
hǎi yánɡ qīnɡ fèi
  • oceanic dumping
  1. 同位素技术在海洋倾废区选划中的应用

    Application of Isotopic Techniques to Designating the Areas for Dumping at Sea

  2. 烟台海洋倾废区环境质量和水质预测

    Assessment of environmental quality and water quality of dumping zone at sea off Yantai

  3. 中国海洋倾废历史与管理现状

    Historical and the Current Management Situation of the Waste - Dumping at Sea in China

  4. 在环保运动和保护渔业利益的压力下,国会通过了海洋倾废法,规定到1992年将禁止该行为。

    Under pressure from the environmental movement and fishing interests , Congress passed the Ocean Dumping Act , which would end the practice by1992 .

  5. 关于海洋倾废区管理的探讨&以青岛胶州湾外三类疏浚物海洋倾倒区为例

    On the management of marine dumping GROUND-TAKING the third category dredged material marine dumping ground outside the Jiaozhou bay , Qingdao as an example

  6. 海洋倾废法生效后,就有公司等待着将城市“生物固体”转换成为“有效的土壤改良剂和天然肥料”。

    By the time the Ocean Dumping Act took effect , there were companies waiting to convert municipal " bio-solids " into an " effective soil conditioner and natural fertilizer " .

  7. 疏浚物倾倒现状与转化为再生资源的研究&中国海洋倾废面临的困难和对策

    Present Situation of Dredged Materials Dumping and the Study of Transforming Dredged Mud into Regenerative Resources & Difficulties of Refuses Dumping in China Seas and Countermeasures to Deal with These Problems

  8. 本文简要介绍了《1972伦敦公约》在中国的实施情况、影响因素以及我国海洋倾废管理的法规、政策、技术标准和管理程序。

    This paper briefly introduced China 's implementation with and impact factors of the London Convention 1972 and law , regulations , policies , management procedures of marine waste - dumping control in China .

  9. 我国是一个发展中的沿海大国,但随着社会的发展,我国的海洋环境特别是海洋倾废问题日益突出。

    As the society develops , our problem of the sea environment , especially the problem with ocean disposal , is prominent .

  10. 海洋倾倒区封闭是海洋倾废管理的主要内容之一。

    Close-down is one of the main means in the management of marine dumping site .

  11. 海洋倾倒区监测在海洋倾废管理中的应用研究

    The Study of the Ocean Dumping Zones Monitoring Applying to the Management of the Dumping of Wastes at Sea

  12. 又要规范用海,保护海洋环境,履行海洋监察职能,负责海域使用、海洋工程、海洋倾废等的执法检查。

    But also to regulate the use of sea , to protect the marine environment , marine performance monitoring role , responsible for the use of sea areas , marine engineering , ocean dumping of wastes and other law enforcement inspection .