
  • 网络abc;australian broadcasting corporation;ABC News;ABC Australia;australian broadcasting company
  1. 彼得罗夫斯基接受澳大利亚广播公司采访时表示,疫苗中的抗体会像拖车一样移除被疾病损害的蛋白质。

    Petrovsky told ABC that the antibodies in the vaccine candidate work like tow trucks turning up to remove proteins damaged by disease .

  2. 该协会的发言人迈克尔·贝提告诉澳大利亚广播公司说:这次热浪对昆士兰州东南部所有蝙蝠群落都是场大灾难。

    The heatwave was basically a catastrophe for all the bat colonies in south-east Queensland , a spokesman , Michael Beatty , told ABC News .

  3. 超过50万人参与了公共广播机构澳大利亚广播公司(ABC)开展的此项在线调查,结果显示,经典摇滚明显比流行音乐、舞曲和说唱音乐更受欢迎。

    More than 500000 people took part in public broadcaster ABC 's online poll , which showed a clear preference for classic rock over pop , dance and hip hop .

  4. 澳大利亚广播公司报道称,有数十名救援人员在海滩上。

    The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported that dozens of rescuers were at the beach .

  5. 警长彼得·里弗斯向澳大利亚广播公司透露,这个信号可能已经在那儿好几年了。

    Senior Sgt Peter Reeves told the Australian Broadcasting Corp that the message may have been there for years .

  6. 奥布莱特在接受澳大利亚广播公司的采访时表示,中国参与了合作。

    In an interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Radio National , Albright said China is a part of the cooperation .

  7. 澳大利亚广播公司报道称,中国可能会面临比美国规模还大的次级房地产危机。

    China could soon be facing a sub-prime housing crisis on a much larger scale than the United States , Australian Broadcasting Corporation ( ABC ) reported .

  8. 澳大利亚广播公司指出,有数据显示,与去年繁荣的黄金周相比,本月初的黄金周期间的住房销售量下降了70%。

    Figures showed a decline compared to last year of70 per cent in residential house sales during the usually buoyant Golden Week earlier this month , ABC said .

  9. 我现在已经退休了,退休前我在澳大利亚广播公司工作了好多年,这是一个由政府投资的大型广播电视公司。

    I am now retired but the greater part of my working life has been with The Australian Broadcasting Corporation , a large government-funded Radio and Television Company .

  10. 阿博特星期二在接受澳大利亚广播公司采访时,为他制定的关闭150个原住民社区的计划进行辩解。

    Mr. Abbott made the comments Tuesday in an interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in which he defended his plan to shut down up to 150 Aboriginal communities .

  11. 据澳大利亚广播公司1月26日报道,燕鸥在南澳大利亚州、维多利亚州以及新南威尔士州都已濒临灭绝。在过去3年中,这种鸟只到这些地方筑过两次巢。

    The little tern bird is endangered in South Australia , Victoria and New South Wales and has only nested in the area twice in the past three years .

  12. 澳大利亚广播公司并没有表明是哪个系统受到了袭击,信息是否泄露,还有为什么认为是中国黑客所为。

    The ABC report gave no further details on which systems had been affected , whether information was taken , or why China was seen as the likely culprit .

  13. 而且,据美国宇航局和澳大利亚广播公司的说法,已经识别出它们中的一些是由于澳大利亚几年干旱而干涸的矩形农业地块。

    And , according to NASA and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation , some of them were identified as rectangular agricultural plots that have been dried out by several years of drought in Australia .

  14. 周三,澳大利亚广播公司报道了遭遇严重黑客攻击事件,称经过官方证据表明,几乎肯定网络攻击来自中国。

    The Australia Broadcasting Corporation ( ABC ) reported a " massive " hack on Wednesday , saying it had been told by " multiple official sources " it almost certainly came from China .

  15. 同时,央视还和澳大利亚广播公司携手,拍摄了首部中澳记录片《来自澳大利亚的故事》,以东方视角探寻一个充满魅力的澳大利亚。

    Meanwhile , CCTV is launching a new cooperation venture with Australian broadcasters . With the first documentary series named " the story of Australia " , the focus will be on giving an oriental perspective on the country .

  16. 据澳大利亚广播公司报道,吉拉德的这番言论遭到了反对党领袖托尼•艾伯特的反对。艾伯特是一位坚定的君主制主义者,他在1999年的全民公决中是反共和的中坚力量,此次全民公决未通过改制决议。

    According to ABC News , Gillard 's comments put her absolutely with Opposition Leader Tony Abbott , who is a staunch and was at the center of the anti-republican cause in the 1999 referendum , which rejected the notion of change .

  17. 这位冒险家的儿子奥斯卡上周五在接受澳大利亚广播公司电视采访时表示:“这趟旅程十分艰辛。他已经在印度洋上空飞行了几天几夜了,甚至他距离南极洲比澳大利亚还要近。但是他说自己现在很好。”

    Speaking last Friday , the adventurer 's son , Oscar , told Australia 's ABC television : " It has been very hard ... after several nights over the Indian Ocean where he was closer to Antarctica than Australia . But he ... said he 's ok . "

  18. 澳大利亚电视广播公司天空新闻希望自拍杆能够成为电视广播的未来,该公司的许多记者很快就能在与自拍杆类似的LiveUSmartGRIP工具帮助下进行新闻报道。

    Sky News , an Australian television network , is hoping the selfie sticks are the future of television , and a number of its reporters will soon be filing stories with the help of a selfie stick cousin , the LiveU SmartGRIP .

  19. 在2013年大选之前,外商持有农业地产曾是一个热门话题。当时,澳大利亚国家电视台澳大利亚广播公司(ABC)开展的“投票指南调查”(VoteCompassSurvey)曾显示,四分之三的澳大利亚人希望加强对土地销售的限制。

    Foreign ownership of agricultural land was a hot topic prior to the 2013 election , with a Vote Compass Survey by state broadcaster ABC finding that three-quarters of people wanted more restrictions on land sales .