
yàn sǔn
  • hobby falcon
  1. 在中国,凤头鹰和燕隼都属于国家二级保护动物。

    Crested goshawk and Eurasian hobby are both Class-B protected animals in China .

  2. 两人于7月27日又捕捉了两只燕隼和两只猎鹰,之后两人被辉县市森林公安局拘留。闫某曾非法购买过一只凤头鹰。

    The pair caught two more Eurasian hobbies on July 27 , as well as two other falcons , before they were put into custody by the forestry police bureau of Huixian county.Yan also illegally bought a crested goshawk .

  3. 位于中国中部的河南省辉县市法院获知,闫某出生于1994年,是河南省会郑州的一名在校大学生,其于7月14日与朋友王某一起捕捉了12只燕隼。

    The court of Huixian county in central China 's Henan Province heard that Yan , born in 1994 , was college student in Zhengzhou , capital of Henan . He caught 12 Eurasian hobbies on July 14 last year with a friend surnamed Wang .

  4. 鸟市上交易的鸟类还包括国家Ⅰ级保护动物大鸨和16种国家Ⅱ级保护鸟类,如燕隼和鹊鹞等。

    One species of the national first grade protected wildlife and 16 species of the national second grade protected wildlife of China , such as greet bustard ( Otis tarda ), are found . Most of the birds in the markets are caught in the field of Tianjin .