
  • 网络system platform;Linux
  1. 基于Internet多媒体电子备课系统平台的研究与开发

    Design and Development of the Multimedia Electronic Preparation Lessons System Platform Based on Internet

  2. 利用Web构建汽车服务系统平台

    Building Automobile Service System Platform with Web

  3. 锥束CT仿真系统平台研发。

    Research and develop the Cone-beam CT simulation system phantom .

  4. 国产开放系统平台Java及时编译器的设计与实现

    Java just in time compiler for Chinese open system

  5. 最后,在Linux系统平台下,编程实现了这个路由协议。

    Finally , the routing protocol is completed by coding under Linux system .

  6. 搭建FPGA动态背景分割视觉系统平台。

    Construction of FPGA dynamic background segmentation visual system .

  7. 现阶段,我军正在大力推进军用安全操作系统平台下军用Office的研发。

    PLA helps boost the research of military Office which working on the military security OS at this stage .

  8. 在ERP系统平台中引用构架的软件复用技术进行软件开发的基本思想。

    ERP system platform quote architecture software reuse technique software develops basic ideology .

  9. 在Windows操作系统平台上,以VISUALBASIC6.0为开发工具编写相应程序,实现各典型管段的支座受力计算。

    The program realized calculation support reaction of typical pipe segments on flat of Windows with Visual Basic 6.0 .

  10. 基于linux的机车显示系统平台的设计

    Design of linux-based locomotive display system

  11. MDMServer支持多个操作系统平台、数据库和应用程序服务器。

    MDM Server supports multiple operating system platforms , databases , and application servers .

  12. 基于PKI的园区网络安全系统平台设计

    Design on a PKI Based Security System Platform for Campus Networks

  13. 以红旗Linux4.0为操作系统平台,以维文为例,讲解民文Linux的实现方案。

    An implementation of minority language linux is explained based on red flag 4.0 operation system and in Uighur .

  14. 界面化、自动化的战术导弹CFD系统平台

    Graphic and Automatic Tactical Missile CFD Systemic Platform

  15. 最后,通过结合ASP技术与数据库技术完成了整个信息系统平台的开发。

    Finally , development of whole information system was introduced by using technique of ASP and database .

  16. 基于Windows操作系统平台,利用Visualc++6.0实现了深潜救生艇信息显示系统。

    This paper achieved a deep submergence rescue vehicle information display system , which based Windows operating system platform , using Visual C + + 6.0 IDE .

  17. 针对这种现状,本文在设计中引入设计模式,并结合数据仓库技术和J2EE技术,从而构建出高可复用的企业级决策支持系统平台。

    So we introduced design patterns into our paper , integrated with Data Warehouse and J2EE , to design a high reusable enterprise DSS platform .

  18. 当代计算机软硬件技术和图形显示技术的飞速发展为开发新一代桥梁CAD软件提供了系统平台和技术支持。

    The quick development of contemporary computer hardware and software technology and graphics display technology provides platform and technical support for the development of a new generation of bridge CAD software .

  19. 介绍一种基于Windows系统平台的、用于实现高性能计算的PC机群并行环境,详细描述了它的体系结构及其构建中的关键技术;

    A parallel environment for high performance computing based on Windows platform-PC cluster is presented in article . Here introduces the architecture of PC cluster and the key technology for building it in detail .

  20. 文章在论述镁合金加工行业特点的基础上,结合ASP理念与技术,介绍了所开发的面向ASP服务的镁合金加工行业的工艺信息系统平台及关键技术。

    This paper describes the characteristics of magnesium alloy machining trade , an ASP-oriented process in-formation system platform for magnesium alloy machining trade and key technique are described in detail .

  21. 以山西农业大学校园网为基础,简单描述了基于Windows2000Server操作系统平台下DNS服务的缺陷;

    On the basis of Campus Network of Shanxi Agricultural University , DNS 's defect , from the operating system of windows 2000 server were studied .

  22. 数字仿真表明:由中等精度的陀螺仪和加速度计以及GPS组成的组合导航系统平台水平误差角小,定位精度高,能够满足重力测量和导航要求。

    Digital simulation shows that the integrated navigation system of moderate precision accelerometers , gyroscopes and GPS , has small platform angle error , high positioning precision and can meet the requirements of gravity measuring and navigation .

  23. 在CatiaV5系统平台上,使用目录功能开发标准件库是最便捷的方法之一。

    Creating library of 3D standard parts with the application of catalog in CATIA V5 system is one of the most convenient methods .

  24. 其次介绍B/S体系结构原理、特点、系统平台的选择,包括以下几个关键问题:WWW服务器平台的选择;

    Secondly , It summarized principle and characteristic of B / S architecture and selection of system platform at the same time . It included following several key problem : selection of WWW server platform ;

  25. 当前,各油田使用的勘探数据库建立在关系数据库系统平台上,无法有效表达空间数据,用地理信息系统(GIS)技术可以有效地解决这一问题。

    The present exploration databases used in various oilfields , which are based on relational database system , are not able to express spatial data . The technologies of geographic information system ( GIS ) may efficiently resolve this problem .

  26. 就VoIP在有线宽带网络上的应用进行分析,概述了系统平台的建设方案,同时对具体设备配置进行说明。

    This paper analyses the application of VoIP in the CATV broadband network . Explain the constructing plan of the system platform , then make a detail illustration on the equipment distribution .

  27. Allfixes将显示为该产品创建的所有修复,或者使用所用版本(Version)和所运行的操作系统平台(Platform)缩小搜索范围。

    All fixes will show you all fixes created for the product , or let you narrow the search within the Version you are using , and , within that , the Platform ( operating system ) on which you are running .

  28. 首先根据技术要求提出了系统平台的硬件方案,确定采用ARM+DSP的结构体系,同时通过在ARM中装载嵌入式实时操作系统对整个平台进行管理。

    First , according to the technical requirements , the scheme of hardware is discussed . The structure of ARM + DSP is adopted , and the embedded real-time operating system could be loaded in ARM for the management and allocation of task .

  29. 搭建了基于局域网内的Inmarsat-B仿真系统平台。

    The Inmarsat-B simulation system platform based on LAN ( Local Area Network ) was established .

  30. 随着无处不在计算的发展,智能化的异构设备不断激增(如PC,笔记本,智能手机,平板电脑,PDA等),信息提供、计算,甚至系统平台都朝着面向服务的方向发展。

    With the development of ubiquitous computing , a growing number of heterogeneous smart devices continue emerging ( such as PC , laptop , smart phone , tablet PC , PDA , etc. ), information providing , computing , even platform are being services .