
  • 网络Classical conditioning
  1. 它认为,经典条件作用只是准备阶段。

    It 's that what happens in classical conditioning is preparation .

  2. 学习的第二种形式,被称为经典条件作用。

    The second sort of learning is known as classical conditioning .

  3. 所以说,经典条件作用不仅仅是实验室现象。

    So , classical conditioning is more than a laboratory phenomena .

  4. 我们该如何看待经典条件作用?

    So , what do we think about classical conditioning ?

  5. 通过习惯性和经典条件作用,我们了解环境中的刺激物。

    Habituation and classical conditioning teach us about stimuli in the environment .

  6. 你的朋友试图打你的反应就是经典条件作用。

    The reaction to your friend trying to hit you is classical conditioning .

  7. 他接受的就是以经典条件作用,为原理的行为治疗。

    And the therapy he gets is classical conditioning .

  8. 经典条件作用随处可见。

    Classical conditioning shows up all over the place .

  9. 这就是经典条件作用。

    Well , that 's classical conditioning .

  10. 那么经典条件作用有何作用?

    What 's classical conditioning for ?

  11. 但恐怖症形成于经典条件作用的主张,从一开始便是错误的。

    But the claim that people have formed their phobias through classical conditioning is almost always wrong .

  12. 比如行为主义者对恋物癖的一种解释就是,恋物癖是简单的经典条件作用的结果。

    So a behaviorist story about fetishes , for instance , is it 's straightforward classical conditioning .

  13. 与习惯性不同,经典条件作用涉及预知重大事件发生条件的学习。

    Unlike habituation , classical conditioning involves learning about the conditions that predict that a significant event will occur .

  14. 一般认为,在经典条件作用中,反应就是某种准备过程。

    And , in general , the idea of what goes on in classical conditioning is that the response is sort of a preparation .

  15. 他通过区分两种条件作用,两种刺激反应关系,提出了经典条件作用理论。

    He developed the theory of classical conditioning by making a distinction between two sorts of conditioning , two sorts of stimulus response relationships .

  16. 经典条件作用能够预示事情的发生,还使玩家潜意识觉得恐惧,兴奋或有其它心情。

    Classic conditioning also acts to foreshadow events , which can also subconsciously make players become frightened , excited or in some other mood .

  17. 经典条件作用在所有的动物研究中,都得到了扩展和重复,这些动物包括了螃蟹,鱼类,蟑螂等。

    The findings of classical conditioning have been extended and replicated in all sorts of animals including crabs , fish , cockroaches and so on .

  18. 接下来,通过经典条件作用,鞋子变成了条件刺激,引起了性快感这一条件反应。

    Through the simple tools of classical conditioning then , the shoe becomes a conditioned stimulus giving rise to the conditioned response of sexual pleasure .

  19. 经典条件作用使得你对预示着,即将发生之事的提示线索变得敏感,这使得你能够为即将发生的事件作好准备。

    What happens is you become sensitive to a cue that an event is about to happen and that allows you to prepare for the event .

  20. 这与经典条件作用非常不同,两者间不同的一点在于,在经典条件作用中,你的行为是不自主的。

    This is very different from classical conditioning and one way to see how this is different is for classical conditioning you don 't do anything .

  21. 当无条件刺激与条件刺激同时出现时,经典条件作用的效果最强,两种刺激所引起的反应是相同的。

    And so classical conditioning should be the strongest when these two are simultaneous and the response to one is the same as the response to the other .

  22. 因此,理解经典条件作用是什么,是理解人们为什么对事情有不同反应怎样做出不同反应的第一步。

    So therefore , understanding what classical conditioning is , can be a good first step to understanding how and why people react to events in different ways .

  23. 更加一般性的问题便是,你可以用强化和惩罚,操作性条件作用,以及经典条件作用之类的术语,来解释他人的行为。

    And more generally , the problem is you can talk about what other people do in terms of reinforcement and punishment and operant conditioning and classical conditioning .

  24. 因为与扑克筹码有关的联结,是通过经典条件作用建立的,所以按照这种逻辑,扑克筹码迟早会失去强化物的作用。

    Since the connection with the poker chips is established through classical conditioning , sooner or later by that logic the poker chips would lose their power to serve as reinforcers .

  25. 这个解释肯定是错的,但是,与在恐惧症中的作用相同,经典条件作用,或许对我们在性活动方面的喜恶,起着一定的决定作用。

    This almost certainly is not the right story but again , just as in phobias , some ideas of classical conditioning may play some role in determining what we like and what we don 't like sexually .