the evolution equations of internal variables are denned in the point set of time .