
  • 网络Maintenance time;Duration;hold time;holding time;hold up time;hold-up time
  1. 根据电路的不同用途,分别从纹波、寿命、掉电维持时间等方面给出了电解电容的选型方法,并用产品实例作了详细说明。

    The selection guideline of the electrolytic capacitor is given according to different key targets such as voltage ripple , capacitors life time and power supply hold-up time .

  2. 结果两组患者封管效果、留置针留置时间及封管的维持时间比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    Results There was no significant ( P > 0.05 ) in the effects of sealing tube , catheter indwelling time and the duration of sealing tube .

  3. 麻醉平面维持时间D组与A组及B组比较差异显著(P<0.01或P<0.05);

    Anesthesia level holding time was significantly longer in group A and in group B as compared with it in group D ( P < 0.01 or P < 0.05 ) .

  4. 考察了臂丛麻醉时提高布比卡因溶液pH值对麻醉起效时间、止痛维持时间及布比卡因药物动力学的影响。

    The paper investigates the influence of increasing the pH of the bupivacaine solution for brachial plexus anesthesia oon time of onset of local anesthesia and the duration of useful analgesia .

  5. 这一研究显示,受到免疫抑制的HIV感染婴儿对扩大疫苗接种计划接种的疫苗产生抗体维持时间短。

    The study suggested that immunosuppressed HIV-infected children have a low persistence of antibodies to the vaccines of the Expanded Program on Immunization ( EPI , WHO ) .

  6. 结果:血药浓度峰值(0.92μg/ml)在24h出现,维持时间为3周。

    Results : Serum gentamicin concentration reached its peak level ( 0.92 μ g / ml ) at 24 h after implantation and lasted for 3 weeks .

  7. 集落维持时间CMV感染组较对照组明显缩短;

    The last time of colonies in groups with CMV infection was significantly shorten compared with the blank and mock group .

  8. CSCs饲养层细胞一般维持时间不超过8d;

    The feeder layer cells of CSCs survived time did not exceed 8 d.

  9. GBS患者CSF中MBP-IgG阳性率与发病天数有关。西地那非的起效时间和维持时间的研究进展

    And was relevant to the onset days of GBS . Advances in Researches on the Onset and Duration of the Action of Sildenafil

  10. 目的探讨HBO对动物牙周炎和牙龈血流量(GBF)的影响及疗效维持时间。

    Objective To Study the effects of HBO on periodontitis and gingival blood flows ( GBF ) in animal .

  11. 方法在12只山羊的左房游离壁及左上肺静脉外膜缝合电极片,心房快速刺激,诱发维持时间超过24h的持续性房颤。

    Methods Twelve female goats were instrumented with epicardial electrodes patches on the left atrium ( LA ) and left superior pulmonary vein ( LSPV ) .

  12. 结果:A、B两组的抢救成功率分别为80.8%、68.2%,A组较B组GCS≤14分维持时间明显缩短。

    Result : The success rations of treatment in group A and B were 80.8 % and 68.2 % respectively . Compared to group B , GCS ≤ 14 and markedly shortened persistent time existed in group .

  13. 方法:应用无血清培养基采用小方瓶培养CHO细胞,观察细胞维持时间、培养过程的形态变化。

    Methods : Culture CHO cells in serum-free media and then compare the maintainance time , morphological changes and hemagglutination titers of the cells in culture supernatant .

  14. 有几只猴的血液和脑脊液中在1周内可检出IgG类抗抗体或其免疫复合物,最晚的于第3周才出现。IgG的维持时间较长。

    The IgG anti-antibodies and their IC began to appear in sera of 6 animals and CSF of 4 animals between the 1st and the 3rd week , and maintained for a long time .

  15. 目的:探讨氯化高铁血红素(hemin)是否可诱导人脐静脉内皮细胞Erk1/2的磷酸化,以及对磷酸化Erk1/2的维持时间。

    AIM : To investigate the relationship between hemin and Erk1 / 2 activation in human umbilical vascular endothelial cells ( HUVECs ) .

  16. 视神经离断组c-Jun升高幅度高于视神经钳夹组,且高峰期维持时间较久。

    The extent of increase of c-Jun expression was much higher and the maintenance of fastigium was much longer in optic nerve transection models than in optic nerve crush models .

  17. B组胃pH平均值、pH平均中位数在给药第1和5周均比第1天增加,药效维持时间也延长,差异有显著性。

    The duration of drug action was also shortened significantly . The gastric mean pH and mean median pH in group B were significantly higher during weeks 1 and 5 than on day 1 of post dosing , the duration of drug action was also prolonged significantly .

  18. 结果A组镇痛起效时间、镇痛效果、镇痛维持时间均明显优于B组(P<0.05或0.01),并且对产程、新生儿Apgar评分的影响较小。

    Results In group A , the onset time , analgesia effects , analgesia maintaining time were superior to group B ( P < 0.05 or 0.01 ), and Sufentanil had less effectiveness on labor course and Apgar scores .

  19. 结果Tc与ICU监护时间,呼吸机维持时间,正性肌力药物剂量相关性最高,Si+Di与术后情况相关性较好,SF与术后情况轻微相关。

    Results The time of stay in ICU , duration of mechanical ventilation , dose of inotropic drugs were the best correlated with Tc . Si + Di was relatively well and SF was mildly correlated with postoperative outcome .

  20. 抗体上升下降快,在最高水平维持时间短,并且除第1例外,其余3例的抗体滴度均小于1∶100,核壳蛋白抗体变化规律与总的IgG抗体一致,但滴度更低。

    But the antibody began to decrease in a short time after reaching the peak , and the titer was lower than 1 ∶ 100 in 3 cases . The antibody to nucleocapsid protein changes in accordance with SARS-IgG with lower titer .

  21. 采用急性实验性不完全性脑缺血小鼠模型,观察KZF对小鼠的呼吸维持时间的延长。

    For acute experimental incompleteness cerebral ischemia of mice protection experiment , KZF observation in mouse breathing maintenance time is extended .

  22. 目的观察成人腹泻轮状病毒(ADRV)抗体在人体内维持时间。

    Objective This research aimed at observing the persistent time of ADRV antibody in the sera of ADRV cases .

  23. 经时过程实验:无论单剂量给药或者重复给药,与ATRA相比,ATPR在体内的血药浓度较高,且维持时间较持久。

    The experiment of time course : Whether single or multiple dose administration , compared with ATRA , ATPR was able to maintain a high plasma concentration level forlong time .

  24. 前者是在体外合成siRNA,再导入siRNA于细胞内,该法存在基因沉默维持时间短、转染效果不稳定等问题。

    The former is to synthesis siRNA in vitro , and then the siRNA was transfected into cells . There are some problems in this kind of method to construct siRNA , such as short gene silence time and unstable transfection effect .

  25. [结果]利胆化瘀片可明显提高热板致痛的痛阈,维持时间长达4h以上,且随剂量增加而痛阈值增大;

    [ Results ] LHT could increase the pain threshold obviously , and the effect maintained as long as 4 hours upwards , and reduce the frequency of body twist , and with the increase of dosage , the pain threshold was higher and higher ;

  26. 结果表明,牛粪与玉米秸秆以4∶6配比效果最好,堆肥升温快,3d达到50℃,高温维持时间为16d,最高温度达71℃,堆肥29d后,白菜种子发芽指数高达81.6%;

    The results indicated that 4 ∶ 6 of dairy manures and corn stalks was best ratio . Its temperature rose rapidly to 50 ℃ on the third day , and high temperature maintained for 16 days . Maximum temperature was 71 ℃ .

  27. QS-1集油剂在55cm长的水槽中,使水面柴油膜收缩距离达44.0~50.8cm,维持时间大于6h;

    The contracted distances of the slicks by using QS 1 type oil collection agent in the different test condition are from 44.0 to 50.8 cm in the volume of 55cm × 5cm × 5cm glass water trough . The remaining time is more than 6 h.

  28. 方法小鼠尾静脉给予饱和氯化镁溶液01mL,形成全脑缺血模型,观察注射用刺五加对小鼠张口喘气维持时间的影响;

    Methods The mode of the deep cerebral ischemia by the intravenous injection of the saturated MgCl 2 ( 0.1 mL ) and the effects of the drug on the survival time in mice were studied ;

  29. 结果175例患者中有97%主观疗效为很好或较好,7.5mg和15mg两剂量组间在主观疗效与睡眠维持时间上无显著性差异。

    Results Of the 175 patients , 97 % considered midazolam as " good " or " excellent " on treating sleep disorders . There were no significant differences in clinical effects of midazolam between 7.5 mg-and 15 mg-treatment group when evaluated by patients ' subjective effects and sleeping time .

  30. 固定强度维持时间长达6个月;

    Time is * The strength can maintain effectively 6 months .