
  • 网络Baengnyeong Island;Baengnyeong;Baengnyeongdo;Paengnyong-Do
  1. 渔夫李浣阳自从生下来就一直生活在白翎岛。

    Fisherman Lee Hwan-sun has lived all his life on Baengnyeong Island .

  2. 炮火演习也在附近的白翎岛进行。

    Artillery drills are also taking place on the nearby island of Baengnyeong .

  3. 这已经不是白翎岛第一次感到来自平壤的威胁。

    It is not the first time Baengnyeong has felt threatened by Pyongyang .

  4. 至于渔民李浣阳,他已经考虑一起离开白翎岛。

    As for fisherman Lee Hwan-sun , he has considered leaving Baengnyeong all together .

  5. 白翎岛在其最近点距离朝鲜领土只有15公里远。

    At its closest point , Baengnyeong is only about 15 kilometers away from North Korean territory .

  6. 虽然白翎岛一直在朝鲜大炮的范围内,但一些居民表示现在比以前感到更多的威胁。

    While Baengnyeong has always been within range of North Korea 's artillery , some residents say they feel more threatened now than before .