- 网络IGBP;International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme;international geosphere-biosphere program

As one of the core projects of IGBP and the global change study , GCTE-Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems is a hot research topic for the global ecological community .
Material cycling on continental shelves is one of the critical issues of the International Geo-Biosphere Project .
International geosphere biosphere program
PAGES is a core project of IGBP , which will cover twenty years from 1991 to 2010 AD.
The international geosphere biosphere program ( IGBP ) is one of the most important activities in the field of geoscience .
After 15-year study , as the core program of the global change research , IGBP is evolving into the second phase .
The terrestrial transect has already become an important approach and hot spot for International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme ( IGBP ) in the global change study .
Northeast China transect ( NECT ) is one of the IGBP terrestrial transects , which will promote the study of global change and terrestrial ecosystems in China .
Land use and land cover change arose environmental problems , the effects and evaluation of environment has become hos-pot in the study of global change with joint promotion of IGBP and HDP .
In 1995 , the International Geosphere-Biosphere program ( IGBP ) and the international human dimensions of global environmental change program ( IHDP ) co-launched the " land use / cover change research " program and included the core components of their own .
International Geosphere - Biosphere Program : Progress and Prospect
Nowadays , the properties of sediments changed by bioturbation have been concerned by International Geosphere and Biosphere Plan ( IGBP ), especially the problems about the bioturbation and hydrodynamic coupling led to the tidal flat sediment flow differences .
This paper briefly presents Solar-terrestrial Energy program ( STEP : 1990-1995 ), the contents contain mainly : cause , production background , great significance , basic scientific framwork and their principal goals , constitution , spacecraft missions , relation with IGBP .