
  • 网络Haixing County;Haixing Grafschaft;Haixing Condado;Haixing Comt
  1. 1979年,海兴县民间艺人对南锣戏进行挖掘整理,对该剧的传统代表剧目《顶灯》等进行大胆改编的同时,又创作了现代南锣戏《豆腐王》。

    In1979 , the folk entertainment of Haixing County studied the Southern Gong Show , revised the traditional play Balancing the Bricks and also created a modern Southern Gong play King of Bean Durd .

  2. 海兴县位于河北省东南部,邻山东省,濒渤海。

    Sea Xingxian is located in Hebei Province , southeast of Shandong Province , neighboring the point of the Bohai Sea .