
Nán Jīnɡ Tiáo Yuē
  • the Sino-British Treaty of Nanking ;Treaty of Nanjing ending Opium War
  1. 1842年的今天,《南京条约》的签署结束了第一次鸦片战争。

    Treaty of Nanking signing ends the First Opium War .

  2. 《南京条约》与英国在华治外法权的取得

    On Nanjing Treaty and britain 's acquirement of the extraterritoriality in China

  3. 鸦片战争清朝衰,南京条约丧国权。

    Qing Dynasty Opium War decline , the country mourning the right of the Treaty of Nanking .

  4. 在1842年签订的《南京条约》中,香港作为全岛的名称被正式确定下来。

    In1842 signed the " Nanjing Treaty ", Hong Kong , as the name of the island was officially confirmed .

  5. 一般来说,英国在中国取得治外法权始于鸦片战争以后中英《南京条约》的签订。

    Generally speaking , British extraterritorial rights in China started when the Treaty of Nanking was signed following the Opium War .

  6. 鸦片战争的战败以及《南京条约》的签订,使得中国的社会性质开始发生变化。

    The defeat of the First Opium War and the sign of the Treaty of Nanking led the Chinese social nature have changed .

  7. 1842年《南京条约》刚刚签订,经世学者魏源便推出“愤悱”之作《海国图志》。

    After was just concluded and signed in1842 , the scholar " weiyuan " brought out his book for " anger and grumbling " .

  8. 《南京条约》签订后,英、法、美相继在上海划定商民居住区,始成租界。

    After Nanjing Treaty was signed , Britain , Fance and The U.S.A demarcated respective residential district for businessmen one after the other , which became the concession .

  9. 从1842年起,《中英南京条约》等一系列不平等条约签订之后,外国传教士享有在华传教和译经的自由,这在客观上促使《圣经》中译进入鼎盛期。

    The signing of Treaty of Nanking in 1842 and a series of other unequal treaties later objectively facilitated the prosperity of the Chinese translation of the Bible .

  10. 1842年《南京条约》签订后,中国被迫五口通商。

    NANJING UNIVERSITY Following the signing of the Treaties of Nankin in 1842 , China ( the Qing Dynasty ) was forced to open five major seaports to western powers .

  11. 1840年鸦片战争失败,缔结不平等的《南京条约》后,中国逐渐沦为半殖民地半封建社会。

    After the Opium War in1840 , the defeated Qing government signed the humiliating Treaty of Nanking , and since then , China was gradually reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country .

  12. 经过一场长久的消耗战,清朝与大英帝国签署了《南京条约》,将香港让与英国治理。

    After a long war of attrition , the ruling family of Hong Kong , the Ching Dynasty , signed the Treaty of Nanking , giving the British authority over Hong Kong and its territories .

  13. 鸦片战争后,中英签定《南京条约》,中国进入了近代不平等条约时代,反对不平等条约的斗争也从此开始。

    After the Opium War , China was forced to sign " Nanking Treaty " with Britain . From them on , China entered an era of the unequal treaties , anti-unequal treaties revolution also began .

  14. 宁波是《南京条约》签订时确定的五口通商城市之一,是中国较早沦为半殖民地半封建社会的地方,在中国近代史上有着特殊的地位。

    Ningbo was one of five foreign trade cities after the Nanjing Treaty was subscribed . It became the semi-colony earlier than many other cities . Therefore , it stood a special position in Chinese modern history .

  15. 而到了鸦片战争之后,随着《南京条约》等一系列不平等条约的签订,西方殖民者获得了很多的在华利益,这就为西方的传教活动扫清了障碍。

    By the Opium War after signing as " Nanjing Treaty " and a series of unequal treaties , the Western colonialists gained a lot of interests in China , which is the Western missionary activity cleared the obstacles .

  16. 主要分析了早期中英贸易状况,清政府对待中英贸易的态度以及制定的相关政策,《南京条约》及其附约对中英贸易的有关规定及影响等。

    It mainly discusses the state of early Sino-Anglo trade , the attitude of government of Tsing Dynasty to Sino-Anglo trade and related policies , the related regulations and influences of Nanjing treaty and its attachments to Sino-Anglo trade .

  17. 早在1842年《南京条约》签订后,上海成为中国开放对外通商口岸之一,伴随而来的是大量新鲜事物的涌入,西方的思想、文化等也随之渗透。

    Early in 1842 , after signing the " Treaty of Nanjing ", Shanghai has become one of open foreign trading seaports in China , meanwhile , a large flow of fresh things , western thoughts as well as culture began to be introduced in .

  18. 1842年,一支英国舰队,在亨利?鲍丁格尔的指挥下,一直打到南京,中国政府投降并签定了《南京条约》。这是中国清政府所签署的丧权辱国的第一个不平等条约。

    A British fleet , commanded by Henry Pottinger , proceeded until Nanjing , when the Chinese government finally gave in and signed the Nanjing Treaty in 1842 , the first of a long line of shameful treaties for the Qing government , called 4tunequal treatiesFor twenty centuries ,

  19. 广州在南京的南面,反而没有南京热。香港不过是一个小岛,1842年鸦片战争之后签订了《南京条约》,这个小岛就被英国占领了。

    Though Guangzhou is in the south of Nanjing , it is not as hot as Nanjing . Hong Kong is an island which came into the pas session of the English by the treaty of Nankin , after the war of 1842 ;