
  • 网络National Information Infrastructure;nii;UNII;Nil
  1. 802.11a标准制定于1999年,它工作于5GHz无须申请的美国国家信息基础设施(UNII)频段。

    The 802.11a standard , which was ratified in 1999 , operates in the 5-GHz unlicensed national information infrastructure ( UNII ) band .

  2. 国家信息基础设施(计划)

    NII ( National Information Infrastructure )

  3. NⅡ在行动&世界部分国家信息基础设施行动计划

    NII in Action & Project of NII in Some Countries

  4. 国家信息基础设施(NII)建设的热潮与我国的进展和对策

    Upsurge of Natioal Information Infrastructure ( NII ) and Its Progress and Countermeasures in China

  5. 这些问题的答案对于信息时代和国家信息基础设施的未来是及时而独特的。

    The answers are timely and unique to the Information Age and the promise of a National Information Infrastructure .

  6. 本文论及了全球信息基础设施和国家信息基础设施将给全球社会和经济带来的利益,并描绘了它们的发展蓝图。

    The article outlines the basic principles blueprints for Global InformationInfrastructure National Information Infrastructure and the benefits GII NII will bring .

  7. 电信企业是国家信息基础设施的主要建设者和运营者,担负着基础建设的重要使命。

    Telecommunication enterprises are main builder and network operator of the national information infrastructure , taking charge of the important mission of capital construction .

  8. 数字地球是国家信息基础设施的重要部分,也是近年来关注的热点。

    Digital earth is the important part of the national information infrastructure , and a focus paid close attention to in recent years too .

  9. 随着国家信息基础设施建设的发展,数字林业的发展是时代的要求,也是林业发展的必然趋势。

    With the development of building basal establishment of national information , the development of digital forestry is currently insistent demands of forestry development .

  10. 一种有用的方法是把国家信息基础设施想像为50年代州际高速公路网络。

    One helpful way is to think of the national information infrastructure as a network of highways , much like the INTERSTATES of the1950s .

  11. 网格是近年来信息技术领域的热点研究课题,是支撑未来各类应用的国家信息基础设施。

    The Grid is a new national information infrastructure for many future applications . It has been a research focus in the field of information technology in recent years .

  12. 光纤通信为迅速发展的信息业提供了一种上乘的信息传输技术,并且已经成为国家信息基础设施建设的重要组成部分。

    Optical communication supplies the rapidly developing IT ( information technology ) industry with an optimal information transmitting technique and has become an important part of the national information infrastructure .

  13. 今后几年,中方将加大对东盟人员的信息技术培训力度,并积极参加东盟国家信息基础设施的建设。

    In the coming years , the Chinese side will intensify the information technology training for ASEAN professionals , and actively participate in the construction of information infrastructures in ASEAN countries .

  14. 为了保障国家信息基础设施的安全,建立和发展一个高效、可靠的网络安全战略预警系统是十分必要的。

    For protecting the National Information Infrastructure ( Nil ) from attack , it is essential to establish and develop an efficient and reliable Network Security Strategic Indication Warning ( NSSI W ) .

  15. 计算机与通信技术的飞速发展,促进了互联网广泛的应用,网络作为交换信息的一种工具,已成为国家信息基础设施的重要组成部分。

    The rapid development with computer and communication technologies , the Internet is being greatly applied , network is taken as a tool for the exchange of information , it is the important part of base infrastructure in information of country .

  16. 目前,世界范围内正在掀起数字图书馆建设高潮。数字图书馆已成为国际高科技竞争中新的制高点,成为评价一个国家信息基础设施水平的重要标志。

    At present , the construction of digital library ( DL ) is very popular all over the world , which has become the new competitive factor of international high technology and is an evaluated symbol of national information infrastructure level .

  17. 互联网是关键的国家信息基础设施,对互联网网络安全状态的实时监控是确保互联网有序运行的关键,而对互联网网络安全状态的监测分析是对其进行实时控制的前提。

    Internet is a national key information infrastructure . Monitoring and controlling the Internet network security incidents in real time is key to insure Internet running normally . Monitoring and analyzing the state of Internet network security is the precondition of controlling it in real time .

  18. 互联网正在成为国家关键信息基础设施,事关国家和全社会的根本利益。

    Internet has become the key information facility of our country .

  19. 它是一个国家构筑信息基础设施并使其正常运行发挥效益所必需的产业。

    It is an essential industry for a country to construct information infrastructure and make their normal running give play to benefit .

  20. 数字中国地理空间框架作为国家空间信息基础设施的重要组成部分,是国民经济和社会信息化的基础支撑平台。

    As a key part of the national space information infrastructure , the geography space frame of Digital China is the basic supporting platform of national economy and social informatization .

  21. 目前,互联网成为国家的重要信息基础设施,互联网安全问题也成为事关国家安全的战略性问题。

    Nowadays , the Internet has become an important information infrastructure for our society . Security problems on the Internet have also become strategic challenges for national security .

  22. 有线电视网络是国家重要的信息基础设施,也是是三网融合的基础网络之一。

    CATV network is the important national information infrastructure , the one of the network infrastructures of " The network convergence ", as DTV progress totally starts , it is possible that convergence to become true . In some key step has been made a breakthrough progress .

  23. 《战略》指出,政府将维护网络空间主权和国家安全,保护信息基础设施,打击网络恐怖和违法犯罪。

    The government will guarantee cyberspace sovereignty and national security , protect information infrastructure and act against cyber terror and crimes , according to the strategy released by the Cyberspace Administration of China ( CAC ) .