
yàn wěi fú
  • tuxedo;tail;tailcoat;swallow-tailed coat;swallowtail;cut-away;dovetail
燕尾服 [yàn wěi fú]
  • [swallowtial;tails;swallow-tailed coat;tailcoat] 有燕尾的外衣;尤指男子大礼服的上衣,有缎面翻领,长及腰的不扣前襟,后面有类似燕尾的两条逐渐尖下去的下摆

  1. 这件燕尾服看上去就像为您定做的。

    This tailcoat looks as if it were made for you .

  2. 漫画中的山姆大叔常画成又高又瘦,穿着红白条纹的裤子,燕尾服,戴一顶高高的丝礼帽。

    Uncle Sam is often caricatured as a tall , thin man with red and white striped pants , a swallow-tailed coat , and a tall , silk hat .

  3. 男孩身穿黑色燕尾服为乔治三世服丧。

    The boys wore black tail coats in mourning for George III.

  4. 虽然天气越来越热,他们仍全部戴着高顶礼帽,穿着燕尾服。

    They were all in top hats and cutaways despite the growing heat .

  5. 我该穿常礼服,还是燕尾服?

    Am I to wear a dinner-jacket or tails ?

  6. 第一次看到他穿着燕尾服,我的心情很复杂。

    Seeing him in a tuxedo for the first time , my feelings were mixed .

  7. 噢,你有自己的燕尾服。

    Well , you have your own tuxedo .

  8. 穷游塞思也许不穿燕尾服,但他的建议不逊于伊利斯卡。他把我带到巴士底他家附近的LeBistrotduPeintre餐馆。

    Seth may not wear tails , but he was right on in taking me to Le Bistrot du Peintre , near his home in the Bastille .

  9. 真丝也是品牌展露心迹的方式——诸位看看汤姆•福特(TomFord)推出的淡紫色燕尾服外套(售价2000英镑)以及巴宝莉-珀松(BurberryProrsum)推出的发亮款蓝色雨衣(售价1895英镑)便一清二楚了。

    Silk is also one way to make a statement - see Tom Ford 's lilac tuxedo jacket ( £ 2000 ) , main picture , or Burberry Prorsum 's blue metallic raincoat ( £ 1895 ) .

  10. 你是怕我穿上燕尾服。

    You mean * How when I put on a tux .

  11. 我必须为我的婚礼去订做一件燕尾服。

    I need to get a custom-made tuxedo for my wedding .

  12. 至于贾斯汀的燕尾服和老式发型?

    As for Justin with his tux and his side-slicked hair ?

  13. 成龙将主演史蒂芬?史匹柏的新片《燕尾服》。

    Jackie Chan is set to star in Steven Spielberg 's Tuxedo .

  14. 我告诉过你穿这件燕尾服看起来很棒吗?

    Have I told you how amazing you look in this tuxedo ?

  15. 比起一身燕尾服,我养成一身好习惯。

    Instead of a tuxedo , I dressed myself in good habits .

  16. 嘿水军为什么那个邮箱穿着燕尾服

    Hey , Trolls , why is that mailbox wearing a tuxedo ?

  17. 我是说燕尾服,小花束,豪华礼车。

    I mean tuxedos , corsages , the limousines .

  18. 这是完全相反的燕尾服版圣诞老人。

    It 's the exact opposite of old Saint Nic in the tuxedo .

  19. 穿燕尾服的家伙,等一下!

    You in the tux , wait a minute .

  20. 你在我心里变成穿怪怪女燕尾服的怪人了。

    Now , I can only see you in a creepy lady tux .

  21. 燕尾服和薄纱礼服的世界一个完美的世界

    of tuxedos and chiffon , a perfect world .

  22. 我打赌这件燕尾服刚好合你的身材。

    I bet this tux is just your size .

  23. 一只企鹅对另一只说,你看起来就像穿着燕尾服。

    The first penguin says , you look like you 're wearing a tuxedo .

  24. 此处向大家介绍穿燕尾服的诀窍。

    Here is a guide for wearing tails .

  25. 还有,你不想看你哥穿燕尾服吗?

    Besides , don 't you want to see your brother in a tux ?

  26. 要求男人打白色领结、穿燕尾服。

    Requiring white ties and tailcoats for men .

  27. 最糟糕的是小不点儿将会穿着燕尾服。

    The worst bit will be wearing tails .

  28. 网上有一张丹尼尔穿着染血燕尾服的照片

    Well , there 's a picture online of Daniel in his bloody tux .

  29. 爸爸妈妈翩然而至,长长的燕尾服,胸前的红色羽毛,果然比燕子宝宝们有风度多啦。

    Here come Mummy and Daddy swallows with their beautiful long tails and pink throats .

  30. 这几个头戴高帽、身穿燕尾服的洋人就是鸦片战争时侵略我国的英国侵略者;

    These men wearing tall hats and tailcoats are supposed to be the foreign aggressors .