
yàn ōu
  • tern;kip
燕鸥[yàn ōu]
  1. 仅就距离而言,恐怕当首推北极燕鸥了;

    For sheer distance , the arctic tern probably holds the record ;

  2. 从此,北极燕鸥再也没有出现,估计已经灭绝了。

    Arctic ( tern ) was not seen again and was presumed extinct .

  3. 而这处原是燕鸥的理想营巢地点。

    And this is in fact an ideal nesting site .

  4. 南极乔治王岛燕鸥湖晚第四纪硅藻(Ⅰ):Coscinodiscales

    Late Quaternary diatoms from the yan'ou lake , King George island , antarctica (ⅰ): coscinodiscales

  5. 他们玩得很开心,但燕鸥会开心吗?

    Apparently they had a good time , but not the terns .

  6. 中澳之间迁徙鸻鹬类和燕鸥类的环志介绍

    Banding on the Waders and Terns between Australia and China

  7. 有些燕鸥在北极圈更北的地区筑巢。

    Some terns nest well north of the Arctic circle .

  8. 欧亚大陆和美洲普通的燕鸥,灰羽白背。

    Common tern of Eurasia and America having white black and gray plumage .

  9. 海边上,一群孩子和矶鹞、燕鸥一起在水边嬉戏。

    Children and sandpipers and terns played at the edge of the water .

  10. 现在轮到燕鸥俯冲猎取属于它们的一份。

    Terns now dive in to catch their share .

  11. 有那麽多的燕鸥在头上盘旋,一定别有一番感觉!

    It must be quite a experience to have so many birds circling overhead .

  12. 有一只被环志了的粉红燕鸥!

    One of the Roseate Tern is ringed !

  13. 全港最大的燕鸥岛上设有导航灯。

    A navigation beacon is mounted on the largest tern island in Hong Kong .

  14. 我拍了许多黑嘴端凤头燕鸥在一群凤头燕鸥中的照片。

    I took several photos of the Chinese crested tern amidst the Greater crested terns .

  15. 红嘴巨燕鸥云南鸟类种的新记录

    A New Record of the Caspian Tern ( Sterna caspia ) in Dianchi Lake of Yunnan , China

  16. 南澳大利亚州环境局日前宣布,当地一种濒危的鸟类&燕鸥已经回来筑巢。这是一个令人十分鼓舞的现象。

    The South Australian Environment Department says an endangered breed of bird has returned to nest at Danger Point .

  17. 杓鹬在鸣叫,燕鸥在海湾边上捕鱼;家燕在成群集结,正在准备这一年的迁徙。

    A curlew called and a tern fished the estuary ; house martins were gathering , preparing for migration .

  18. 三种燕鸥今天仍在大鹏湾流连,只是没有飞入塔门以内的水域而已。

    All three species are still around at Mirs Bay today , except that they remain outside Tap Mun .

  19. 粉红燕鸥已经离开东燕鸥岛,只剩下几只黑枕和一些褐翅。

    All the Roseates have already left East Tern Island , but some Black-napeds and Bridles are still around today .

  20. 为何整个冬季不做,偏偏要等到燕鸥繁殖季节中期才动工?

    Why didn 't they do it during the winter , but instead schedule it at the middle of the tern breeding season ?

  21. 澳大利亚南部当地的护林员罗斯·安德森说,燕鸥回来筑巢,是一个令人鼓舞的征兆,说明这种鸟群有可能扩大。虽然如此,情况还是不容乐观。

    District ranger Ross Anderson says it is an encouraging sign for recovery of the bird , which faces a number of predators .

  22. 据了解,北极燕鸥是候鸟,主要分布于北极及北极附近地区。

    The understanding is that the Arctic Tern is a migratory bird which is mainly found at the North Pole and surrounding regions .

  23. 黑腹燕鸥变身成高速战斗飞机,进行海面的低空飞行,贴著水面高速回旋、翻滚。

    The whiskered terns are transformed into high-speed jet fighters , skimming over the sea , rolling and circling over the water 's surface .

  24. 他会替鸟儿烦恼,特别是那些纤小的黑色燕鸥,它们四处飞翔,寻寻觅觅却一无所获。

    He was sorry for the birds , especially the small delicate dark terns that were alawys flying and looking and almost never finding .

  25. 两百多名学生和老师参加了开幕式及鸟类图片展并聆听了关于黑嘴端凤头燕鸥分布的报告。

    Two hundred students and teachers attended the ceremony and the accompanying bird photo exhibition and talks , and information about Chinese Crested Tern was distributed .

  26. 如果有人还不相信登岛可破坏燕鸥繁殖,以下是一些从网上找到的例子。

    In case some people are still not convinced , here are some extracts from the web reporting how human disturbance has led to breeding failure .

  27. 据澳大利亚广播公司1月26日报道,燕鸥在南澳大利亚州、维多利亚州以及新南威尔士州都已濒临灭绝。在过去3年中,这种鸟只到这些地方筑过两次巢。

    The little tern bird is endangered in South Australia , Victoria and New South Wales and has only nested in the area twice in the past three years .

  28. 一种燕鸥黑燕鸥和小黑燕鸥属,发现生长于热带水中,头为白色或灰色,身为深褐色或黑色。

    Any of several terns of the genera Anous and Micranous , found in tropical waters and having a dark brown or black color with a white or gray head .

  29. 最大的威胁来自黑嘴端凤头燕鸥的蛋被渔民当作食物,这在马祖和韭山这两个繁殖地的保护区内都连续发生了。

    The greatest threat to the tern 's survival is egg collection by fishermen for food , which continues even though the Mazu and Jiushan Islands breeding sites are both within protected areas .

  30. 从远处看,黑嘴端凤头燕鸥苍白的身体是最明显的特色,当我们更接近时,带有黑色尖尖的橘黄嘴喙进入我们的眼帘。

    The pale mantle of the Chinese crested tern was the most evident feature from a distance and as we got closer , the yellow-orange bill with a black tip came into view .