
  1. GPS测量技术在锡山市地面沉降研究中的应用

    Application of GPS observation technique to study of ground subsidence in Xishan City

  2. 无锡市锡山区监管场所羁押人员HIV抗体筛查分析

    HIV Antibody Screening among Detention People in Detention Places in Xishan District of Wuxi City

  3. 无锡市锡山区体检人员HBsAg、HBeAg和ALT检测结果分析

    Analysis of the Results of Determining HBsAg , HBeAg and ALT in Physical Examination Personnel in Xishan District of Wuxi City

  4. 在GIS的支持下,运用地统计学方法研究了苏南典型地区原锡山市土壤全Zn和有效Zn的空间分布特征,并简要分析了土壤全Zn和有效Zn含量与土壤颗粒组成之间的关系。

    A geostatistics method combined with GIS was applied to the study of the spatial distribution of total soil Zn and available Zn in the typical area of southern Jiangsu province .

  5. 浅谈锡山市垃圾堆肥处理

    Discussion on Compost of Garbage Disposal in Xishan City , China

  6. 广东阳春锡山岩体的地质地球化学特征

    Geology-geochemistry Characteristics of Xishan Granite Body in Yangchun , Guangdong

  7. 江苏锡山市耕地预警系统研究

    Cultivated Land Early-Warning System of Xishan City , Jiangsu Province

  8. 江苏省锡山市糖尿病流行病学特征

    Epidemic Features of Diabetes in XiShan City . Jiangsu Province

  9. 锡山市尘肺病发病趋势的观察与分析

    Analysis on incidence tendency of pneumoconiosis in Xishan city

  10. 锡山市的新城建设及若干问题分析

    On some of the problems in the new town construction around Xishan City

  11. 苏南地区村民委员会的自治及其与乡镇政府的关系&锡山、昆山两市农村调查

    The Autonomy of Villagers ' Commitee and its Relationship with Town Government in Southern Jiangsu

  12. 江苏省锡山市西部地区地下水资源计算模型研究

    Model studying of groundwater resource computing for west part of Xishan district , Jiangsu Province

  13. 论转型期城乡一体化发展&以无锡市锡山区为例

    Discussion on urban-rural integration in period of transition : a case study of Xishan region

  14. 锡山地区河网入贡湖污染负荷计算研究

    Research on the Water Pollution Load from the River Network to Gong Lake in Xishan Area

  15. 被无锡政府列为锡山区重点“123”计划支持企业。

    LongKey has been listed by Wuxi Municipal as Xishan District " 123 " plan supporting enterprise .

  16. 长江三角洲地区县域耕地变化驱动要素研究&以原锡山市为例

    Arable Land Use Changes at County Level in Yangtze River Delta & A Case Study of Xishan City

  17. 锡山市地下水开采十分强烈,其地面沉降灾害也最为严重。

    Water pumping in Xishan City is most intense and hence damage from the ground subsidence is also most heavy .

  18. 作为锡山区软件行业龙头企业,朗奇拥有最先进的技术和来自各方的有力支持。

    As the leading software enterprise in Xishan , LongKey has the most advanced technology and strongest support from all sides .

  19. 经济发达区土地利用变化对土壤氮含量的影响&以江苏省原锡山市为例

    Effects of land use changes on N element in the developed areas & A case of former Xishan city of Jiangsu Province

  20. 锡山市乡镇卫生院运营现状、问题及改革路径

    The Operation Status , the Issues to be Resolved and the Ways of Resolved and the Ways of Reform in Township Health Centers in Xishan City

  21. 基于此,以锡山市作为长江三角洲经济发达地区的典型代表,采用数字遥感技术、地理信息系统技术和全球定位技术,汲取前人经验,利用数学模型来进行区域土地利用时空变化监测研究。

    Taking Xishan City as a typical example of the Yangtze River Delta , regional land use dynamic monitoring is studied by RS , GIS and GPS technologies .

  22. 据此模型进行了锡山市2010年耕地系统的预警分析。

    According to this model , the analysis of the early_warning for the cultivated land of Xisha city in 2010 shows that the output stability of the cultivated land_system will be decreasing .

  23. 有充分的证据表明,锡山花岗岩体是一个燕山晚期第二阶段两次侵入构成的复式岩体。

    It has been fully shown from evidences that the granite body in Xishan is a complex body which was made up of two intrusions in the2nd stage of Later Yenshanian period .

  24. 本文还以无锡市锡山区的有效实践为依托,对区域推进义务教育高位均衡发展进行研究,具有一定的前瞻性。

    This thesis also draws implications from the effective practice of Xishan District , Wuxi . The study of the highly balanced development of compulsory education within a certain district is a kind of forward-looking activity .

  25. 以锡山市张泾镇泾北村的二暗一明灌排工程为例,探讨了该类工程经济后评价方法。

    Taking an irrigation and drainage project with two kinds of closed conduits and one kind of open ditches in Xishan City for example , the secondary economical evaluation method for this mode projects is discussed .

  26. 1999年锡山区文管办对6座明代钱氏家族墓葬进行了抢救性清理,共出土金银首饰等随葬品100多件,墓志铭13方。

    Xishan District Cultural Relics Administration underwent salvage cleaning to 6 Ming Dynasty tombs belong to The Qians in 1999 . More than 100 funeral objects , most of them were bullion ornaments and 13 epitaphs were found .

  27. 这就是现在的九龙山。那锡球内的巨石,即今天的锡山。产生的后果是:锡膏出现硬皮、硬块、难熔并产生大量锡球等。

    This is today 's Jiu'Long'Shan or Nine Dragon Hill and the huge rock inside the tin ball has become today 's Xishan or Mount Xi . So it will result in rigidity skin & block and solder balls etc.

  28. 本文在与前人的锡山区河网概化模型相比较基础上,通过增加河网密度,建立了与该地区河网实际河道分布情况更为相近的河网一维水量水质模型。

    Compared with recent results on hydro-dynamic and quality numerical model , the paper established a new one dimension hydro-dynamic and quality equations which is more similar to this area water net distribution by increasing the water net consistency .

  29. 文章以江苏省原锡山市为研究区域,分析了1985年~2000年快速城镇化时期的城市化发展、土地利用变化(主要是指结构变化)的态势。

    Taking the former Xishan city of Wuxi city as the case , this paper analyzed the progress of urbanization and land use change from 1985 to 2000 . The driving mechanism of land use change has been analyzed theoretically .

  30. 锡山市位于太湖平原北部,其耕地质量变化过程反映了长江三角洲腹地经济发展水平较高地区的耕地现状和发展趋势。

    Xishan city , which lies in the north of the Taihu lake plain and the hinterland of the Changjiang River delta , has its cultivated land reflecting the change of its cultivated land quality in the developed areas of the delta .