
hǎi shànɡ chénɡ shì
  • marine city
  1. 胶州湾建设桩基式海上城市的可行性分析

    The Analysis of the Construction Pile City on the Sea in Jiaozhou Bay

  2. 设想中的海上城市将针对胶州湾的现状建设低污染的设施。

    Envisaged city on the sea will built low-pollution facilities base on the status of Jiaozhou Bay .

  3. 费雷斯科在佛罗里达州的工作室花了几十年来绘画细致的未来海上城市的蓝图。

    Working from his Florida studio , Fresco has spent decades making detailed drawings of his futuristic ocean cities .

  4. 对比胶州湾各区域的情况,海上城市建设将选在湾内。

    Comparison of the regional situation in Jiaozhou Bay , the sea of city construction will be elected in the Bay .

  5. 棕榈岛是棕榈形的庞大海上城市,现在迪拜为了稳居世界舞台决定打造世界岛。

    From the depths of the Arabian Gulf , 300 new islands are appearing above the waves to form the world map .

  6. 桩基式海上城市的方式对环境的影响较小,能充分利用青岛现有的便利的交通运输条件,更好的保护胶州湾、利用胶州湾,加快青岛经济发展。

    Pile offshore cities impact on the environment is so smaller that it can make full use of existing transport conditions in Qingdao , protect better and use better Jiaozhou Bay to speed up economic development of Qingdao .

  7. 海上世界城市设计&中国深圳蛇口

    Sea World Urban Design & Shekou , Shenzhen , China

  8. 深圳蛇口海上世界城市设计

    Shekou Sea World Site in Shenzhen

  9. 大型邮轮和近海客船等船型体积庞大,内部结构复杂,甲板层数众多,被喻为海上的移动城市。

    Large cruises and offshore passenger ships are described as " floating cities ", which are characterized by internal complicated structures and multi-decks .

  10. 即可以在海上建造一个城市。

    A city was to be built at sea .

  11. 基于模块化多电平换流器的柔性直流输电系统在可再生能源并网、电网互联,海上负荷供电和城市中心供电等方面具有广阔的应用前景。

    The MMC based HVDC transmission system has bright prospects in renewable power integration , grid interconnection , power supply to offshore loads , city centre infeed and etc. .

  12. 超大型浮式结构物可用于海上补给、科考、能源基地以及海上城市等。

    VLFS can be used as offshore supply , or scientific research , energy and maritime cities base .