
  • 网络Australian Defence Force Academy;Australian Defence Forces;adfa
  1. 澳大利亚国防学院(australiandefenceforceacademy)的卡莱尔萨耶(carlylethayer)评论道,美国已经将其53艘高速攻击潜艇中的31艘及俄亥俄级核潜艇部署到太平洋地区。

    Carlyle Thayer , of the Australian Defence Force Academy , notes that it has already deployed 31 of its 53 fast-attack submarines and three Ohio class nuclear submarines to the Pacific .

  2. 澳大利亚国防军事学院东南亚问题专家卡尔.泰尔对于双方缺乏克制表示担心。

    Carl Thayer , a Southeast Asia specialist with the Australian Defense Force Academy , is concerned by the lack of restraint by both sides .

  3. 这位前澳大利亚国防军总司令告诉澳大利亚国防军学院的毕业,他们需要“保证和重新确认”与澳大利亚公众的关系。

    The former Chief of the Australian Defence Force told graduates of the ADF Academy that they will need to " reassure and reaffirm " the relationship with the Australian public .