
  • 网络Maintenance phase;maintenance stage
  1. 在协作维护阶段建立在联合政策遵从模型上的基于合同和政策的多agent的协作维护机制,维持协作联盟体系的正常运行。

    In cooperation maintenance stage , a contract-based cooperation coordination mechanism based on Joint-obey-policy mode is applied , which maintain the normal state of multi-agent cooperation federation . 4 .

  2. 管理信息系统(MIS)的生命周期中,维护阶段是系统用户投资最大,经历时期最长的阶段。

    In the software life circle of Management Information System ( MIS ), maintenance is the stage which is most invested and longest endured .

  3. 尤其是隶属软件工程中软件维护阶段的软件再工程就更为重要,原因是以前大部分的系统的都是基于Web开发的,没有明显的层次结构。

    In software engineering , the part of the re-engineering is more important because of most systems are based on Web development and they have no clear structure .

  4. 本文讨论的Web应用负载测试策略主张在应用程序生命周期的各个关键阶段进行负载测试,这些阶段包括设计和开发阶段、测试和质量保证阶段、使用和维护阶段。

    In this paper , the load testing strategy is discussed , which supports testing at critical stages of the application lifecycle , including design and development , testing and quality assurance , operation and maintenance stages .

  5. 特别是在生命周期的维护阶段,您可以使用WebSphereCloudBurstAppliance来应用补丁和更新。

    In particular to the maintenance phase of the lifecycle , you can use the WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance to apply both fixes and upgrades .

  6. COTS组件的进化意味着基于COTS组件的系统的退化,特别是在系统的维护阶段。

    And rapid evolution of the COTS component product means the obsolescence of the COTS-based systems , especially during COTS-based systems ' maintenance ( in a long run ) .

  7. 但这种IETM存在一个缺陷,就是没有考虑已经服役的同类型装备的保障性分析记录(LSAR),不能满足装备在使用维护阶段各种复杂的保障需求。

    However , there is a flaw that IETM is not considered in Logistic Support Analysis Record ( LSAR ) of the same type equipment being in service . Then IETM can not meet various complex support demand of equipment in application and maintenance phase .

  8. 对维护阶段项目进行构造及修正需求

    Creating and modifying requirements for the maintenance phase of the project

  9. 并且强调了软件维护阶段是一个微型的开发周期,它开始于产品的某个维护请求,终于软件产品的退役;

    Then that the maintenance phase is truly a miniature development cycle is emphasized .

  10. 用于软件维护阶段的实现方案

    The Realizable Projects of the Software Maintenance Stage

  11. 模型主要分3个阶段来描述:定义阶段,开发阶段和维护阶段。

    The model is described from 3 phases mainly : defining phase , developing phase , and maintaining phase .

  12. BEARP由三个阶段组成:安全邻居发现阶段;安全路由发现阶段;安全路由维护阶段。

    It consists of three phases : neighbor discovery phase , routing discovery phase , and routing maintenance phase .

  13. 周期性的紧急维护阶段是恢复服务器的稳定性,同时我们可以缩小问题产生原因的范围。

    The emergency maintenance periods are to restore stability while we continue to narrow down the cause of the problems .

  14. 一个初始阶段能耗小的结构可能在维护阶段能耗高。

    A structure having less energy cost in its initialization stage might have higher energy cost in its maintenance stage .

  15. 软件理解一直是软件维护阶段的瓶颈问题,它需要花费维护人员大量的时间和精力。

    Software understanding is always the bottleneck of the software maintenance process , it cost software workers quantities of time .

  16. 该安全成簇策略主要由三部分构成:初始化阶段,簇头重选阶段和拓扑维护阶段。

    The secure clustering scheme consists of initialization phase , cluster-head ( CH ) reselection phase , and topology maintain phase .

  17. 这些开发工具覆盖了整个智能空间系统的设计,开发,调试与维护阶段。

    They cover almost every phase ( design , developing , debugging and maintenance ) of the development of a smart space .

  18. 但是省下的这部分时间通常会在维护阶段迅速抵销掉,因为应用程序实际上将花费大量进行维护。

    But the time is usually offset rather quickly in maintenance , where the application will actually spend most of its time .

  19. 类似于典型的数据中心运维,云也可以步入维护阶段,这样你可能需要进行动态调整。

    Like typical datacenter ops , clouds go into maintenance windows and so you may need to dynamically adjust to things like this .

  20. 这座雕像曾在一月份的雷雨中遭到损坏,此后一直处于维护阶段,汤普森打算趁此机会登上顶端。

    The statue has been under repair since lightning storms damaged it in January , and Thompson decided to take advantage of the opportunity .

  21. 按照规划阶段、设计阶段、实施阶段、运行维护阶段和废弃阶段的风险进行相应的风险评估。

    According to the planning , design , implementation , operation and maintenance stages and abandoned the risk of corresponding stage of risk assessment .

  22. 对于处于维护阶段的复杂产品,也可以使用这种技术,从而显著降低寻找缺陷所需的调试技能和时间。

    It can also be used in the products that are under maintenance , and need a lot of debugging skills and time to find critical bugs .

  23. 在测试阶段,用功能点来衡量完成的功能与用户需求之间的差别;在维护阶段,对维护的工作量进行估计。

    In the phase of testing , functions finished are compared to the requirement by function point and in the phase of maintenance , the workload is estimated .

  24. 简要介绍了软件工程中的需求阶段、设计阶段、编程阶段、检验和测试阶段、维护阶段,并对其中的一些问题作了探讨。

    This paper introduces the requirement phase , design phase , programming phase , test phase and maintenance phase of software engineering , and analyses some problems in them .

  25. 在产品开发周期的这些阶段上所做出的不完全的思考和决定,常常在产品的发布和维护阶段突然出现。

    Incompletely thought through decisions at these phases of the product lifecycle often crop up further down the line when it comes time release and maintain the software product .

  26. 由于配电系统具有系统性、长期性的特点,运营维护阶段发生的费用在配网全寿命周期成本中占很大比重。

    As the distribution system has the characteristics of systematicness and long-term , the costs of operation and maintenance stages have a large proportion in the life cycle cost .

  27. 开发实践表明,应用该方法使得在开发后期和维护阶段的工作大大简化,从而加快多媒体软件的开发进程。

    Development practice demonstrates that the method can greatly reduce the work amount of the latter stage and maintenance stage of development , thus making the multimedia software development faster .

  28. 在软件维护阶段,修改后的程序应该被重新测试,保证修改能满足用户需求,并且软件能正常运行。

    During software maintenance , in order to ensure that the modified software still satisfies user 's requirement , and executes correctly , modified programs are required to be retested .

  29. 将建筑工程项目全寿命周期划分为五个阶段,包括决策阶段、设计阶段、实施阶段、运营维护阶段和项目废除阶段。

    The lifetime of a construction project is divided into five periods including planning period , design period , construction period , working and maintenance period , and abolition period .

  30. 所以,如果你想我一样到处跑,你可能会看到你的广告链接就在你博客定期维护阶段,还要作出一些积极的改变。

    So , if you 're anywhere like me , you might want to look at your affiliate links during your regular maintainance sessions , and make some positive changes .