
bái lù
  • white deer
白鹿 [bái lù]
  • [white deer] 白色的鹿。传说仙人,隐士多骑白鹿

  • 且放白鹿青崖间。--唐. 李白《梦游天姥吟留别》

白鹿[bái lù]
  1. 根据一个美丽的传说,温州也被称为白鹿城。

    Wenzhou is often called the White Deer City , which is from a beautiful legend .

  2. 在白鹿原人悲剧生命中起着关键影响的就是家族制度。

    The clan system played a significant role in the tragic life of White Deer Plain people .

  3. 迪米塔尔。贝尔巴托夫不是第一个从白鹿巷来到OT的球员。

    Dimitar Berbatov isn 't the first striker to swap White Hart Lane for Old Trafford .

  4. 昨天位居榜首的阿森纳在白鹿巷,以3-1的成绩,又一次给以他们的北伦敦德比球队热刺和热刺教练MartinJol巨大的压力。

    Table-toppers Arsenal heaped the pressure on North London rivals Tottenham and their manager Martin Jol yesterday with a3-1 win at White Hart Lane .

  5. 人们好奇如果保罗。加斯科因在OT而不是白鹿巷踢球的话,他的职业生涯是否会有所不同。

    People speculate whether Paul Gascoigne 's career might have been different if he 'd gone to Old Trafford rather than White Hart Lane and come under Ferguson 's wing .

  6. 汉森认为,这位前波尔图球员尚未在Kop面前完全展示出他真正的价值。罗伊·霍奇森的球队将在本周日下午造访白鹿巷,延续对西汉姆比赛中的出色发挥将是他非常期待的。

    Hansen feels the former Porto man has yet to show Kopites his true value and is eager for him to build upon his Hammers performance when Roy Hodgson 's side visit Tottenham on Sunday afternoon .

  7. 麦克和刘静来到白鹿镇

    Mike and Jing have come to Bailu , a mountain town

  8. 艾德雷德在白鹿谷让一个病人给耽搁住了。

    Edred is detained by a case in White-Hart vale .

  9. 西安白鹿塬约8500年来土壤侵蚀研究

    Study on Soil Erosion Since 8500 Years in Bailu Tableland of Xi'an

  10. 哈里和他的同伴在白鹿巷建起了一个新的时代。

    Arry and company represent a new era at White Hart Lane .

  11. 康涅狄格州索尔兹伯里的白鹿旅馆

    The White Hart Inn , Salisbury , Conn.

  12. 汶川8.0级地震地表破裂白鹿镇段的变形特征

    Deformation Features of Surface Rupture of the Wenchuan Earthquake ( M8.0 ) at the Bailu Town

  13. 有人认为伦敦最古老的酒吧是德鲁里巷的白鹿酒吧。

    Some people argue that the oldest pub in London is the White Hart on Drury Lane .

  14. 据此判断白鹿塬区将在2003年左右有集中的滑坡发生。

    Hence , the judgment that there be a concentrated occurring of landslides in 2003 are made .

  15. 保罗华尔士认为,一场在白鹿巷球场的胜利,对两支球队以前四结束赛季的目标都是个促进因素。

    Paul Walsh thinks a victory for either team at White Hart Lane could be the stimulus for a top-four finish .

  16. 这是一部在四川省彭州市白鹿顶拍摄的纪录片,这里正是她出生长大的地方。

    It was filmed at Bailuding in the city of Pengzhou , Sichuan Province , where Isabel was born and raised .

  17. 上次获得冠军是2005的足总杯,在白鹿象球场点球战胜曼联。

    Their last piece of silverware was the FA Cup in2005 when they defeated Man Utd on penalties at the Millennium Stadium .

  18. 西安白鹿塬边黄土滑坡的稳定性与人类活动

    The stability of loess landslides on the edges of the Bailu tableland , xi ' an and their relationship with human activities

  19. 白鹿传说在陕西关中世代相传,民众赋予白鹿形象以吉祥美好的意义。

    As a family fairy tale , the legend of white deer goes round for generationsins in the Guanzhong Region of Shaanxi Province .

  20. 对于球迷来讲,能够看到我们在白鹿巷夺冠,再现1971年那只阿森纳的辉煌,是件美妙的事。

    It must have been good for the fans to see us repeat what happened in1971 when we also won the title at Tottenham .

  21. 我没怎么跟曼联谈过,当时和热刺的交易差不多成了。但白鹿巷总是我的第一选择。

    We spoke briefly to United when the Spurs deal appeared to be unravelling , but White Hart Lane was always my first choice .

  22. 同时,切尔西防守球员阿什利。科尔也加入了争论,他说他在白鹿巷得到的黄牌是不公平的。

    Meanwhile , Chelsea defender Ashley Cole has also joined the debate , claiming his yellow card in the White Hart Lane clash was unfair .

  23. 突然,白鹿一下子消失得无影无踪,而展现在他面前的却是枝繁叶茂,风光秀丽的山林。

    But then all of a sudden the deer had vanished from sight while before him was unfolding a beautiful scene of luxuriant wooded hills .

  24. 研究表明,白鹿塬塬区确定土壤侵蚀的主要依据是土层厚度的变化,并非侵蚀面。

    The study shows that the identified sign of soil erosion of Bailu tableland are not erosive surface , but is the change of soil 's thickness .

  25. 曼联在白鹿巷再次展现了自己的韧性,凭借一场0-0的平局回到榜首。

    United demonstrated their resilience once more in a testing goalless draw against Tottenham at White Hart Lane yesterday to go back to the top of the table .

  26. 因此他给哈科特发了一封电子邮件,当波尔在白鹿巷的表现所引起的广泛争议尚未平息之时,表达他对俱乐部与英超官方机构之间关系的关注。

    Mourinho sent ane-mail to Hackett expressing his concern over the club 's relationship with match officials in the wake of Poll 's performance at White Hart Lane .

  27. 科尔和亨利在白鹿巷进行夺冠庆祝的照片是上个赛季给人最深印象的场面之一。

    Ashley Cole and Thierry Henry provided one of the most enduring images of last season when they were pictured celebrating Arsenal 's title win at White Hart Lane .

  28. 周日马斯切拉诺在白鹿巷说:“形势的确不太好,但是这件事情太意外、太令人愤怒了。”当天西哈姆联队以0比1输掉了比赛。

    " Things weren 't going well for me but this was unexpected and outrageous ," he said of the incident at White Hart Lane during West Ham's1-0 defeat Sunday .

  29. 阿森纳第一次庆祝联赛和足总杯双冠王是在1971年,当时米尔的球队在白鹿巷获胜从而超出利兹获得联赛冠军,随后在温布里战胜利物浦获得足总杯。

    Arsenal first celebrated the League and FA Cup'Double'in1971 when Bertie Mee 's team won at White Hart Lane to pip Leeds to the title before beating Liverpool at Wembley .

  30. 周日在白鹿巷阿森纳再次展现了毁灭性的进攻足球,他们提前整整三周获得了英超冠军。

    With another devastating display of attacking football , Arsenal reclaimed the Premiership title at Tottenham 's White Hart Lane on Sunday-a full three weeks before the end of the season .