
  • 网络Victorian;victorian style
  1. 体育与好客天性将在CromlixHouseHotel酒店完美相融,这座有15间客房的度假村由邓布兰(Dunblane)一座维多利亚风格的楼房改建而成,是本地名人、网球冠军安迪·莫瑞(AndyMurray)的产业,预计在4月份开张。—

    Sports and hospitality will meet at Cromlix House Hotel , a 15-room resort that the tennis champion and local hero Andy Murray plans to open in April in a Victorian mansion in Dunblane . -

  2. 现在我们都把它当作维多利亚风格的精华来欣赏了。

    We all now admire the building as a Victorian gem .

  3. 这是一种腔调,而不仅是维多利亚风格的表演。

    It 's a really mannered and rather Victorian performance .

  4. 维多利亚风格在维多利亚式的家居中,用锦缎、印花棉布、带子和透明硬纱营造出一种温柔、浪漫的氛围;

    Victorian Velvets Satins , chintz , lace and organza create a feeling of softness and romance in the Victorian home .

  5. 它们的校舍通常在混凝土结构中大量使用平板玻璃,和以维多利亚风格为主的红砖大学以及更古老的古典大学形成对比。

    They often contains wide expanses of plate glass in steel or concrete frames . This contrasted with the ( largely Victorian ) red brick universities and the older ancient universities .

  6. 凯投宏观的伦敦办公室位于白金汉宫附近一座19世纪的维多利亚风格联排住所中,从这里,已经谢顶、戴着眼镜的布托胸有成竹地向从纽约到北京的大银行和对冲基金做出建议。

    Operating out of a 19th-century Victorian townhouse near Buckingham Palace , the bald , bespectacled son of a civil servant confidently advises major banks and hedge funds from New York to Beijing .

  7. 在一月份,英国第一笔可观的用于超级赌场的钱投到了位于英格兰西北部的一个俗气下流的维多利亚风格的海边小城,它急需一股刺激的冲击。

    In January the smart money was on britain 's first ever super-casino being given to blackpool , a gaudy , bawdy Victorian seaside town in the northwest of england , which is in sore need of a dash of glamour .

  8. 凯特还应遵循维多利亚风格的餐桌礼仪:上第一道菜时与自己左边的人说话,上主菜时和右边的人交谈。

    Turn to the guest on the left first Kate will also be expected to follow Victorian-style table manners by talking to the person on her left for the first course and the person on her right for the main course , following the rule that you keep changing for each course .

  9. 中融集团(ZhongRongGroup)曾提出斥资5亿英镑,打造一个与当初维多利亚时代风格的“玻璃加钢铁建筑”(1936年被焚毁)规模和大小相同的“文化胜地”。

    Zhongrong Group had proposed building a £ 500m " cultural destination " on the same scale and size as the original Victorian glass and iron structure that burnt down in 1936 .

  10. 全红的墙纸和维多利亚时代风格的装修决定了情调。

    Red flocked wallpaper and a Victorian decor set the tone .

  11. 恐怕我喜爱这座楼甚于我的工作,即使是现在,我偶尔还会怀念五层楼上那个宽敞的维多利亚晚期风格的办公室。

    I 'm afraid I liked the building more than I did my job , and even now I occasionally miss my big late-Victorian office on the fifth floor .

  12. 事实上,亚洲发展迅猛的城市(包括广州在内),与维多利亚时代风格不尽相同,而是中世纪与超现代风格的尴尬融合。

    In truth , the fast-growing cities of Asia , including Guangzhou , are not so much Victorian as an awkward mix of the middle ages and the ultra-modern .

  13. 刻板的维多利亚时代风格以及大狗和福斯特小猫绝不是我中意的居家生活方式:我喜欢简约型休闲风格的生活。

    Formal Victorian style is not at all the right approach to a home for me with large dogs and foster kittens ; but my streamlined casual style works well .

  14. 团队要做的第一件事就是换掉罗恩·韦恩设计的维多利亚木版画风格的华丽标志,

    The first thing they did was to replace Ron Wayne 's ornate Victorian woodcut-style logo ,

  15. 在最近一次装修中,白宫将林肯卧室装修成维多利亚时代的风格,卧室的颜色变得更加开放。

    In the latest makeover , the White House renovated the room in bolder colors and patterns in the Victorian style .

  16. 维多利亚时代的主题风格在家具上再现。

    The Victorian theme is echoed in the furnishings .

  17. 罗恩·韦恩为公司设计了商标,他使用维多利亚时代插图小说风格的华丽线描,

    Ron Wayne drew a logo , using the ornate line-drawing style of Victorian illustrated fiction ,

  18. 曼彻斯特的市政厅是一座维多利亚时期新哥特风格的建筑,那里有着许许多多讲述这座城市历史的精美壁画。

    MANCHESTER 'S town hall is a Victorian neo-Gothic temple to local government , packed with murals commemorating episodes from the city 's history .