
  • 网络Unconditioned stimulus;UCS
  1. 发生的事情不过是,无条件刺激与条件刺激,铃声与食物,因为恰巧同时出现而联系在了一起。

    So , what happens is the UCS and the CS , the bell and the food , go together because they happen at the same time .

  2. 条件反应是对无条件刺激的一种准备。

    The conditioned response is a preparation for the unconditioned stimulus .

  3. 强化尝试是指条件刺激,与无条件刺激同时出现的时候。

    A reinforced trial is when the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus go together .

  4. 什么是无条件刺激?

    What 's the unconditioned stimulus ?

  5. 这里的意思是说,无条件刺激与条件刺激的反复匹配,会引起条件反应。

    So , the idea here is , repeated pairings of the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus will give rise to the response .

  6. 咬伤所带来的疼痛感,和有此所带来的痛苦与恐惧,就是无条件刺激和无条件反应。

    Now the pain of a bite , being bit , and then the pain and fear of that is an unconditioned stimulus , unconditioned response .

  7. 巴甫洛夫给狗喂食,狗会分泌唾液,这就是无条件刺激引起了无条件反应。

    When Pavlov put food powder in the dog 's mouth and saliva was generated , that 's an unconditioned stimulus giving rise to an unconditioned response .

  8. 当无条件刺激与条件刺激同时出现时,经典条件作用的效果最强,两种刺激所引起的反应是相同的。

    And so classical conditioning should be the strongest when these two are simultaneous and the response to one is the same as the response to the other .

  9. 比如,在条件作用形成之前,只是简单的存在着无条件刺激,即食物,以及无条件反应,即唾液。

    Well , when Pavlov , for instance , started before conditioning there was simply an unconditioned stimulus , the food in the mouth , and an unconditioned response , saliva .

  10. 我将坚持到底,倡议德国、荷兰和芬兰出台无条件的财政刺激措施,以抵消欧洲南部国家的紧缩措施。

    I would go all the way , and advocate a discretionary fiscal stimulus in Germany , the Netherlands and Finland to offset austerity in the south .