
  • 网络Nan'ao Island
  1. 南澳岛退化草坡的植被恢复研究

    A Study on Vegetation Restoration for the Degenerated Sloping Grassland in Nan'ao Island

  2. 广东南澳岛植被恢复过程中的群落动态研究

    Community dynamics during the process of vegetation restoration on Nan'ao island , Guangdong

  3. 旅游目的地吸引力及其影响因素研究&以南澳岛为例

    Study on tourism attractiveness of Nan ' ao Island as a destination

  4. 南澳岛丘陵土壤特性

    Characteristics of Hilly Soil in Nan ' ao Island

  5. 南澳岛输配电线路盐雾防腐问题的探讨

    Inquisition into Salt - spray Fog Anti - corrosion on Nanao Island Transmission line

  6. 广东省南澳岛的生态旅游资源及开发战略

    The Ecological Tourism Resources and Development Strategy in Nan ' ao Island , Guangdong

  7. 海岛旅游市场调查分析&以南澳岛为例

    An analysis on investigation of island 's tourism market ── a case study of Nan ' ao Island

  8. 广东南澳岛不同森林群落的林窗环境对移植树苗生长的影响

    The Influences of Gaps in Different Forest Communities on the Growth of Transplanted Tree Seedlings on N an'ao Island

  9. 文中还比较了南澳岛退化草坡、人工林和次生林群落的结构,并建议通过人工造林在退化草坡上恢复森林,对现有的人工林进行改造,继续保护和管理次生林。

    In addition , We compared the community structure of secondary forests with that of degraded hilly land and plantations .

  10. 南澳岛的次生林群落是该岛乡土树种物种库的主要承载者,这些次生林对整个岛屿的物种库和生态系统多样性的形成和维持具有重要的作用。

    The secondary forests are the carriers of the pool of species and are very important for sustaining the biodiversity in the Island .

  11. 南澳岛周围海域,岛屿众多,水质良好,是名贵海珍品龙虾繁衍生殖的好地方。

    South Australian waters around the islands , many islands have good water quality , luxury Seafood Lobster is a good place for reproductive reproduction .

  12. 结果鼠类和地里纤恙螨分离阳性率,南澳岛分别达2609%和40%,南澎列岛平均为3375%和75%;

    Results The rate of isolation of Nan ao was 26.09 % and 40 % respectively , Nan Peng Lie island was 33.75 % and 75 % ;

  13. 于2010年7月至2010年8月在汕头市南澳岛募集到514名50岁或以上的志愿者,共1003只眼。

    514 volunteers aged 50 or above were recruited and the study was conducted on 1,003 eyes from July 2010 to August 2010 in Nanao Island , Shantou .

  14. 对外交通条件、区域政治经济环境、知名度、区域旅游产品竞争是制约目前南澳岛旅游市场进一步开拓的重要因子。

    Many important factors exert negative influences on tourism market of Nan'ao island presently , such as exterior transportation , regional political and economic entironment , reputation , and regional tourism competition .

  15. 基于测度结果可得,在广东南澳岛倡导生态旅游开发势在必行,这对当地的经济发展和环境保护具有双重现实意义。

    To the conclusion of the measure , eco-tourism development in Guangdong Nan ' ao Island is imperative , which has a dual significance for the local economic development and environmental protection .

  16. 在南澳岛建立次生草坡对照及草坡种植试验样地,观测群落植物多样性、土壤肥力及生物量变化,以探讨海岛退化草坡的植被恢复过程。

    Check experiment was made on the sloping grassland in Nan'ao Island , where the plant community diversity , soil fertility and biomass were observed , and the vegetation recovery process of the degraded sloping grassland was explored .

  17. 以南澳岛台湾相思林不同生境梯度的种群作为一元资源位,共选取8个资源位进行调查,计测台湾相思林主要种群的生态位宽度、重叠和相似性比例。

    Resources position by different habitat gradient populations were taken according to the investigation data of major forest group and plant multiplicity in Nan'ao Island . Total eight resource positions were selected to explore the niche breadth , overlap and proportional similarity of major population of Acacia confusa forest .