
  • 网络Victorian architecture;Victorian Houses
  1. 高高的维多利亚式建筑看起来陌生而又寂静,仿佛是废弃电影片场的空空荡荡的房子。

    The tall Victorian houses looked strange and silent , as if they might all be empty inside , like the houses on an abandoned movie set .

  2. 这座港口城市的维多利亚式建筑和用圆石铺成的街道真是美丽如画。

    The Victorian architecture and cobbled streets of this port town are truly picturesque .

  3. 镇中心有一座漂亮的维多利亚式建筑。

    In the middle of the town stands a splendid Victorian building .

  4. 这座宏伟的维多利亚式建筑将会被完全地保存下来并向公众开放。

    This great Victorian house will be preserved intact and opened to the public .

  5. 为维多利亚式建筑,形似中世纪大教堂。

    It is a building of Victoria style like a cathedral of the middle ages .

  6. 伦敦一所大学给他提供了一份相当不多的工作,报酬很高,并可免费住宿在一所维多利亚式建筑中。

    He had a great job offer from a London university , with a high salary and free lodging in a storied Victorian mansion .

  7. 加利福尼亚州奥克兰——今年夏天,在旧金山市随处可见的尖顶维多利亚式建筑中,一居室的中值租金飙升,超过了曼哈顿。租金大涨的部分原因是新来者趋之若鹜地赶来发掘科技业金矿而导致住房短缺。

    OAKLAND , Calif. - This summer , the median rent for a one-bedroom in San Francisco 's cityscape of peaked Victorians soared higher than Manhattan 's , sent skyward by a housing shortage fueled in part by the arrival of droves of newcomers here to mine tech gold .