
  • 网络marine mammal;Sea Mammals
  1. 海洋哺乳动物一般顺水而游。

    Marine mammals generally swim with the current .

  2. 除了鱼类,们的猎物还包括海鸟和海洋哺乳动物。

    Besides fish , other prey includes sea birds and marine mammals .

  3. 国际海洋哺乳动物项目在地球岛学院的助理署长MarkBerman赞许这个释放。

    Mark Berman , assistant director of the International Marine Mammal Project at the Earth Island Institute , applauded the release .

  4. 海洋哺乳动物、鱼类和北美驯鹿是其重要的食物和经济支柱。

    Sea mammals , fish and caribou are important for food and economy .

  5. 捕捉海洋哺乳动物联合管制计划;

    Joint control scheme for hunting of marine mammals ;

  6. 鲸目是由海洋哺乳动物组成的,比如说鲸和海豚。

    The order Cetacea is made of aquatic mammals , like whales and dolphins .

  7. 保护海洋哺乳动物全球行动计划

    Global Plan of Action for Marine Mammals

  8. 他的工作促进了对海洋哺乳动物的保护及进一步更好的对野生动物的管理。

    His work promotes marine mammal conservation and contributes to developing best practices for wildlife management .

  9. 海洋哺乳动物机构间工作组

    Inter-Agency Working Party on Marine Mammals

  10. 甲型流感病毒除感染人外,还可感染猪、马、海洋哺乳动物和禽类。

    Influenzavirus A can infect swine , horse , mammal in ocean , poultry and human .

  11. 北大西洋海洋哺乳动物委员会

    North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission

  12. 位于巴塔哥尼亚地区的瓦尔德斯半岛是全球海洋哺乳动物资源的重点保护区。

    Peninsula Valdes in Patagonia is a site of global significance for the conservation of marine mammals .

  13. 粮农组织/环境规划署关于养护、管理和利用海洋哺乳动物全球性行动计划

    FAO / UNEP Global Plan of Action for the Conservation , Management and Utilization of Marine Mammals

  14. 它们是真正的海洋哺乳动物,从一块浮冰到另一块,北极熊可以游上很长的距离呢!

    They are true marine mammals and can swim many kilometers from one ice floe to another .

  15. 但海洋哺乳动物的肉中

    but sea mammal meat contains

  16. 通过追踪船只和海洋哺乳动物了解噪音的传播方式,他们正在绘制声波传播图。

    By tracking ships and marine mammals and understanding how noise travels , they are creating sound maps .

  17. 当海洋哺乳动物一边睡觉一边游泳时,它们处在与打瞌睡相似的状态。

    When marine mammals sleep and swim at once , they are in a state similar to napping .

  18. 背鳍就是在鱼或者某些海洋哺乳动物背上的垂直鳍。

    The dorsal fin is the vertical fin on the back of a fish and certain marine mammals .

  19. 为避免在睡眠时溺水,海洋哺乳动物保持对呼吸孔的控制至关重要。

    To avoid drowning during sleep , it is crucial that marine mammals retain control of their blowhole .

  20. 馆养海豚的饲养、疾病防治研究及海洋哺乳动物环境标本库的建立

    Study on Husbandry and Veterinary of dolphins in Captivity and Establishment of Chinese Marine Mammal Environmental Specimen Bank

  21. 齿须龙生活的时期,是地球从损失了90%的海洋哺乳动物中恢复元气的时期。

    It lived at a time when the Earth wasrecovering from the loss of 90 % of all marine mammals .

  22. 马里诺和她的同事通过研究现代的海豚和古代海洋哺乳动物的化石,揭示了问题的答案。

    Marino and her colleagues have analyzed modern dolphins and remains of ancient marine mammals to help answer that question .

  23. 这片海域也是弓头鲸和海象等海洋哺乳动物的重要洄游路线。

    The sea is also a major migration route and feeding area for marine mammals , including bowhead whales and walruses .

  24. 人们对这种十分聪慧的海洋哺乳动物非常着迷,但海豚却为人类的好奇心付出了宏大的代价。

    People are captivated by these exceedingly intelligent marine mammals , but dolphins pay a very high price for human curiosity .

  25. 大白鲨的嘴巴和牙齿是一副功能强大的捕猎工具:猎物从小型鱼类到大型海洋哺乳动物。

    Great whites have and teeth that are perfect for a powerful on prey ranging from small fish to large marine .

  26. 海洋哺乳动物中心人员只好再把他救起,载到距旧金山27英里的法拉隆岛上放生。

    The Marine Mammal Center again picked him up and released him in the Farallons , 27 miles from San Francisco .

  27. 之前的研究显示这些海洋哺乳动物向外发射很吵的回声时,他们就可以让听觉变得迟钝。

    Previous research suggested that these marine mammals could dull their hearing before uttering outgoing echolocation clicks , which are very loud .

  28. 由于海洋哺乳动物的肺成比例地大于人类,所以每次呼吸时它们能吸进更多的空气。

    Marine mammals can take in more air with each breath , as their lungs are proportionately larger than those in humans .

  29. 计划包括训练海洋哺乳动物的方法和训练员纠正动物行为的技巧。

    The plans incorporated methods used to train marine mammals and included operant conditioning techniques with a positive approach to modifying behavior .

  30. 沿岸走廊的假设提出了一个基于捕猎海洋哺乳动物、聚集海水捕鱼、使用船只的经济模式。

    The coastal hypothesis suggests an economy based on marine mammal hunting , saltwater fishing gathering , and the use of watercraft .