
yàn wō
  • bird's-nest;edible bird's nest;edible birds' nest;cubilose
燕窝 [yàn wō]
  • [edible birds' nest] 南亚及其邻近岛屿上的几种小雨燕(金丝燕属 Collocalia)的巢,主要由燕子的唾液腺的粘性分泌物经干燥而成,可用来作燕窝汤等

燕窝[yàn wō]
  1. 王妈捧着燕窝粥进来,吴荪甫也没觉得。

    The maid , wang mah , came in with a bowl of bird 's-nest gruel for him .

  2. 王妈捧着燕窝粥进来,吴荪甫也没觉得。当晚快乐王子及燕子睡得并不好。

    The maid , Wang Mah , came in with a bowl of bird 's-nest gruel for him . That night the Happy Prince and the swallow did not sleep very well .

  3. 他吃燕窝汤吃个没够。

    He had a rapacious appetite for bird 's nest soup .

  4. 燕窝糖蛋白酶联免疫检测方法的研究保健食品中降糖药物的LCMS检测

    Enzyme-Linked Immunoassay for the Determination of Glycoprotein from the Edible 's Nest Detection antidiabetic medicine added to health products by LC / MS-quadrupole

  5. 优质燕窝可卖到每克155美元,比银子还贵,而据澳大利亚海洋保护学会(AustralianMarineConservationSociety)称,鱼翅售价可高达每千克700美元。

    Premium birds ' nest can command $ 155 a gram , making it more expensive than silver , while shark fin can fetch up to $ 700 a kilogram , according to the Australian Marine Conservation Society .

  6. 明都大酒楼街对面坐落着木兰(MulanModernAsianCuisine)餐厅,餐厅的行政主厨乔治·朱(GeorgeChu)说,他们在特殊晚宴上用燕窝汤代替鱼翅汤。

    Across the street in Flushing at Mulan Modern Asian Cuisine , George Chu , the restaurant 's executive chef , said bird 's nest soup had replaced shark fin soup for their special-event dinners .

  7. 南极湖泊现代沉积物生物标志物的分析对比:对南极燕窝湖近代沉积物样品利用超临界流体萃取与GC-MS离线分析了烷烃、藿烷、甾烷等生物标志物及系列特征未知化合物。

    B. The biomarkers of modern lake sediments from Antarctica : We have analyzed some biomarkers , such as alkane , hopanes , steroids anda series of unidentified compounds with apparent m / z 94 by use of SFE and off-line GC-MS.

  8. “燕窝汤”是中国的美味。

    " Bird ' s-nest " soup is a Chinese delicacy .

  9. 认识什么才是最纯正自然的品质,而非人工制造的燕窝。

    What are the qualities of GENUINE , PURE and NATURAL nest .

  10. 燕窝及其制品的氨基酸分析研究

    Analysis of Amino Acids in Edible Bird 's Nest and Its Products

  11. 食用燕窝的金丝燕在悬崖上的家。

    The edible-nest swiftlet has its home on a cliff .

  12. 燕子再筑巢,可是燕窝屡筑屡破。

    Swallow nest again , but the bird 's nest built record-breaking record .

  13. 然而,食用燕窝不同于大多数中药。

    However , edible bird 's nest is different from most of the TCMs .

  14. 你和马萨关系如何?(燕窝:喂喂,这个问题有何居心?)

    Q.How is your relationship with Felipe Massa ?

  15. 爸爸:你懂什么?这是要收集燕窝用的。

    Dad : You know what ? It is for the bird 's nest .

  16. 燕窝适用各种性别和年龄群体。

    The bird 's nests are adaptable for either sex or any age group .

  17. (人们)在燕窝附近捉了七只燕子。

    Seven swallows were caught near their nest .

  18. 最后通过高温瞬间杀菌,保持了竹燕窝的色香味。

    Finally , through high temperature sterilizing , we have kept the birds nest flavor .

  19. 如何替燕窝升级。

    How to upgrade Grade of nest .

  20. 像人参、燕窝之类的中国滋补品对老人最合适。

    Chinese tonics such as ginseng or swallow nest are most suitable gifts for elderly people .

  21. 小麦、大麦、燕窝或其他农产品也都是如此情况。

    This same situation holds for wheat , barley , oat , or other farm staples .

  22. 其它一些美食包括燕窝、猪蹄和海参(很像一尺长的水生蛞蝓)。

    Other delicacies include birds'nests , pigs'feet and sea cucumbers ( which resemble foot-long aquatic slugs ) .

  23. 云南三种燕窝与进口燕窝成份的比较研究

    Study on the main ingredients of the three species of edible swift 's nest of Yunnan Province

  24. 讨论:用优化的提取工艺可以得到浓度较高、降解程度较低的燕窝蛋白质提取液。

    We got higher-concentration protein of edible birds ' nest and low-degradation degree by optimum extract method .

  25. 竹燕窝与正品燕窝食用的烹调方法基本相同,可以做扒菜、甜品、炖汤等。

    As for the cooking method , it is the same as any other bird 's nest food .

  26. 而喂养新儿燕窝可以很好的溶解在牛奶中并且补充营养。

    Feeding the newborns with bird 's nest that has been dissolved in milk can improve these deficiencies .

  27. 通过对双向电泳技术的适当改进,如蛋白质除杂、搭盐桥除去离子等,对燕窝蛋白质双向电泳技术进行优化。

    Improve the methods of regular two-dimensional electrophoresis , such as remove impurities and ions by salt bridges .

  28. 那天晚上,我们的燕窝,手机铃声和更多的调试。

    That night , our bird 's nest , to the mobile phone ring tones and more debugging .

  29. 燕窝实为天然的蛋白质及矿物质来源,滋润养颜。胶原蛋白有助肌肤锁紧水分,保持亮泽,容光焕发。

    Bird nest has been regarded as rare material for skin beauty , which contain natural proteins and minerals .

  30. 燕窝能帮助调解内分泌系统并且其它机体的功能。

    The bird 's nest help regulate the function of the endocrine system as well as other body functions .