
  • 网络Wudi County
  1. 基于GIS的无棣县耕地优化配置

    Cultivated land optimal disposition based on GIS in Wudi County

  2. 山东省无棣县是一个畜牧大县。

    The Wudi county of Shandong province is a big livestock county .

  3. 无棣县人工牧草盐碱地改良示范工程

    A Demonstration Project of Saline Land Improvement by Artificial Forage Grass Planting in Wudi County

  4. 南隔漳卫新河与山东省庆云县、无棣县相邻。

    Zhangweixin across the South River and the Shandong Province Qingyun Xian , Wudi County , adjacent .

  5. 第二部分分析无棣县经济的历史沿革与发展现状,揭示该县的悠久历史和基础条件。

    The second part analyzes the Wudi County economy during the historical evolution and the development in present situation , promulgates this county the long history and the basic requirement .

  6. 并结合山东无棣县万亩节水系统工程实例探讨了渠灌区管灌工程经济效益分析计算方法,及有关技术经济指标。

    Taking the case of a water conservation systematic engineering project , it inquires into the analysis methods and the related tech-economic index of economic effectiveness of low pressure pipe irrigation engineering in canal irrigation areas .

  7. 无棣县、邹平县报告及时性较好,省级、地级医疗机构报告优于县乡级医疗机构,丙类传染病报告优于乙类传染病报告。

    Wudi County , Zouping report in a timely manner is good , provincial , county and township-level health care institutions to report better-class medical institutions , is better than B Class C infectious diseases infectious diseases .

  8. 区域优势无棣县东北濒临渤海,南倚黄河,西北通京(北京)、津(天津)、塘(塘沽),东南连青(青岛)、烟(烟台)、威(威海)。

    Position and Trafic Advantage The Bohai Sea is to the northest , the Yellow River is to the south , Beijing , Tianjin , Tanggu are to the northwest and the southeast is Qingdao , Yantai , Weihai .

  9. 本文通过对黄河三角洲地区山东省无棣县38年气象资料和苜蓿适宜收获物候期分析,评价该地区苜蓿收获时期的生态气候适宜性。

    Analyze the climatic suitability of growing period for alfalfa harvested and meteorological data with thirty-eight years in Wudi County located in the region of Yellow River delta , Shandong Province , the eco-climatic suitability for alfalfa harvested period in that region were evaluated .