
  1. 黄遵宪在民俗学研究方面也是一位伟大的先驱者。

    He was a great advancer of folklore expert .

  2. 黄遵宪是近代著名外交家、学者和诗人。

    Huang Zun-xian is a famous diplomatist 、 scholar and poet in modern times .

  3. 黄遵宪和湖南保卫局

    Huang Zun-xian and Hunan Public Security

  4. 康、梁为了造新声,黄遵宪为了有我;

    KANG and LIANG wanted to build new voice , HUANG Zun-xian wanted to " be myself " .

  5. 分析黄遵宪诗歌中新名词的运用,可以发现,黄遵宪的诗歌创作仍然恪守着中国诗歌传统的美学原则与审美趣味。

    We are safe to say that Huang Zun-xian still observed the taste and principles of Chinese traditional aesthetics .

  6. 第一部分从形式的化用、手法的借用、语言的妙用以及童谣的滋养等四个方面,论述黄遵宪的诗作对客家民间歌谣的吸收与借鉴。

    The first section is to discuss what Huang Zun-xian absorbed in the folk song and proverb of Hakka .

  7. 黄遵宪作为客家人,其浓郁的客家情结对其诗歌理论和创作实践有着巨大影响。

    As a Hakka , Huang Zunxian s Hakka complex exerted a strong influence on his poetic theory and practice .

  8. 作为中国近代建警第一人,黄遵宪在警政理念和实践上都有突出的贡献。

    As the pioneer to create China 's modern police system , Huang Zunxian has highlight contribution in the concept and practice .

  9. 在重新解读黄遵宪咏甲午战争的诗,更能总结出黄氏晚年在总结甲午战争过程中体现出来的民族思想。

    This article summarizes Huang Zunxian ′ s nation-state thought which is mainly manifested in these poems about the Sino-Japanese War of1894-1895 .

  10. 中国近代资产阶级的诗学维新精神&简记黄遵宪、梁启超诗论

    The Reformism in Poetics of the Bourgeoisie in Modern Times of China & A Short Comment on Poetics of Huang Zun-xian and Liang Qichao

  11. 黄遵宪《日本国志》从撰成到刊行延迟了8年,成为近代文坛上的一个历史性遗憾。

    The8-year delay between the completion and publication of Huang Zunxian 's Annals of Japan is one of the modem Chinese literary world 's historical regrets .

  12. 黄遵宪是清代的一位著名爱国诗人,他的一生是外交官、政治家兼诗人的一生。

    Huang Zunxian was a famous patriotic poet of the Qing Dynasty , his was a life of a diplomat , a statesman and a poet .

  13. 黄遵宪的诗人地位是人所周知的,但他的诗界革命的综合影响却远远超出了“诗界”,然而,这一点却又往往是被人们所忽略。

    The comprehensive influence of his " poetic revolution " was , however , far beyond the reach of a poetic area , which people tended to fail to realize .

  14. 本文拟借用现代性理论对黄遵宪诗歌进行一番总体关照,并不揣浅陋地希望以此来深化现代性理论的研究。

    This thesis aims to make an analysis of the modernity issue concerning the poems by Huang and at the same time attempts to deepen the study of modernity theory itself .

  15. 在近代中国救国救民的时代潮流中,有识之士就时代所能给予的广度和深度进行了各种努力,黄遵宪就是其中的一位。

    In the modern trend of the times to save the nation and citizens , the time give insight on the breadth and depth of all the efforts , Huang is one of them .

  16. 黄遵宪作为晚清的著名外交家,为维护海外华侨的利益,加强海外华侨社会与祖国的联系,为清政府改变华侨政策等都作出了重要贡献。

    Huang zunxian , a famous diplomat in late Qing dynasty , has played an important role in protecting the interest of overseas chinese , enhancing ties between overseas Chinese and their mother land , and changing Qing government 's policy to overseas chinese .