
  1. 传统的古籍普查方式耗费大量的人力物力,主要采取中国机读目录格式CNMARC(ChinaMachine-ReadableCatalogue)、古籍普查表、国家珍贵古籍名录申报书和Access数据库等传统载体进行记录。

    The traditional way of ancient book survey is spending a lot human and material resource , and mainly using traditional carriers such as CNMARC ( China Machine-Readable Catalogue ), ancient book census form , declaration of national precious ancient books and the access database to record information .

  2. 《第一批国家珍贵古籍名录图录》的版本学价值

    The Value of the First Batch of List Album of National Rare Ancient Books in Edition Study

  3. 要求加入某国国籍的初步申请书陕西省申报《国家珍贵古籍名录》概述

    A Summary of the Shaanxi Province Declaration to the " Catalogue of National Rare Books in China "

  4. 随着我国政府不断重视民族古籍的收集与整理工作,现已有7个彝文《劝善经》刻本被陆续列入第一、二、三批国家珍贵古籍名录。

    As our government continues to attach the importance to the national collection and collation of ancient , now there have seven " Quan Shan Jing " had has been included on the first , second and third group of countries valuable ancient books list .