  • Yan;swallow
  • 鸟类的一科,候鸟,常在人家屋内或屋檐下用泥做巢居住,捕食昆虫,对农作物有益:~尔(形容新婚夫妇亲睦和美的样子)。~好(常用以指男女相爱)。~侣。~雀处(chǔ)堂(喻居安而不知远虑,临祸却不能自知)。

  • 轻慢:“~朋逆其师”。

  • 古同“宴”,安闲,安乐。

  • 古同“宴”,宴饮。

  • 中国周代诸侯国名,在今河北省北部和辽宁省南部:~赵。~山。~京。

  • 姓。


(鸟类的一科) swallow:

  • 家燕

    house swallow;

  • 一群飞燕

    a flight of swallows;

  • 一燕不成夏。

    One swallow does not make a summer.

  1. 一燕不成夏。

    One swallow does not make a summer .

  2. 苗族人笃信成双燕终身相伴不离不弃

    Miao people believe that swallow pairs remain faithful for life ,

  3. 崖沙燕是一种褐羽白腹的鸟。

    The sand martin is a brown bird with white underneath

  4. 无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。

    Flowers fall off [ will die ] , do what one may . Swallows return , no strangers they .

  5. 从猫,狗,狐狸和燕八哥的粪便中回收到了tge病毒。

    Tge virus was recovered from the feces of the cats , dogs , foxes and starlings .

  6. 无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。(晏殊《浣溪沙》)

    Flowers fall , do what one may ; | swallows return , no strangers they .

  7. 郭魄给燕昭王讲了一个“千金买骨”的故事。

    Guo Kui told him the story of " Buying Bones with 1000 Pieces of Gold " .

  8. 一个燕国人生长燕国,但他却在楚国长大。

    A person who was born in the state of Yan grew up in the state of Chu .

  9. 俗话说得好:孤燕不成夏。

    One swallow doesn 't make a summer . You know what they say : ' One swallow doesn 't make a summer ' .

  10. 到了燕国后,他真正看到了燕国的城池、土地祠、先辈的房子和坟墓,已经没有多少伤感的心情了。

    When he finally arrived in the state of Yan and truly saw the cities and temples and his ancestors ' house and tombs , he had only very few sentimental4 feelings left .

  11. 同路人戏弄够了,哈哈大笑地说是骗他的,这里不过是晋国,燕人听了十分羞愧。

    They had made enough fun of him . They told him with a laugh that they had been lying to him , and that he was in the state of Jin . Hearing this , the Yan person felt ashamed .

  12. 过晋国时,同行的人指着晋国的城池和土地庙,骗他说这就是燕国的城池和土地庙,他的脸色顿时显得凄怆悲凉,并不停地浩然长叹。

    Passing the state of Jin , the people who went along with him pointed1 to the cities and shrines2 and cheated him by telling him those were the cities and temples of the state of Yan . Upon hearing this , he became gloomy3 and sad and kept sighing .

  13. NAA对燕科1号愈伤组织分化起主要作用,细胞分裂素与生长素比例为3:1。

    And the ratio of cytokinin to auxin was 3:1 .

  14. ,燕八哥天生就知道该如何做。但是MeredithWest和同事的研究表明事实并不是这样。

    But work done by Meredith West and her colleagues has shown that this is not the case .

  15. 施用沼液可以提高燕红桃果实品质,且随着沼液浓度增大,可溶性固形物、维生素C、可溶性糖含量均逐渐升高,感官品质也随之增强。

    Biogas slurry can improve quality of " Yanhong " peach , the soluble solid substance , Vitamin C , soluble sugar content increased with biogas slurry concentration increase . also sense quality improved .

  16. 采用田间正交旋转试验设计,于1999年在延安市燕沟进行了小麦产量与氮肥(N)、磷肥(P2O5)和有机肥(M)3因子5水平的新修梯田地膜小麦试验。

    Field plastic-mulched wheat trials were conducted by using the regression design of orthogonal rotation in terrane land in Yanan City .

  17. 30d喂养试验显示角燕胶囊无毒性,无体内蓄积中毒。

    The 30 days feeding test showed that the Mobulidae Capsule have no cumulate toxicity in mice .

  18. 本文对传递系数法、Sarma法在稳定性计算中的应用进行了总结,并结合燕翅山地质灾害防治工程勘查工作,对各实测资料进行了分析;

    In this paper , application of transfer coefficient method and Sarma method in the stability computation are summed up .

  19. 本文从SrNdPb、UPb同位素及岩石化学、稀土元素地球化学方面讨论了燕辽地区中生代火山岩的年代学特点、成因及形成的构造环境。

    Based on the Sr-Nd-Pb and U-Pb isotopes , the petrochemistry and the rare earth element geochemistry , this paper discussed the chronological characteristics , the genesis and the tectonic environment of the Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the Yanshan-Liaoning region , northeastern China .

  20. 裸燕麦麸皮提取物抗氧化活性研究

    Study on anti-oxidative activity of the extracts from naked oat bran

  21. 小燕遇到了史蒂芬,整个晚上都在和他聊天。

    Xiaoyan met Steve and spent all evening talking to him .

  22. 于是我又出去了一趟,这回看见燕姿正和偲崧聊天。

    So went out again and saw Stephanie chatting with Sisong .

  23. 裸燕麦麸β葡聚糖的流变学特性及凝胶形成

    Rheological Studies and Gel Formation of Naked Oat β - Glucan

  24. 南京幕燕风景名胜区景观生态评价与规划

    Landscape Ecological Assessment and Planning of Mu-Yan Scenic Spot , Nanjing

  25. 如果那错了,粗燕麦粉就不是食物。

    If that ain 't right , grits ain 't groceries .

  26. 齐人伐燕,胜之。

    The people of Qi attacked Yan , and conquered it .

  27. 他经常站在街头,浏览路过的莺莺燕燕。

    He often stands on the corner watching the passing cheesecake .

  28. 《燕行录》中的中国知识分子形象研究

    The Research on Chinese Intellectual Image in Travel Accounts to Beijing

  29. 一种相思两处闲愁&曹丕《燕歌行》赏析

    A Kind of Lovesickness and Two Idle-worried Thought-Appreciation of Song of Swallow-Flying

  30. 罗燕&好莱坞首位中国女制片人

    Luo Yan-The First Chinese Woman Producer of a Hollywood Film