
  • 网络rotary international;International Rotary Club
  1. 这些致力于该运动的组织,比如长期领导这一努力的商业团体国际扶轮社(RotaryInternational)似乎有点天真地认为一切都在正轨上,但事实却并非如此。

    The organisations behind the existing drive - such as Rotary International , the business group that had long led the effort - had sort of naively assumed it was on track , but it wasn 't , Gates says .

  2. 这些致力于该运动的组织,比如长期领导这一努力的商业团体“国际扶轮社”(RotaryInternational)“似乎有点天真地认为一切都在正轨上,但事实却并非如此。”盖茨说,

    The organisations behind the existing drive - such as Rotary International , the business group that had long led the effort - " had sort of naively assumed it was on track , but it wasn 't , " Gates says .

  3. 在国际扶轮社监督根除脊髓灰质炎的规划担任领导人达12年之久的WilliamT.Sergeant在世界卫生大会上获得世卫组织给予的个人嘉奖。

    William T.Sergeant , for12 years the leader of the programme overseeing polio eradication within Rotary International , received a personal citation from the WHO , at the World Health Assembly .

  4. GPEI是由世界卫生组织、联合国儿童基金会、国际扶轮社以及核心捐助国(大部分是西方八国集团成员)组成。

    The GPEI comprises the WHO , the UN Children 's Fund , Rotary International and core donor countries & mostly the G8 nations .

  5. 我在与充当先锋的其它伙伴对话:国际扶轮社、疾病控制和预防中心以及联合国儿童基金会。

    I am speaking to the other spearheading partners : Rotary International , the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , and UNICEF .

  6. 让我重复国际扶轮社在一月执行委员会会议期间的一项声明,解释决心意味着什么。

    Let me explain what is meant by determination by repeating a statement made by Rotary International during the Executive Board meeting in January .

  7. 向扶轮社社长及秘书查明该扶轮社是否有按时缴交社员会费给国际扶轮社,订阅应该阅读的出版品,及做到所有应尽的义务。

    Ascertain from the club president and secretary if the club is up-to-date in its RI payments of per capita dues , subscriptions , and other obligations .

  8. 被国际扶轮社多年使用志愿者为世界范围内数量众多的儿童进行脊灰免疫的经历所感动,世界卫生大会在1988年通过了根除脊髓灰质炎的决议。

    Impressed by Rotary 's years of experience using volunteers to immunize large numbers of children against polio worldwide , the World Health Assembly adopted a resolution in1988 to eradicate polio .

  9. 国际扶轮社纳夫萨里分社在纳夫萨里和周边地区开设了一所眼科医院和九个地区眼科中心,扶轮社声称为最穷苦的人服务,该组织于1970年设立一所医院,即纳夫萨里扶轮社眼科研究所。

    The Rotary Club of Navsari operates an eye hospital and nine area eye centers in and around the Navsari District . Rotary says its services are for the poorest people . The group opened the hospital , the Rotary Eye Institute of Navsari , in nineteen seventy .

  10. 国际合作的扶轮社之社员是如何参与这项计画?

    How did Rotarians from the international partner club participate in the project ?