
  • 网络radio broadcasting station
  1. 日报、快讯、无线电广播电台,甚至Internet浏览器的日子可能是屈指可数的了。

    The days of your daily paper , newsletter , radio station and maybe even you Internet browser may be numbered .

  2. 非职业收音机和英国的紧急情况的无线电广播电台受影响。

    BBC , amateur radio , and the UK 's emergency broadcasting service were affected .

  3. 跟其他任何国家一样,这样一个袖珍小国挂自己的国旗,铸造自己的钱币,经营自己的邮政、交通、电话系统和无线电广播电台。

    As with any other country , this miniature country sports its own flag , coins its own coins , and runs its own postal , transportation , telephone systems , and radio broadcasting stations .