
xì tǒnɡ fēn xī shī
  • system analyst
  1. 《盗梦空间》这两类影片都算不上,不过它没有遭致挞伐,原因很简单:大概只有航空航天局(NASA)的系统分析师才能完全明了剧情。

    Inception misses being these two types . However , it is not vilified by the film critics for the simple reason : probably only the NASA system analyst can completely understand the plot .

  2. 为了有效地整合PBR和RUP,我们在RUP的需求规程中精心制作了新的与参与者相应的场景:系统分析师,需求阐释员和软件构架师。

    To effectively integrate PBR with RUP , we elaborate new scenarios corresponding to the actors in the RUP 's Requirements discipline : System Analyst , Requirements Specifier , and Software Architect .

  3. ArupR.Pal是一名高级系统分析师,在印度的IBM全球企业咨询服务部工作。

    Arup R. Pal is a Senior Systems Analyst with IBM Global Business Services in India .

  4. 对H-1B签证需求量最大的岗位是电脑系统分析师。

    The most requested position when applying for an H-1B is computer systems analyst .

  5. 自2003年初起至2005年底,DMS经历了三年的时间研发,分多个阶段部署上线,被认为是SGM大型IT项目研发的一个里程碑,笔者做为系统分析师参与了该项目。

    Since the beginning of 2003 , until the end of 2005 , DMS has experienced for three years of research and development time , in several stages of deployment and online , and was regarded as a SGM developed large-scale IT projects milestone .

  6. 系统分析师可能用自然语言指定计划中的策略作为注释。

    Analysts might specify the intended policies as comments in natural language .

  7. 对系统分析师汤姆·桑托斯来说,星期天的晚上不太好过。

    Sunday night is an uneasy time for systems analyst Tom Santos .

  8. 最后,我们选择六个不同经验水平的系统分析师。

    Ultimately , we chose six system analysts with diverse levels of experience .

  9. 你需要系统分析师的技能去表达最终用户的需求和优先权。

    You need the system analyst 's skills to represent the end user 's needs and priorities .

  10. 例如,业务分析人员可能会转而担任系统分析师角色或测试分析师角色。

    For example , a business analyst may move into a system-analyst role or a test-analyst role .

  11. 学生通过作业与考试之后,将了解成为一位系统分析师的必要条件。

    Those who pass the course will be believed to have better chance to become a CIO .

  12. 我找到了一份工作,是系统分析师。我爱人对她的新工作很满意。

    I 've found a job as a system analyst and my wife is happy with her new career .

  13. 这表现出重大的人员供给难题:系统分析师如何在支持前面演进中所涉及的开发人员和测试人员的同时书写用例?

    This presented significant staffing challenges : How could system analysts write use cases while supporting developers and testers involved in previous evolutions ?

  14. 系统分析师通过该模型获取自动系统所需的要求,这种自动系统将作为业务流程的一部分被使用。

    The model is also used by systems analysts to derive requirements for automated systems that will be used as part of business processes .

  15. 根据《华尔街日报》的说法,2011年前5佳工作里面有2个是IT的:即软件工程师和系统分析师。

    According to the Wall Street Journal , Two of the top five jobs for2011 were IT jobs : software engineer and systems analyst .

  16. 而计算机系统分析师利用他们的信息技术知识与商务知识来为客户设计出更好的计算机系统和程序。

    And computer systems analysts leverage both their knowledge of information technology and business to design better computer systems and processes for their clients .

  17. 如果你是一名会计师、计算机系统分析师或是活动协调员,那么2013年你将很可能时来运转。

    If you 're an accountant , computer systems analyst or event coordinator , there 's a good chance your luck will change in 2013 .

  18. 通用汽车预计将雇佣1000名员工,主要包括为这座新中心效力的软件开发人员、数据库管理员和系统分析师。

    GM is expected to hire 1 , 000 workers , mainly consisting of software developers , database administrators and systems analysts for the new center .

  19. 软件研发是一个以知识型员工为主体的行业,大多数从业人员为软件工程师、测试工程师、系统分析师等。

    Knowledge workers are the most important part of the Software industry . Most employees are the software engineers , test engineers , systems analysts and so on .

  20. 其他上榜的职业包括:计算机系统分析师(排名第四),机械工程师(排名四九)以及数据库管理员(排名第十五)。

    Elsewhere on the list : Computer systems analysts ( No. 4 ) , mechanical engineers ( No. 9 ) , and database administrators ( No. 15 ) .

  21. 比如,用例模型由需求审查员创建,扮演着系统分析师的角色,在改进真实的用例模型过程中,它可以变成对于系统分析人员的输入。

    For example , the Use-Case Models created by requirements inspectors , playing the role of System Analyst , can become inputs for System Analysts in improving actual Use-Case Models .

  22. 这些角色匹配于某种类型的工作产品:例如,开发者对源码负责,或者系统分析师对用例规范负责。

    These roles are responsible for specific types of work products : for example , developers are responsible for source code , or system analysts are responsible for use case specifications .

  23. 上面这些角色匹配好了以后,还有很多角色剩了下来,例如业务分析师、系统分析师、用户体验专家等等。

    Once the above roles are mapped there are still a lot of roles like Business Analysts , Systems Analysts , User Experience specialists , etc which need to be mapped to Scrum roles .

  24. 各类公司均表示要扩充高级系统分析师队伍。与今年的薪酬水平相比,这一职位的起薪预计会增长5%,达到8.55万美元;

    All kinds of companies say they plan to add senior systems analysts , whose base pay is projected to rise 5 % over this year 's levels , to as high as $ 85500 ;

  25. 近几年来,专注于遗留集成系统的分析师一直赞同这种以大型机为中心的整合方式,即将XML和SOAP直接运行在大型机上。

    For several years , analysts , specializing in legacy integration systems , have favored this mainframe-centric approach to integration with XML and SOAP running natively on the mainframe .

  26. 22岁的新娘是一名系统数据分析师和IT指导师。在婚礼上她佩戴着镶有六颗泪滴状祖母绿的钻石头冠,奢华到令人惊叹。

    The 22-year-old bride , who worked as a systems data analyst and IT instructor , sported a breathtaking diamond tiara studded with six teardrop-shaped emeralds .

  27. 2.网络系统和数据分析师Networksystemsanddataanalysts这个职业的全名叫做“网络系统和数据通信分析师”,虽然名字很长,但我们还是值得将它记住。国家劳工统计局的数据显示,它是美国成长第二快的职业。

    This occupation 's full title is " network systems and data communication analysts . " And while it 's a mouthful , it is worth remembering as it 's the second-fastest growing occupation in the U.S. , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

  28. 这个系统模型对分析师和设计者都很清晰且易于理解。

    The system model is clear and easy to follow for both the analyst and the system designer .

  29. 对计算机科学家,数据库管理员,网络系统和数据交流分析师,电脑软件工程师的需求持续增长。

    The need continues to grow for computer scientists , database administrators , network systems and data communication analysts , and computer software engineers .

  30. 应与系统管理员、业务分析师和开发人员组成的团队进行沟通,讨论有关确保恰当管理风险的问题。

    You should communicate with a team of system administrators , business analysts , and developers on the issues of ensuring the risks are managed adequately .