
  • 网络Australian passport
  1. 澳大利亚报纸《悉尼先驱晨报》(SydneyMorningHerald)报道称,持有澳大利亚护照的SternHu是被拘留的人员之一,堪培拉正要求让其领事人员探访他。

    The Sydney Morning Herald , an Australian newspaper , reported that an Australian passport holder , Stern Hu , was among those arrested and that Canberra was demanding consular access .

  2. 成本中心一号不确定他的国籍是哪里,因为像他的两个弟弟一样,他既有英国护照,也有澳大利亚护照。

    CC # 1 is not sure what nationality he is , since he carries both UK and Australian passports , as do his brothers .

  3. 澳大利亚的护照上现在可以有三种性别选项:男性、女性和第三性别(X)。

    Australian passports will now have three gender options - male , female and x.

  4. 澳大利亚新护照承认“第三种性别”(在生理上无法完全归属于男性或女性的人群)。

    Third sex becomes official : Australian passports now have three gender options-male , female and x.

  5. 但是麦克勒兰德说,他不知道有关美国已经要求澳大利亚吊销阿桑奇护照的报导。

    But , McClelland said he had no knowledge of reports that the United States has asked Australia to cancel Assange 's passport .