
yàn mài piàn
  • oatmeal;rolled oats
  1. 适宜病菌生长的培养基为Richard's、PDA、PSA、玉米粉和燕麦片培养基。

    Many mediums such as Richard 's , PDA , PSA , cornmeal agar , and oatmeal agar were good for the pathogen growth .

  2. 早上我以燕麦片和香草味的杏仁乳开始新的一天,27岁的凯莉告诉SELF杂志,如果不这样,我到了中午就会很难过,并且会吃掉眼前一切可吃的。

    ' I start the day with oatmeal with vanilla almond milk , ' Kaley , 27 , tells SELF . ' If I don 't , I 'm dying by noon and eating everything in sight . '

  3. 当他检查开封的罐子时,可以看到硕大的吸收剂颗粒与燕麦片混合在一起。

    When he inspected the canister opened he could see the large absorbent granules mixed in with the oats .

  4. 美国研究人员认为,燕麦片、黑面包、糙米这些全谷物食品对于防止中年发福很关键。

    The US researchers believe the wholegrains found in oats , as well as brown bread and brown rice , are the key to midlife weight loss .

  5. 适宜病菌生长和分生孢子产生的培养基为玉米粉琼脂、燕麦片琼脂和PDA培养基。

    The maize meal agar , oat agar and PDA media were the suitable medium for the pathogen growth and conidia production .

  6. 在燕麦片(冰岛语叫做Hafragrautur)中加入少许红糖,表面再漂浮上些葡萄干和坚果仁,完美的搭配。

    Hafragrautur , or oatmeal , is served with a sprinkle of brown sugar with a few raisins or nuts on top , perfect .

  7. 菜单上的三道菜包括一盘应季水果,比如李子和木瓜;来自法式面包房Balthazar的面包篮,以及含有格兰诺拉燕麦片的酸奶。

    The three choices are served à la carte , and include a plate of in-season fruit such as pluots and papayas , a pastry basket from the French bakery Balthazar and yogurt with granola .

  8. 吃法:在咖啡或燕麦片中加入少量。

    How to eat it : Sprinkle on coffee or oatmeal .

  9. 你需要倒大概半杯燕麦片。

    So you 're gonna take some oats around half cup .

  10. 坚持食用健康的食物比如:蛋类,燕麦片和新鲜的水果。

    Stick with healthy foods like eggs , oatmeal and fresh fruit .

  11. 她做了一炉她拿手的燕麦片饼干。

    She made a batch of her special oatmeal cookies .

  12. 我在燕麦片上加鲜奶,煮热了吃。

    I add fresh milk to the oats and take them hot .

  13. 我对燕麦片并不是那么喜欢的。

    I wasn 't really that crazy about oatmeal .

  14. 小贴士:你也可以使用含有燕麦片沐浴疗法。

    Tip : You can also use a bath treatment that contains oatmeal .

  15. 孩子,吃完你的燕麦片!吃完你才可以走。

    Eat up your oats kids ! When you finish you can go .

  16. 包容燕麦片的肉块用作增补剂通过增加碎片进行修补。

    Meat loaf that contained oatmeal as an extender .

  17. 将热水与1.5盎司即食燕麦片混合。

    Mix the hot water with a 1.5 ounce packet of instant oatmeal .

  18. 也许你只是个喜欢燕麦片的人。

    Maybe you 're just an oatmeal person .

  19. 一份苏打和2份燕麦片搅拌一起可以做一个面膜。

    Mix 1 part baking soda with 2 parts oatmeal as a facial scrub .

  20. 燕麦片加工品质评价及其品种相关性研究

    Oats Flake Quality Evaluation and Oat Variety Selection

  21. 老妇人也在慢慢地咀嚼自己的燕麦片,看上去非常吃力。

    The woman chewed her oatmeal very slowly too , seemed with very much effort .

  22. 多年来,研究表明燕麦片与降低胆固醇密切相关。

    For years , research has shown a strong correlation between oatmeal and cholesterol reduction .

  23. 一个空的燕麦片盒子就是不错的选择。

    An empty oatmeal box works well .

  24. 燕麦片富含可溶性纤维,有助于降低胆固醇。

    Oatmeal is rich in soluble fiber that gets rid of " bad " cholesterol .

  25. 拌以洋葱及燕麦片的杂碎。

    Offal mixed with onions and oatmeal .

  26. 燕麦片是一巨大的纤维之源,但你应避免吃久置的燕麦片。

    Oatmeal is a great source of fiber , but you should avoid the premade oatmeal .

  27. 拿一个大碗,把面粉,燕麦片和肉桂混合起来。

    In a large bowl mix together the flour , porridge oats , sugar and cinnamon .

  28. 不要吃垃圾食品,只吃天然的以及对身体有益的食物,比如燕麦片和金枪鱼。

    No junk meals , only natural food and good things , like oatmeal and tuna .

  29. 创意纯燕麦片。

    Get creative with plain oatmeal .

  30. 假如我既不想吃面包,也不想吃燕麦片,我会吃蚝油捞面。

    If I feel like taking neither bread nor oats , I have noodles with oyster sauce .