
  1. 如果用经济术语来看待每一件事,我们就正在损害市场所依赖的价值观。

    By seeing everything in economic terms we are undermining the very values on which the market itself depends .

  2. 银行家们坚持认为,用经济术语来说,由于众多未清算合约是可以相互抵消的,这些令人瞠目的数字属于误导。

    Bankers insist that these astonishing numbers are misleading , since many outstanding contracts offset each other in economic terms .

  3. 信贷紧缩是一个经济术语,浅白地说,它就意味着现在在英国人们开始觉得手头有点拮据了。

    Well , it 's a financial term and it means that people in Britain are feeling the pinch right now .

  4. 市场经济术语是生产关系的范畴,金融犯罪是经济发展的产物。

    The term of market economy belongs to the scope of the relations of production , and financial crime is a product of economic development .

  5. 用中国的经济术语来说,这意味着增长徘徊在8%左右&这一增长率让大多数国家眼红,但远低于过去十年中国司空见惯的两位数增幅。

    In Chinese economic terms , that means growth hovering about 8 per cent – enviable for most countries but well below the double-digit pace that has been customary in China over the past decade .

  6. 经济贸易术语的英译

    Translating Terms of Business and Economics from Chinese into English

  7. 对翻译过程进行了提炼总结,同时还概括了一些经济类术语、经济典故,扩充了跨学科翻译的知识储备。

    It summarizes the translation process , some economic terms and economic stories , and expands the knowledge reserves of cross-disciplinary translation .

  8. 文本运用Lefevere的翻译操控理论,阐释了政治、文化和经济因素对术语翻译的制约作用。

    Based on the theory of translation manipulation by Lefevere , this paper gives real insight into the effect of politics , culture and economic on terminology translation .

  9. 从传统经济人到科学经济人的术语革命

    From the Traditional " Economic Man " to " Scientific Economic Man " in the Terms of Revolution

  10. 经济类新闻文本不仅存在大量经济术语,而且可能存在较多的隐喻。

    Economic news not only has a large number of economic terminologies , but also has many metaphoric expressions .

  11. 教学的主要任务是让其学习反映包括俄罗斯、中国在内世界各国经济形势的俄文原版材料,掌握一些经济术语,最终达到运用经济俄语中笔语口语的各种言语形式。

    The main task of teaching is to study the Russian-origin materials that concerning economic trends , especially about Rus - sia and china .

  12. 在现代经济社会生活中,通货膨胀对公众而言并不是一个陌生的经济术语。

    In the modern economic and social life , the impact of inflation on the public isnot an unfamiliar economic terms .